
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Auburn Public Library Board met June 16

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Auburn Public Library Board met June 16.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Review of minutes for acceptance

II. Consent Agenda

(Any items may be moved for discussion by board members or citizens present

1. Library statistics for April 2020

2. We received our Certificate of Status of Exempt Property from the Sangamon County Board of Review for 2020

3. We received our Per Capita Grant award letter. We will receive $5,963.75 but we should expect a delay in receiving payment.

III. Unfinished Business

IV. New Business

1. FY 20-21 Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule

2. Assessment of non-resident fee

3. Next steps in pandemic response

a. The earliest our region could move to phase 4 in June 26

b. Moving to lobby & main desk access

c. Extending the expiration of non-resident card

d. When do we want to start enforcing due dates?

e. IHLS delivery and resuming ILL

V. Treasurer’s Report

1. Financial Reports

2. FY 20-21 Budget

3. Property Tax Distribution delays

VI. Director’s Report

1. Facility

2. Staff

3. Programming

4. Fundraising

5. Long-Range Plan Progress Report

6. Other

VII. Committee Reports

1. Budget/Finance Committee

2. Policy Committee

3. Building Maintenance

4. District Expansion Committee

VIII. Public Comment

IX. Closed Session

X. Announcements

1. Next meeting is July 21, 2020.

XI. Adjournment
