Athens Community Unit School District 213 Board met Nov. 18.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Athens School District, Athens, Illinois was called to order by President Penrod on November 18, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Gordon, Penrod, Purchis, Shiffer, Westervelt, Woodrum
Members Absent: Mayfield
Administrators Present: Laird, Rhoades, Binegar, Reed, Szoke
Visitors Present: C. Dion
Reception of Visitors, Petitions, Communications
Mr. Penrod presented a Thank You note, received from Brodee McCormick, thanking the Board for his recent recognition.
Approval of Agenda
The agenda was amended to add Congratulatory Resolutions as an Action Item.
Consent Agenda
Motion by Mrs. Woodrum, seconded by Mr. Purchis to approve the consent agenda, including the October 30, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes, October 30, 2019 Executive Session Minutes and financial reports. Roll Call: Yeas: Woodrum, Purchis, Shiffer, Westervelt, Gordon, Penrod
Nays: 0
Approval of Monthly Bills
Motion by Mrs. Woodrum, seconded by Mr. Purchis to approve the bills, payable for November 2019, in the amount of $1,304,668.71. Roll Call: Yeas: Woodrum, Purchis, Shiffer, Westervelt, Gordon, Penrod
Nays: 0
Report of the Superintendent
Action Items/Possible Action Items
Personnel Recommendations
Motion by Mrs. Woodrum, seconded by Mr. Purchis to approve the extra duty employment of Mr. Kyle Hopps, as 6th grade boys basketball coach, effective immediately. Roll Call: Yeas: Woodrum, Purchis, Shiffer, Westervelt, Gordon, Penrod
Nays: 0
Truth in Taxation Authorization Notice
Motion by Mrs. Woodrum, seconded by Mr. Purchis to approve a Resolution regarding the Estimated Amounts Necessary to be Levied for the Year 2019. Roll Call: Yeas: Woodrum, Purchis, Shiffer, Westervelt, Gordon, Penrod
Nays: 0
Let Greenhouse Bids
Action on letting greenhouse bids was tabled, until the December board meeting, pending additional information on bid specifications.
Congratulatory Resolutions
Motion by Mrs. Woodrum, seconded by Mr. Purchis to approve the Congratulatory Resolutions to be presented to the Varsity Volleyball team and Cross Country runner, Noah McIntire, for their recent post season success at the State level.
Roll Call: Yeas: Woodrum, Purchis, Shiffer, Westervelt, Gordon, Penrod
Nays: 0
Informational Items
Building Remodel Update
Mr. Penrod and Mr. Laird reported on the status of the building project to date, provided a budget update, and the Board discussed and prioritized future projects to be completed.
Enrollment Report
The October 31st enrollment report was presented for the Board’s review.
Suspension Report
The suspension report was presented for the Board’s review.
Principal’s Report
Mr. Reed, Mr. Rhoades, Mrs. Binegar and Mr. Szoke reported on recent and upcoming activities at their schools.
There were no announcements.
Mr. Penrod adjourned the meeting at 8:02. p.m.