
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Lincoln Park District Board met May 13


Lincoln Park District Board met May 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

CALL TO ORDER – At 6:00 PM, Don Peasley called to order the Lincoln Park District Board of Commissioners’ monthly business meeting.

ROLL CALL – Commissioners attending were Don Peasley, Gary Nodine, Laura Duffer and Dave Perring. Bob Thomas was absent. Attending from the Park District were Abby O’Brien, Vern Haseley and Angie Coombs. Jennifer Prather and Jaylee Swinford attended via Zoom until they signed off at 6:18 pm, after giving their reports to the Board.

MINUTES OF MEETING – Minutes of the April 8, 2020 meeting were presented to the board for review. Don asked if there were any questions, comments, or suggested changes. Since there were none, Dave Perring made the motion to approve the minutes as presented, Laura Duffer was second, which passed after a unanimous, roll-call vote.


ACCOUNTS PAYABLE – The operating expenses were submitted for approval in the following funds:

GENERAL - $ 3,571.95 

RECREATION - $ 2,578.09 

CAPITAL IMP. - $ 33,145.57

Don inquired about the payment listed to Fitness For All, which totaled $10,079.00. Angie verified that the amount was for the new fitness equipment, which was a previously approved purchase. Don informed the Board that there was a note on the check to Top Quality Roofing, stating that Ryan, of Garland Roofing, had requested that the final payment be held until he had a chance to inspect the final coat applied. Laura Duffer made the motion to approve Accounts Payable (including holding onto the final payment until after Ryan’s inspection), which was seconded by Gary Nodine. The motion passed after a unanimous, roll-call vote.

CASH FLOW REPORT – The following balances were reported as of April 30, 2020.

RECREATION - $ -31,979.23 

GENERAL - $ 64,209.80 

CAPITAL - $ 295,579.09 

AUDIT - $ 4,791.76 

LIABILITY - $ 71,196.28 2014 

DEBT CERT & INT. - $ 28,842.03


-Virtual classes added in May. 

-Yoga for beginners: level 2 was completed online, only a few requested refunds. 

-Health & Wellness Series: Dr. from Schneider Chiropractic office recorded a video to post. 

-Meditation: Emily offered a Zoom version, only 1 refund was requested.

-Aerobic Instructors have been providing live and recorded workouts to our followers on social media. Their contributions are very much appreciated by the patrons and me. It takes 2-3 times longer to post a recorded video compared to “going live”. 

-I have been selling some bender balls and offering a versa loop with the purchase of some limited videos. 

-I have been emailing and mailing workouts to the active agers that do not use social media. 

-I have been working with Silver Sneakers; participants can be counted for attending/utilizing our classes posted online. 

-I have been attending daily webinars regarding the change in the fitness industry during this time. I have found them to be a big help in managing public expectations, with scheduling issues, and cleaning up some other minor details that might have been overlooked. 

-Abby and I have worked with the Attorney to incorporate the proper verbiage, posting of the waiver regarding the classes offered online.

-Taylor has been offering a 5-day HIIT series; I have been trying to rotate the spotlight on different instructors and their classes. 

-I have been using donations to offer giveaways via social media. 

-I have used SurveyMonkey to poll the online participants of their preferences to help guide the content of the future videos. A printout of the results is included in the packet. 

-I am working with Kristy about developing a restricted part of our website, which would be limited to members only. 

-The Hog Wild 5K will be held virtually this year. Two donations have already been received, but we expect the actual registrations to be lower. Participants have a limited time to run their 3.1 miles and turn in the verification to receive their shirts/medals. 

-I worked with the hospital’s training on foot care and have been offering online sessions that cover foot care. 

-The Board thanked Jennifer for all her hard work adapting to the changes. 

-Gary inquired about the survey results, heavier weights were listed as a wish; he asked for clarification. Jennifer stated that many participants do not have a set of weights at home, but the instructors offered body weight exercises and other options to fill that need. (i.e. bags of flour, etc.) Abby stated that some gyms have reportedly been selling some of their equipment, with the intent of purchasing newer equipment for the facility with those proceeds. 

-Jennifer concluded her report by stating that upon reopening, the Fit Zone will not offer mats, rugs, or bands for some time, requiring the public to bring their own for the time being.


-Abby and I have contacted all the registrants for the Baseball/Softball/Teeball leagues, and they will be receiving refunds. A few of the donors have offered to let us keep their donation. 

-I have created a new LPD Facebook page/group, where I post activities, facts, and even recipes. Each week, I post about a different country, so that the followers “go on a field trip” to learn about each country. I have offered various virtual scavenger hunts as well.

 -Summer programs have been pushed back and some will have a virtual option offered. 

