
Sangamon Sun

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Jerome Board of Trustees met Nov. 7

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Village of Jerome Board of Trustees met Nov. 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order

President Lopez called the November 7, 2019 meeting of the Village of Jerome Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance

President Lopez led all those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call

Present: President Mike Lopez

Trustees Kathy DeHart, Leigh Irons, Ralph Irons, Dale Lael, Jake Tripp

Clerk Linda Wheeland Treasurer Steve Roth

Attorney Jason Brokaw

Absent: Trustee Christina Smith

Approval of Minutes

October 17, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes A motion was made by Trustee L. Irons to approve the Minutes of the October 17, 2019 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees. The motion was seconded by Trustee DeHart.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Tripp, Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried

October 3, 2019 Executive Session Minutes

A motion was made by Trustee L. Irons to approve the Minutes of the October 3, 2019 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees. The motion was seconded by Trustee DeHart. 

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Tripp, Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried.

Approval of Warrant List 20-13

Treasurer Roth noted that Warrant List 20-13 dated November 7, 2019 totaled $252,507.89. He added that of this amount $20,497.28 will be paid from the General Revenue Fund, $63,000 will be paid from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund, $151,646.46 will be paid from the 1% Sales Tax Fund, $298.81 will be paid from the Police Donation Fund, and $17,065.34 will be paid from the Water Fund. It was noted that Warrant List 20-13 includes 90 percent of the cost for reconstructing West Grand Court. Ten percent is being withheld until project issues are resolved.

A motion was made by Trustee Lael to approve Warrant List 20-13 dated November 7, 2019 for a total of $252,507.89. The motion was seconded by Trustee R. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Tripp, Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried.

Visitors Acknowledgement

President Lopez opened the Visitors Acknowledgement portion of the meeting at 6:34 pm.

There were no public comments and this portion of the meeting closed at 6:35 pm.

Reports from Village Departments

A. Public Health Trustee L. Irons reported the following:

• Fire permit applications are still being submitted.

• A house on lles Avenue where there have been public health problems was cleaned up after Chief Estill talked to the landlord.

B. Public Works Trustee Tripp reported the following:

• Initial interviews were conducted for the Public Works Laborer position. The final interviews will be held tonight.

Public Works Supervisor Dave Wilken reported the following:

• All road patching with the Durapatcher machine is done for the year.

• Work by CWLP on a fire hydrant on lles Avenue required closing the road. Work should be completed tomorrow,

• The West Grand Court project is finishing up. The Sangamon County Water Reclamation District has started cleaning the storm drains. After work was done on the lles Avenue storm drains water is flowing better during heavy rain. There are eight or nine drains yet to do. The crew got pulled off the project because of an issue at one of the sanitary plants.

C. Public Property

Trustee DeHart reported the following:

• Dave Wilken got bids for cleaning the floors in the Civic Center and office lobby. There are a limited number of vendors interested in the project although those responding have included a maintenance option.

• She is still working with Bill Canham on getting new signs that are in compliance with IDOT regulations. All Jerome officials and staff received name badges to wear at public events.

D. Building and Zoning

Trustee Lael stated he had no report.

E. Public Safety

Chief Estill reported the following:

• A year and a half after submitting a grant request to State Farm for furniture he was notified that they were donating eight office chairs, four tables, and a single unit of nine lockers (to be used for evidence storage), and two dry erase boards. Chief Estill went to Bloomington last Friday to pick up the furniture.

• Even though the weather was not good on Halloween about 40 kids and their parents showed up for candy in front of the Civic Center. He and Corporal Maybury enjoyed talking with the kids. • Chief Estill and Corporal Maybury were able to collect enough evidence to identify a subject in an attempted burglary at Hunan Restaurant. Reports have been turned over to the State's Attorney and a warrant for the arrest of the suspect is anticipated.

F. Water Department

Trustee R. Irons reported the following:

• The last fire hydrant repair is almost complete.

• He thanked Debbie Denk, Dave Wilken, and Linda Wheeland for doing a great job running the Water Department in the absence of a Water Clerk.

