
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Auburn Public Library District Board met March 16

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Auburn Public Library District Board met March 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order: An emergency meeting of the Auburn Public Library District Board of Trustees was held in Auburn, IL 62615. The meeting convened at 8:35 am. President Ashley Foster presiding, and Lacy Strader, secretary. 

Roll Call to Establish Quorum: 

Board Attendees: 

Ashley Foster - present                   Jeffery Stutsman – present 

Carrie Pillischafske – present          Shirley Deheve – present 

Lacy Strader – present                    Monica Garrett - absent 

Jessica Lance - present

Staff: Kristi Lear Visitors: none

I. Consent Agenda


II. Unfinished Business

III. New Business

1. Library Response to COVID-19 pandemic

Kristi received an email from the ILA recommending to close libraries.

Motion: Carrie Pillischafske made a motion to close the library, and cancel meetings and programming until further notice. Motion carried.

Motion: Shirley Deheve made a motion to close access to the book drop during closure. Motion carried. Signs will be put on the doors and messages will be posted on social media/website to notify the community of the closure – fines will not be charged at this time.

IV. Public Comment


V. Closed Session


VI. Announcements

1. All programming and meetings will be postponed until further notice.

VII. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 9:00
