
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Auburn Public Library District Board met February 18

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Auburn Public Library District Board met Feb. 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Auburn Public Library District Board of Trustees was held in Auburn, IL 62615, on February 18, 2020. The meeting convened at 7:09. President Ashley Foster presiding, and Lacy Strader, secretary. 

Roll Call to Establish Quorum: 

Board Attendees: 

Ashley Foster - present                   Jeffery Stutsman – present 

Carrie Pillischafske – present          Shirley Deheve – present 

Lacy Strader – present                    Monica Garrett - absent 

Jessica Lance - absent

Staff: Kristi Lear, Amanda Kendall Visitors: none

I. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Carrie Pillischafske to approve the minutes of the February 18, 2020 meeting. 

Shirley Deheve – yea                 Lacy Strader - yea 

Carrie Pillischafske – yea          Jessica Lance - absent 

Monica Garrett – absent           Jeffery Stutsman - yea 

Ashley Foster – yea 

Motion Carried.

II. Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Lacy Strader that the Consent Agenda be approved. 

Shirley Deheve – yea                 Lacy Strader - yea 

Carrie Pillischafske – yea          Jessica Lance - absent 

Monica Garrett – absent           Jeffery Stutsman - yea 

Ashley Foster – yea 

Motion Carried.

III. Unfinished Business

1. Amendment of bylaws to update/create standing committees for Policy,

Finance/Budget, Building Maintenance, and District Expansion.

Motion: Moved by Ashley Foster that the Auburn Public Library District Bylaws, under Article VI, Section 2 “Standing Committees” be amended as such: “The Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President annually in the month of July. Vacancies shall be filled as needed and shall last for the duration of the remaining fiscal year. Standing Committees shall consist of at least three members and include at least one trustee and the Library Director. Committees may also include Library residents over the age of 18. The Standing Committees are Policy, Finance/Budget, Building Maintenance, and District Expansion.” Motion carried. 

2. Policy, Finance/Budget, Building Maintenance, and District Expansion Committee appointment and meeting schedule. 

Policy Committee: Carrie Pillischafske, Shirley Deheve, Jeffery Stutsman, Kristi Lear, Nicole Szymski

Meeting: Wednesday, March 4 at 6pm 

Finance/Budget Committee: Carrie Pillischafske, Ashley Foster, Amanda Kendall, Kristi Lear

Meeting: Tuesday, March 10 at 5pm 

Building Maintenance Committee: Ashley Foster, Lacy Strader, Kristi Lear

Meeting: Monday, March 9 at 5pm 

District Expansion Committee: Amanda Kendall, Carrie Pillischafske, Ashley Foster, Kristi Lear

Meeting: Tuesday, March 10 at 6pm

3. Copy Machine Quotes

Motion: Moved by Lacy Strader that the board accepts the quote from CDS for the refurbished Konica Minolta. 

Shirley Deheve – yea                 Lacy Strader - yea 

Carrie Pillischafske – yea          Jessica Lance - absent 

Monica Garrett – absent           Jeffery Stutsman - yea 

Ashley Foster – yea 

Motion Carried.

IV. New Business


V. Treasurer’s Report

1. Financial Reports 

2. Update on Future Financial Planning

VI. Director’s Report

1. Facility

a. The carpet in the library was cleaned February 10-11 by Williams Lane. The difference is amazing and we should have no trouble keeping them clean. Kristi has asked if we can plan to budget having the main corridor cleaned yearly going forward. b. We are still waiting for Bolash to come back out and get into the attic to see where the leak is coming in. They did come out and get on the roof to look but couldn’t find a cause. 2. Staff a. Amanda and Kristi both enjoyed their vacation time.

b. The February staff meeting was supposed to focus on book repair techniques but the staff had to move all of the book carts and chairs into the staff office while the carpet was being cleaned and didn’t have the space to repair books. Instead Kristi and Nicole adjusted a bay of shelves, taking out one shelf like the other bays. This allowed over-size board books to have a proper place and also gave picture books another bay. Nicole shifted picture books giving them needed space. Next month the staff meeting will focus on fire safety. Ryan Evans from Auburn Fire and Rescue will be coming. He will help the staff evaluate the emergency lighting, form library evacuation procedures, and will train staff to properly use a fire extinguisher. 

c. New volunteers started in January. 

3. Programming

a. Adult Reading Challange 

b. March 28th living historians from the Illinois State Military Museum will be in the library. They will have four tables set up with artifacts from WWI, Vietnam, the Korean War, and the Gulf War. 

4. Fundraising

a. The Spring Book Sale will be April 15-18. Kristi will have a sign-up sheet at next month’s meeting. She is also thinking of extending the hours of the sale past library hours on Saturday because it has been busy the past two sales. Kristi will put out posts, flyers, and a press release requesting donations at the beginning of March. Kristi also asked if anyone would be willing to help sort, re-box (when necessary), and move donations to the storage room weekly.

5. Long Range Plan Progress Report

a. Objective: APLD will expand programs for children (birth through age 10).

Amanda has been reaching out to local schools and daycares to provide outreach. Attendance at story-times at the library has been an issue. Amanda tried reformatting and playing with the times to try to accommodate typical preschool schedules, but it did not improve attendance. Going to the preschools and daycares to provide story-time provides a service outside the library walls and the preschools that Amanda has spoken with have been eager to schedule visits. 6. Other

VII. Committee Report


VIII. Public Comment


IX. Closed Session


X. Announcements

1. Next meeting is March 17, 2020

XI. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 9:00