G. Village Treasurer

Treasurer Roth reported the following:

• We have not received tax revenues for November

• Checks for the October 17th warrants were mailed out right after that meeting. Payroll was met for October 30th Checks will be mailed out following this meeting.

• The balances of various accounts are approximately as follows:

> Illinois Funds General Revenue Account - $366,151

> Motor Fuel Tax Fund - $38,468

> INB General Revenue Account -$13,251

> INB Water Account - $290,592

> 1 percent Account - $404,172

H. Village Clerk

Clerk Wheeland reported the following:

• The Liquor Control Commission is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, November 19th to review the liquor license renewal applications. There are currently 14 liquor license holders in the Village - four restaurant, three limited wine and beer, five tavern, and two package.

I. Village Attorney

Attorney Brokaw stated he had no report.

J. Village President

President Lopez stated he had no report.

Old Business

A. Update on Thayer Avenue Rumble Strip Request

There was no update on this issue and the President asked for it to be removed from future agendas.

B. Discussion of Fines Related to Obstructions in Ditches

This item was tabled.

C. Discussion and Approval of Ordinance 20-08 Restricting Issuance of Licenses,

Permits, or Certificates Due to Taxes Payable or Debt Owed to the Village

Attorney Brokaw noted that this ordinance had previously been introduced to Board members for review. No changes were suggested by the Board.

A motion was made by Trustee DeHart to approve Ordinance 20-08 restricting issuance of licenses, permits, or certificates due to taxes payable or debt owed to the Village. The motion was seconded by Trustee L. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Tripp, Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried.

D. Discussion and Approval of Ordinance 20-11 Adopting an Expense Reimbursement Policy for the Village of Jerome

Attorney Brokaw explained that State law had changed to require the reimbursement of expenses incurred by employees in the regular course of employment. The proposed ordinance requires feedback from the Village on the historical practice of expense reimbursement.

Treasurer Roth said he would go through prior warrants to identify expenses that have been reimbursed.

E. Discussion and Approval of Resolution 20-07 Listing the Date, Time and Place of the Village of Jerome, Illinois Board of Trustees Regular Meetings for the Year 2020

A motion was made by Trustee De Hart to approve Resolution 20-07 listing the date, time, and place of the Village of Jerome, Illinois Board of Trustees regular meetings for the year 2020. The motion was seconded by Trustee R. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Tripp, Nays: Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried.

F. Discussion and Approval of Purchasing Snow Route Signs

Trustee Tripp stated that Dave Wilken had sent an email to Board members with pictures showing the condition of the snow route signs. There is money in the Public Works budget to pay for the signs and posts.

Dave Wilken said that six signs will need to be strategically placed along Lincoln Street where parking during a snow emergency will be prohibited on only one side of the road. He explained that once a sign is changed the posts must also be in compliance with break-away standards. He thought the signs could be obtained in a week although it will take a while to install them.

A motion was made by Trustee Tripp to approve the purchase of 20 No Parking During Snow Emergency signs, 20 Tow Away Zone signs, and 20 sign posts at a cost not to exceed $1,500. The motion was seconded by Trustee L. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Tripp, Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried.

New Business

A. Discussion and Approval of Resolution 20-08 Approving the Release of Certain Closed Session Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Jerome

Attorney Brokaw explained that this resolution is part of the semi-annual review of closed meeting minutes. It identifies those minutes that must be kept confidential and those that can be released.

A motion was made by Trustee L. Irons to approve Resolution 20-08 approving the release of certain closes session minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Jerome. The motion was seconded by Trustee DeHart.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Trons, Trustee Tripp, Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried.

B. Discussion and Approval of Estimate of Taxes to be Levied upon Taxable Property in the Village

Attorney Brokaw explained that as part of the tax levy process a property tax for street lighting and police protection must be approved every year. The amount is estimated at $23,804.72. This must be filed with the County Clerk in December.

A motion was made by Trustee Lael to accept an estimate of $23,804.72 to be levied upon taxable property in the Village. The motion was seconded by Trustee DeHart.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Tripp, Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried.

