Riverton Village Board of Trustees met March 16.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
Riverton Village Board
The President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Riverton held their regular board meeting on March 16, 2020 at the Riverton Village Hall, Riverton, IL.
The board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Those answering roll call: Mayor Tom Rader. Trustees: Dave Charles, Ginger Payne, Joe Bartley, Jim Mileham, and Michelle Landess. Absent was Russ Patrick.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to approve March 2nd board meeting minutes and pay the bills. It was seconded by Trustee Mileham. Trustees Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
People to Address the Board:
Old Business:
New Business:
Superintendent Lyons submitted his report.
Chief of Police Lawley submitted his report. Easter Egg Hunt will be cancelled due to COVID-19.
Office Manager Patterson had nothing to report.
Treasurer Baker had nothing to report.
Committee Reports:
Trustee Landess, chairperson of the Administrative Committee, made a motion to approve AmeriCALL Service Agreement for the telephone system at $215 per quarter. Trustee Charles seconded. Trustees Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
Trustee Payne, chairperson of the Public Safety Committee, had nothing to report.
Trustee Mileham, chairperson of the Public Utility Committee, made a motion to purchase a new locator for $2747. Trustee Landess seconded. Trustees Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes. Trustee Mileham made a motion to approve tree trimming by Top Notch to not exceed $10,000. Trustee Landess seconded. Trustees Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
Trustee Charles, chairperson of the Parks Committee, had nothing to report.
Trustee Patrick, chairperson of the Public Works Committee, was not in attendance. Trustee Bartley made a motion to purchase a snowplow for a mechanic’s truck for $7,512. Trustee Charles seconded. Trustees Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
Trustee Bartley, chairperson of the Economic Development Committee, reported that the developer of the interstate project has announced that the plans for the Truck Stop located off of Overpass Rd. It will be a 9,000 square foot building. The truck stop will be opened under the brand name “Roady’s” with a gas station “BP”. It will have a Little Caesar’s Pizza and a Huddle House.
Mayor Rader had nothing to report.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to move to Executive Session at 7:04 pm. Trustee Landess seconded. Trustees Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
Trustee Landess made a motion to return to Open Session at 7:21 pm. Trustee Mileham seconded. Trustees Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.
Trustee Landess made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 pm. Trustee Payne seconded. Trustees Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham, and Landess voted yes.