Riverton Village Board of Trustees met Jan. 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Riverton Village Board
The President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Riverton held their regular board meeting on January 6, 2020 at the Riverton Village Hall, Riverton, IL.
The board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Those answering roll call: Mayor Tom Rader. Trustees: Russ Patrick, Dave Charles, Ginger Payne, Joe Bartley, Jim Mileham, and Michelle Landess.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to approve December 16th board meeting minutes and pay the bills. It was seconded by Trustee Mileham. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
People to Address the Board:
Old Business:
New Business:
Trustee Landess made a motion to approve and accept the audit for year ending 4/30/2019. Trustee Bartley seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham and Landess voted yes.
Superintendent Lyons submitted his report. He added that the old Interurban had been demolished. Mayor Rader asked about how the water was coming at the I-72 project. Superintendent Lyons reported that the hydrants would be finished on the 7th and hoping that the water would be flushed and tested by next week. The developer is hoping to break ground by March.
Chief of Police Lawley submitted his report.
Office Manager Patterson was not in attendance.
Treasurer Baker stated that budget worksheets were coming within the next month.
Committee Reports:
Trustee Landess, chairperson of the Administrative Committee, reported that she held a committee meeting concerning one waste hauler for the village. Many citizens attended and expressed opinions not in favor of one waste hauler. The committee unanimously voted no and it did not move out of committee.
Trustee Payne, chairperson of the Public Safety Committee, had nothing to report.
Trustee Mileham, chairperson of the Public Utility Committee, will be scheduling a committee meeting.
Trustee Charles, chairperson of the Parks Committee, had nothing to report.
Trustee Patrick, chairperson of the Public Works Committee, had nothing to report.
Trustee Bartley, chairperson of the Economic Development Committee, stated that the library would be hosting a trivia night on March 14th.
Mayor Rader stated the Board stated that a representative from Representative LaHood will be present from 10 to 12 on Thursday to answer questions from the community.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:09. Trustee Landess seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham and Landess voted yes.