-I will be working with the summer instructors to make sure that we conform to the sate-mandated restrictions and guidelines to keep everyone safe.

-The Board thanked Jaylee for her hard work to adapt to the changes. **Jennifer and Jaylee ended their Zoom connections at 6:18 p.m.**


-We have been mowing daily, focusing on keeping the parks looking nice. 

-On rainy days, we work on other projects and repairs around the facility and shop.

-Dave inquired about the pool and if it has been filled yet. Abby stated that she asked Vern to wait a little while, since an updated statement was expected from the Governor. Vern stated that if the Board chooses to not open the pool this season, the motor and equipment should be fine until next year. Gary asked if the impellers that were used last season had been checked. Vern stated that they have been inspected and have already began to show wear after just one season. Vern offered his opinion that the pool and concession stands should not be opened this season due to the restrictions issued by the Governor. 

-We were finally able to spray in preparation for the pollinator plots this past Tuesday. I met with Gary about a week ago to confirm the areas to be sprayed/planted. Gary stated that they changed the location out at Memorial Park a little bit just in case a controlled burn was necessary later. Both Vern and Gary stated that the installation of the pollinator plots would reduce the time/expense of mowing.

**Bob Thomas joined the meeting at 6:22 p.m.**


- I have requested a quote to upgrade the landscaping at the Front Entrance, which came in at $5,800. Jason Mauhar has created a plan to incorporate many of our existing plants but will improve the design and function. Eventually, I would like to contract his company to update the landscaping at the Fit Zone entrance and our parks, but that will be done in phases. The work will be starting in July. 

-Don mentioned that IPARKS had emailed a notification of DCEO grants available for infrastructure improvements. Abby has already called and spoken with Todd, of Design Perspectives, to inquire if it would be possible to switch gears and instead of him working on our OSLAD Grant application, if we can change it to the DCEO Grant application. With the Board’s approval, Todd is willing to change the grant that we have contracted him for. Abby stated that the OSLAD Grant is still up in the air; there is debate if the State will offer it this year. Also, many entities have halted their projects, but we have been pushing through. 

-The rest of my report will come as we discuss unfinished and new business.



A. Capital Improvements:

1. Men’s Locker Room Heating:

a. Entec thought that they had a solution to the problem, but it will not work. 

b. They have gone back to the drawing board for options.

2. Roof Replacement:

a. Abby stated that the contract, the quote estimated $145,000.00, has been signed. 

b. The cost of materials will be paid to Garland, and Kreiling Roofing Company has been contracted to do the labor. 

3. Road Project:

a. Abby stated that the work is scheduled to begin August 15, for $361,679.95. 

b. The Board decided to table the decision on shot blasting at the April meeting, but it still needs to be discussed. 

1) Laura stated that the area rightfully should have been treated before now. 

2) Angie stated that the current concrete gets extremely slippery when it rains. 

3) Gary asked if it is possible to lay product over it, but Vern stated it would be too high if nothing was removed. 

4) Dave queried how the shot blasting process works or if grinding would work.

a) Vern stated that there is a specific machine that uses BBs shot at the surface. 

b) Abby stated that grinding was an option in a bid but added $200,000.00. 

c. Laura Duffer made the motion to include shot blasting in the Road Project, which was seconded by Dave Perring.  The motion passed after a unanimous, roll-call vote. 

4. The Master Plan:

a. Todd will be on site to complete the Park Inventory portion. 

b. Abby stated that the Community meeting would need to be done electronically. 1) Todd will provide a link to be posted on the LPD website and social media. 2) We will advertise the link for a few weeks. 

c. As Don mentioned earlier, I have contacted Todd about possibly switching from preparing our OSLAD Grant application to applying for the DCEO Grant. 

1) If we received the grant, it would reduce the amount of Capital Funds used. 

2) There is a possibility that they state may not offer the OSLAD this year. 

3) The option of applying for next year’s OSLAD grant is still viable. 

d. The issue regarding the City’s Parks adds another reason to delay the OSLAD grant application process until we know for certain if they can be included. 

5. Fit Zone Flooring:

a. Installed and looks great. 

b. The Board will walk down back to look at it after the meeting concludes. 

B. Aquatic Center:

1. Dave stated that the Governor’s orders do not allow for the pool to be open. 

2. Don agreed and for a motion to decide to close the pool for the season due to the Covid-19 restrictions and their indefinite period of enforcement. 

