
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Auburn Public Library Board Emergency met January 21

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Auburn Public Library Board Emergency met Jan. 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Auburn Public Library District Board of Trustees was held in Auburn, IL 62615. The meeting convened at 7:04. President Ashley Foster presiding, and Lacy Strader, secretary. 

Roll Call to Establish Quorum: 

Board Attendees: 

Ashley Foster, President                   Jeffery Stutsman, Trustee 

Carrie Pillischafske, Treasurer          Shirley Deheve, Vice President 

Lacy Strader, Secretary                    Monica Garrett, Trustee 

Absent: Jessica Lance

Staff: Kristi Lear, Nicole Szymski, Amanda Kendall 

Visitors: Angela Kirby (representative for CDS Office Technologies)

I. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Carrie Pillischafske to approve the minutes of the November 19, 2019 meeting. 

Shirley Deheve – yea           Carrie Pillischafske - yea 

Lacy Strader – yea              Jessica Lance - absent 

Monica Garrett – yea          Jeffery Stutsman - yea 

Ashley Foster – yea 

Motion Carried.

II. Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Lacy Strader that the Consent Agenda be approved. 

Shirley Deheve – yea           Carrie Pillischafske - yea 

Lacy Strader – yea              Jessica Lance - absent 

Monica Garrett – yea          Jeffery Stutsman - yea 

Ashley Foster – yea 

Motion Carried.

III. Unfinished Business

1. Amendment of bylaws to update/create standing committees for Policy, Finance/Budget, Building Maintenance, and District Expansion.

Motion: Moved by Shirley Deheve that we table the amendment until the February meeting in order to include adding community members to the committees. 

Motion carried.

2. Amendment of FY 2019-2020 Working Budget

Motion: Moved by Carrie Pillischafske that the FY 2019-2020 Working Budget be updated as such:

Increasing income from Real Estate Tax from $120,000 to $121,351 

Adding $1,400 in Personal Property Replacement Tax received from the City of Auburn to income 

Increasing payroll expenditures from $60,500 to $62,500 

Increasing Social Security and Medicare expenditures from $5,000 to $5,351

Increasing Insurance expenditures from $5,000 to $5,400 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ashley Foster: yea 

Shirley Deheve: yea 

Carrie Pillischafske: yea 

Lacy Strader: yea 

Monica Garrett: yea 

Jessica Lance: absent 

Jeffery Stutsman: yea 

Motion carried.

IV. New Business

1. Copy Machine Quotes

Quotes were provided by three providers for new copy machines. The board has decided to vote on a provider during the February meeting. 

2. TEI Contract

Motion: Moved by Lacy Strader that the TEI contract not be renewed at this time. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Shirley Deheve – yea           Carrie Pillischafske - yea 

Lacy Strader – yea              Jessica Lance - absent 

Monica Garrett – yea          Jeffery Stutsman - yea 

Ashley Foster – yea 

Motion Carried.

V. Treasurer’s Report

1. Financial Reports 2. Future Financial Planning

VI. Director’s Report 1. Facility

a. Quote to have automatic doors installed

b. Quote to have carpet cleaned

Motion: Moved by Ashley Foster that the quote be accepted. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ashley Foster: yea                     Monica Garrett: yea

Shirley Deheve: yea                   Jessica Lance: absent

Carrie Pillischafske: yea            Jeffery Stutsman: yea

Lacy Strader: yea

Motion carried. 

c. Carrie, Monica, and Jason Garrett helped take down Christmas decorations! Thank you! 

d. We have several boxes of book donations in the staff office that need to be sorted, put into new boxes, and taken to the storage room. Would anybody be able to help? 

e. Roof leak

1. The roof is still leaking after having Bolash come in November. I have put in another call and they will come out again as soon as weather permits. In the meantime, the ceiling tiles are moved out of the way so that dripping water can be collected in the garbage can. 

f. Fencing around the HVAC units is falling apart. One door has completely fallen off. It has a sign pointing to the drive thru for the city so we need to repair ASAP and look into replacing entirely. 

2. Staff 

a. Michael Rogers resigned December 10th. Staff have agreed to absorb the cleaning duties. 

b. Possible change to in-service days 

c. January staff meeting focused on local history. Dan Dixon took the day off from the State Library to come talk to us about Auburn history. He also donated his research on Auburn businesses to the library. 

d. Staff vacation time

1. Amanda will be on vacation February 10 through February 14. Nicole is adjusting her schedule on Wednesday to close the library. Story-time on Wednesday will be cancelled. 

2. Kristi would like to take vacation time Friday, January 31 and Monday, February 3 

Motion: Moved by Lacy Strader that that board approves Kristi’s vacation Motion Carried.

3. Programming

a. Programming philosophy shift from quantity to quality b. Over the next several weeks, Amanda will be working on grant applications for summer reading 4. Fundraising

a. Giving Tuesday b. We received several donations for Christmas! 5. Long Range Plan Progress Report

a. Objective: APLD will expand adult services and programs.

i. Adult Reading Challenge ii. The Illinois State Military Museum will be giving a presentation in the library March 28th. I will also be partnering with the curator to do another preservation program. This time it will be hosted at the ISMM. 6. Other

VII. Committee Report


VIII. Public Comment


IX. Closed Session


X. Announcements

1. Next meeting is February 18, 2020

XI. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 9:40
