
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Sangamon County Public Health Solid Waste Zoning Committee met June 18

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Sangamon County Public Health Solid Waste Zoning Committee met June 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:


Pursuant to COVID-19 Executive Order No. 5 (Executive Order 2020 - 07) issued by Governor Pritzker on March 16, 2020, County Board Members are not required to personally attend the standing committee meeting; instead, they may, and are encouraged to, participate by joining a telephone conference call. Given the COVID-19 pandemic and rules/directives governing the number of persons who may gather in any space, members of the public and the press will not be allowed to attend the standing committee meeting in person. However, consistent with the aforementioned Executive Order, any person who desires to monitor the meeting telephonically should call (217) 753-6650 to receive the call in number and password for the same telephone conference call committee members will use to participate in the meeting. Committee members and others calling into the meeting telephone conference must telephone the number provided promptly at 5:45 p.m. Once it is established that a quorum of the committee is present, whether telephonically or in person, the matters on the agenda will be addressed, regardless of whether all persons who were provided with the call in number and password have joined the conference call.


Chairman Calls Meeting to Order Approval of the Minutes from May 21st New Business

Public Health - Gail O'Neill/Bill Dart/Toni Perry

1. Acceptance of Purchase Reports 

2. Update on Mobile Public Health Unit 

3. Pre-Travel Approval for Emily Kren, Kennel Attendant I to attend EBI (Euthanasia By Injection) Training in Peoria, IL from 7/13-7/14/20 at a cost of $401.60. 

4. Approval & County Board Resolution for a new grant from the Illinois Department of Public Health for the COVID-19 Contact Tracing Grant Sangamon in the amount of $2,861,712. Matching funds not required. 

5. Approval & County Board Resolution for a new grant from the Illinois Department of Public Health for the COVID-19 Contact Tracing Grant Menard in the amount of $798,610. Matching funds not required. 

6. Approval & County Board Resolution for a new grant from the Illinois Department of Public Health for the COVID-19 Crisis Grant-Sangamon in the amount of $105,441. Matching funds not required. 

7. Approval & County Board Resolution for a new grant from the Illinois Department of Public Health for the COVID-19 Crisis Grant-Menard in the amount of $34,854. Matching funds not required. 

8. Approval & County Board Resolution for renewal of a grant from the Illinois Department of Human Services for the Better Birth Outcomes Grant in the amount of $186,000. Matching funds not required. 

9. Approval & County Board Resolution for renewal of a grant from the Illinois

Department of Human Services for the Family Case Management Grant in the amount of $641,350. Matching funds not required.

Trustin Harrison/Steve Keenan/Emily Prather


Zoning - Trustin Harrison

1. Acceptance of Purchase Reports

Regional Planning Commission-Molly Berns

• RPC General Update

Old Business

• Procurement/Grant Notifications- (report only)

Next Meeting Date

July 16, 2020 5:45pm

Next County Board Meeting

July 14, 2020

7:00 pm Adjournment