3. Laura asked if it was possible to wait and vote in June to possibly open July 1st.

a. Don stated that it was possible but reminded everyone that it takes time to open the pool properly. 

b. Dave stated that it may be best to wait, but that the summer was not looking good. 

c. Vern and Don stated that the Governor has already mentioned the possibility of pushing back the start of the fall school start date due to the pandemic.

d. Abby reminded the Board that the Governor has not provided clear information on how long the Phases are anticipated to change over, nor how long they will last. e. Angie stated that the next phase, Phase 3, restricts gyms to one on one personal training and outdoor fitness classes of less than 10 participants; Phase 4 only expands the number of groups allowed to congregate to 50. 

4. Bob stated that opening the pool for such a short period of time did not seem fiscally responsible. 

a. Gary also asked if the Board felt that it would be wise to open for 1 month (July). 

b. Don commented on the time needed to train staff would also prohibit opening. 

5. Abby stated that she would issue a press release, with Board approval, announcing the Board’s decision either way. 

6. Robert Thomas made the motion to keep the pool closed for the 2020 summer, in deference of following the Governor’s COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. Dave Perring seconded the motion, which was approved after a roll-call vote. Laura Duffer abstained from voting. 

C. Parks:

1. Still waiting to hear from the City.

a. Abby stated that the topic was discussed during the previous City Council meeting. 

b. The City Attorney was having difficulty finding the deeds for Postville and Mayfair.

 2. Gary stated that the Pheasants Forever group is ready when the weather cooperates.

a. Don asked that pictures be taken during the process. 

b. Gary informed the Board that Pheasants Forever has requested signage to denote their involvement in the project, which the Board agreed to.


A. Fit Zone Equipment:

1. Abby stated that all but 1 piece was delivered. 

2. There was a $500 credit applied to the invoice for the pieces traded. 

B. Fit Zone Desk:

1. Abby scheduled Cabinet Land, of Springfield, to come review to prepare a quote. 

2. Cabinet Land will send their laminate contractor to provide samples. 

C. Covid-19:

1. Abby will draft of her plans for reopening the facility.

a. She has ideas of tentative phases needed to train staff of new procedures. 

b. Phase 3 is still restrictive; limits 10 people, including staff. 

c. Gary inquired if Abby was consulting the guidelines issued by CDC or the Governor, which she replied that she reviews them both. 

2. Don recommended staying closed until at least 50 people were allowed in the facility, which looks to be Phase 4. 

a. Abby reminded the Board about the restrictions of Phase 3, and that there are no clear time frames provided. 

b. Bob stated that he agrees that we cannot reopen until the Governor’s Phases allow it, which the Board reached a consensus of agreement on that point.

3. Abby will prepare a press release to the public stating the Board’s decision to continue to follow the Governor’s guidelines. 

D. Fireworks:

1. Dave stated that based on the Governor’s guidelines, all large group events are to be canceled for the 2020 summer. 

2. Abby informed the Board that she had called Central State Fireworks, who the 2020 contract was with, and they are willing to “rain out” this year’s event and allow it to be rescheduled for 2021. 

3. Bob inquired if the event had already been paid for, which Angie verified that it has not been invoiced nor paid. 

4. Vern reminded the Board that Central State Fireworks was contracted for 3 years, and 2020 would have been the 3rd and final year. 

5. Don stated that a new contract would need to be bid out once the current contract has expired. 

6. Dave Perring made the motion to officially cancel/request the vendor to “rain out” the 2020 Fireworks Event. The motion was seconded by Gary Nodine, and passed after a unanimous, roll-call vote. 

E. Vern stated that Memorial Park as a very large tree & 4 smaller pines, which need to be removed. 

1. Due to the size, the cost will be significant to remove it, but it is a hazard. 

2. Dave requested that Vern get bids for the project, the Board agreed. 

F. Angie informed the Board that she had included a spreadsheet, which listed the Budget & Appropriation and Tax Levy with totals. 

1. The document shows the breakdown for the General and 2 Recreation Funds, which are the main accounts used for operation. 

2. Ryan Pnakovich, of IPARKS, has recommended amending the Budget & Appropriation Ordinance for 2020 to reflect some of the effects of the pandemic. 

a. Angie verified with the Park District Code that it is possible, after the first 6 months of the fiscal year, and following the adoption procedures as usual. 

b. There are restrictions regarding amending amounts budgeted & appropriated from one line item to another. 

3. Angie requested that the Board review the spreadsheet in preparation for a discussion about amending the Ordinance in the next few months.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Board entered Executive Session at 7:23 P.M. to discuss an employee matter and exited the meeting at 7:36 P.M. There were no actions to be recorded upon exit.

ADJOURNMENT: Seeing no further business, Laura Duffer moved to adjourn the meeting, Bob Thomas seconded the motion. The motion carried. Adjournment: 7:36 P.M.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting date will be Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 6:00 P.M.




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