
Sangamon Sun

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Williamsville Village Board met January 13

Webp meeting240

Village of Williamsville Village Board met Jan. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Town Hall/board meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Yokley. Clerk: Karen Winger.

Trustees: Dave Carter, Heather Hofferkamp, Patrick Gettleman, Matt Bunger, John Brennan. Absent: Trustee Tierney

GUESTS: See attached.

COMMUNICATIONS: (See attached.) Natalie Albers gave the Trustees an update regarding events that have been held at the library/museum. Natalie thanked the Village and South County Publications for the publicity they give the library/museum.

Trustee Brennan made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting held on December 16, 2019. Trustee Bunger seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

Trustee Gettleman made a motion to approve the minutes of the Executive Session held on December 16, 2019. Trustee Brennan seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.


FINANCE: Trustee Carter made a motion to pay bills as presented. Trustee Gettleman seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

Trustee Carter made a motion to introduce the appropriations ordinance. Trustee Brennan seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

PUBLIC SAFETY (John Brennan): Trustee Brennan shared the statistics for the Police Department.

Trustee Brennan stated our 2014 Tahoe needs new tires, engine work, etc. performed. He stated they would like to order the new vehicle that has been budgeted.

Trustee Brennan made a motion asking for the board’s approval to order the new vehicle for the Police Department. Trustee Gettleman seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

Trustee Brennan made a motion to sell the 2014 Tahoe once the new vehicle arrives and the equipment has been removed. Trustee Carter seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

WATER & SEWER, (Matt Bunger): Trustee Bunger stated there is a grant available to help with the sewer plant improvement project. Kuhn & Trello brought this IEPA grant to our attention. An energy audit has to be completed for this grant. Illinois Rural Water performs the audit grant. Kuhn & Trello will be responsible for completing the paperwork for this grant.

Trustee Bunger made a motion to give permission to Kuhn & Trello to apply for the grant. Trustee Hofferkamp seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

Trustee Bunger stated the Water/Sewer committee held a meeting. He stated that the increase they proposed isn’t enough to cover the sewer improvements. He would like to discuss the sewer rate increase after Executive Session.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Hofferkamp): Trustee Hofferkamp stated she has received an email from a resident asking the Village to review our policy regarding the burning of landscape debris at the burn site. President Yokley asked her to respond to that resident stating we are taking their request into consideration. He stated we will do a much more diligent job on watching the wind prediction before burning.

PARKS & RECREATION (Dave Carter): Trustee Carter stated his committee held a meeting to discuss the fundraising for the Quarter Auction scheduled for Feb. 11th. He stated the Foundation is graciously helping the Village with helping raise money for the park project by doing the Quarter Auction. This is to help raise money for our matching grant.

We will be contacting DNR to make sure the playground equipment we are considering will be acceptable with the grant. Once it has been approved, we will be asking Randy Segatto to prepare an RFP.

Trustee Carter made a motion to authorize Randy Segatto to prepare an RFP for the playground equipment once it has been approved by DNR. Trustee Hofferkamp seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

STREETS, ALLEYS, SIDEWALKS & STORM SEWERS (Patrick Gettleman): Trustee Gettleman had nothing to report.

ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Trustee Carter introduced an ordinance defining meeting and adopting procedures for electronic attendance at meeting. This ordinance will be voted on at the next board meeting.

President Yokley briefly discussed proceeding with the property behind the library/museum (Richardson Subdivison). This is the property that we had intentions of selling and still have intentions of selling. He stated we finally received all the permits that apply to the drainage. He stated he wants to move forward with this project since this will bring more rooftops, more sewer taps, and less ground the Village has to maintain. He stated he will have Kent Thompson research the cost to install the last water and sewer leg. He hopes to have an estimate at the next board meeting.

Trustee Brennan made a motion at 6:53 p.m. to move into Executive Session (C-7) to discuss loans/bonds/refinancing. Trustee Bunger seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

Trustee Brennan amended his motion to include Heidi Darow (Treasurer). Regular session resumed at 7:01 p.m.

Trustee Bunger discussed sewer rates. He stated his committee’s original sewer rate increase was figured incorrectly. He stated in order to enter an agreement/loan, the Village would need to increase the sewer rates by 20%.

Trustee Bunger made a motion to have an ordinance drafted to increase Williamsville’s sewer rate by 20%. Trustee Brennan seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

President Yokley stated the sewer rate increase will generate approximately $43,000 a year. This amount will almost cover the interest on the loan. He stated that as the Village acquires more homes, this amount will increase also. He stated there will not be a penalty to prepay this loan.

The regular board meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Village of Williamsville adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