C. Discussion and Approval of Settlement of a Claim Regarding Defective Water Equipment

This item was addressed after the Board returned from executive session.

D. Discussion and Approval of the Purchase of a Bulletproof Vest for Corporal Maybury

Chief Estill explained that a bulletproof vest carrier would be purchased, not a vest. He demonstrated how the vest carrier works by allowing the vest to be worn outside of a police uniform.

A motion was made by Trustee L. Irons to purchase a bulletproof vest carrier for Corporal Maybury from the Police Donation Fund. The motion was seconded by Trustee R. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Tripp, Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried.

E. Ratification and Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Village of Jerome and the Fraternal Order of Police

This item was addressed after the Board returned from executive session.

F. Discussion and Approval of Hiring a Water Clerk

A motion was made by Trustee R. Irons to approve hiring Elizabeth Hall as the Water Clerk at $14.00 per hour not to exceed 999 hours per year. The motion was seconded by Trustee Tripp.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Tripp, Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried.

G. Discussion and Approval of Hiring a Public Works Laborer

This item was addressed after the Board returned from executive session.

H. Discussion and Approval of Hiring Two Temporary Public Works Laborers

This item was addressed after the Board returned from executive session.

I. Discussion and Approval of Hiring a Part-Time Police Officer

This item was addressed after the Board returned from executive session.

J. Discussion and Approval of a Bonus for Secretary

This item was addressed after the Board returned from executive session.

Executive Session

A motion was made by Trustee L. Irons to go into Executive Session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of a specific employee or legal counsel for the public body (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)); collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)); minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act for purposes of approval by the Body (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)), and the establishment of reserves or settlement of claims as provided in the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act, if otherwise the disposition of a claim or potential claim might be prejudiced, or the review or discussion of claims, loss or risk management information, records, data, advice or communications from or with respect to any insurer of the public body or any intergovernmental risk management association or self insurance pool of which the public body is a member (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(12)). Trustee R. Irons seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Tripp, Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried.

The Board went into Executive Session at 7:02 pm.

The Board returned from Executive Session at 10:01 pm.

Clerk Wheeland called the roll.


President Mike Lopez

Trustees Kathy DeHart, Leigh Irons, Ralph Irons, Dale Lael, Jake Tripp

Clerk Linda Wheeland

Attorney Jason Brokaw

Discussion and Approval of Settlement of a Claim Regarding Defective Water Equipment

A motion was made by Trustee R. Irons to approve a payment for water usage to Jamie Kates for $86.89. The motion was seconded by Trustee L. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Tripp, Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried.

Ratification and Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Village of Jerome and the Fraternal Order of Police

A motion was made by Trustee L. Irons to approve the collective bargaining agreement and related memoranda of understanding in substantially the same form as presented subject to any minor changes to finalize the negotiations with union. The motion was seconded by Trustee R. trons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee De Hart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Tripp, Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried.

Discussion and Approval of Hiring a Public Works Laborer

A motion was made by Trustee Tripp to approve hiring Trent Bree as Public Works Laborer at an annual salary of $35,360 with a start date of December 2, 12, 2019. The motion was seconded by Trustee R. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Tripp, Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried.

Discussion and Approval of Hiring Two Temporary Public Works Laborers

A motion was made by Trustee Tripp to retain Joe Gragg and Bill Schlich for part-time laborer work through the end of the fiscal year at $17.00 per hour. The motion was seconded by Trustee L. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Tripp, Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried.

Discussion and Approval of Hiring a Part-Time Police Officer

There was no discussion and no motion made on this item.

Discussion and Approval of a Bonus for Secretary

President Lopez stated that with the departure of a Water Clerk Debbie Denk has taken the lead and kept the Water Department running on a daily basis. She had gone five years without a raise.

A motion was made by Trustee Lael to approve a bonus for Debbie Denk in a net amount of $1,000.00. The motion was seconded by Trustee DeHart.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Tripp, Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried.


A motion was made by Trustee Lael to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee L. Irons,

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee Ralph Irons, Trustee Tripp, Trustee L. Irons

The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 10:06 pm.




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