
Sangamon Sun

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Pawnee Board of Trustees met November 25

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Village of Pawnee Board of Trustees met Nov. 25.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

President Clarke called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Deputy Clerk Cynthia Kramer called roll 

Trustees in attendance: Todd Richeson, Phillip Thompson, Cara Burnley, Pat Murphy, David Skinner and Troy Squires

Absent: Clerk Devona Martin 

Also, in attendance: Treasurer Kelly Thein, Gas and Water Supervisor Andy Lee, Village engineer Joe Greene (Greene and Bradford Inc.), Brenda Masters Stout (Fleming, Tawfall and Company, P.C.), representative from Gallagher Insurance, Cynthia “Cindy” Ladage, local writer and blogger.

Recognition/Comment/s of Visitor's

Brenda Masters Stout of Fleming and Tawfall, presented the annual audit report. Along with the report she also presented a one-page summary to board members. While the village finished in the black, she noted that the payroll had risen from last year to this year and suggested looking at over-time expenses across the board, all departments. She also touched on IMRF pension liability, while noting that Pawnee was not as bad as some cities, the village does meet the IMRF requirements. In closing, she commented on the great job done by Treasurer Kelly Thein. 

Motion made by Trustee Skinner to approve the annual audit report by Fleming, Tawfall and Company as presented. 

Second by Trustee Thompson 

Roll Call Vote Taken: Richeson-yes, Thompson-yes, Burnley-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes and Squires-yes Motion Carried (6-0) 

In addition, Masters Stout suggested that the village increase the depreciation threshold limit, in concurrence with Treasurer Thein, from $1000 to $5000. 

Motion made by Trustee Skinner to increase depreciation threshold from $1000 to $5000. 

Second by Trustee Thompson 

Roll Call Vote Taken: Richeson-yes, Thompson-yes, Burnley-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes and Squires-yes Motion Carried (6-0)

Cynthia "Cindy" Ladage – free lance writer and blogger. Stated she had viewed the village web site but noticed no blog that would promote the village, its history, people, places and businesses. She stated that so many things could be profiled and that it could bring people in to consider residency or simply to spend money with village businesses. She offered a proposal of a monthly blog for the website at a cost of $100 per blog. Village President Clarke asked if trustees would be interested; they said yes, maybe at first, on a trial basis. 

Motion made by Trustee Burnley to accept Ladage's blog proposal for a one-year period. 

Second by Trustee Murphy 

Roll Call Vote Taken: Richeson-yes, Thompson-yes, Burnley-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes and Squires-yes Motion Carried (6-0)

Village engineer Joe Greene of Greene and Bradford Inc. Greene clarified a billing situation, noting that the village did owe Dunn Company $6,758.75 for work connected to Thirteenth Street 

Motion made by Trustee Thompson to pay $6,758.75 to Dunn Company

Second by Trustee Murphy 

Roll Call Vote Taken: Richeson-yes, Thompson-yes, Burnley-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes and Squires-yes Motion Carried (6-0) 

Motor Fuel Tax Resolution. After a brief discussion Greene received a resolution authorizing the expenditure of $190,000 for the 2019-2020 road maintenance program for oil, chip and salt, minus asphalt overlay. 

Motion made by Trustee Murphy to approve $190,000, minus asphalt overlay, oil, chip and salt only for the 2019 2020 street maintenance program. 

Second by Trustee Thompson 

Roll Call Vote Taken: Richeson-yes, Thompson-yes, Burnley-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes and Squires-yes Motion Carried (6-0)

Village President Clarke asked Greene when would he have an estimate for the street overlay program, with Greene replying sometime next week.

Clerk's Comments

Minutes of the November 12, 2019 board meeting were presented for review and approval. 

Motion made by Trustee Murphy to approve the minutes of November 12, 2019 as presented.

 Roll Call Vote Taken: Richeson -yes Thompson-present, Burnley-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-present, Squires-yes Motion Carried (6-0)

Personnel & Finance Committee Report: Committee Chair, Trustee Skinner

Bills payable presented for review and approval. 

Motion made by Trustee Skinner to approve bills payable of $53,738.61 

Second by Trustee Squires 

Roll Call Vote Taken: Richeson-yes, Thompson-yes, Burnley-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes and Squires-yes Motion Carried (6-0)

Treasurer Thein presented the Budget Comparison Report for the previous month. 

Motion made by Trustee Skinner to approve the Budget Comparison Report as presented. Second by Trustee Squires 

Roll Call Vote Taken: Richeson-yes, Thompson-yes, Burnley-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes and Squires-yes Motion Carried (6-0) 

Gallagher Insurance and Risk Management 

Motion made by Trustee Skinner to renew Gallagher as insurance carrier for the village. 

Second by Trustee Murphy 

Roll Call Vote Taken: Richeson-yes, Thompson-yes, Burnley-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes and Squires-yes Motion Carried (6-0)

Gas and Water Committee Report: Committee Chair, Trustee Squires

On November 20, ninety-one (91) red letters were sent resulting in 27 shut-offs performed this date of Nov. 25. * Gas and Water Supervisor Andy Lee informed board members of an exposed gas line. The exposed line is adjacent to Pawnee Road and farm ground, running from Panhandle to Dickey Road. Lee said the line will be buried, covered for winter, but must be fixed come spring. We may have to bury the line deeper or even lower the pipe. Mayor Clarke said get it covered, and come spring do what you have to do to get this fixed.

Streets, Alleys and Sidewalk Committee Report: Committee Chair, Trustee Murphy

• No formal report was given due to Joe Greene's appearance and approval of the Motor Fuel Tax Resolution.

Police Committee Report: Committee Chair, Mayor Clarke

As Police Chief Harris was unable to attend the meeting, Mayor Clarke requested that the Ordinance 19-22 Authorizing the Village to Establish Administrative Adjudication, be tabled until the next scheduled meeting.

Sewer and Parks Committee Report: Committee Chair, Trustee Thompson

• No report

Zoning Committee Report: Committee Chair, Trustee Burnley

No report.

Unfinished Business/Correspondence : None

New Business

Trustees stated that Christmas for full-time and for part-time employees will be given out the same as last year.

Mayor's Report/Comments

It was noted that more trash containers are needed, especially when special events are held on the square. (Mayor Clarke) asked Gary Eby to purchase 4-40-Gal trash containers for use during special events; when not is use, the containers will be stored. (Mayor Clarke) noted that there will be only one meeting, Dec. 9, for the month of December.

Motion to Adjourn

Motion made by Trustee Squires to adjourn the meeting Second by Trustee Murphy Voice Vote Taken: Ayes-6, Nays-0

Motion Carried (6-0) Meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m. on Tuesday, November 25.
