
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Jerome Board of Trustees met June 18

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Village of Jerome Board of Trustees met June 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order 

President Lopez called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance 

President Lopez led all those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call 

Clerk Wheeland called the roll. Present: President Mike Lopez Trustees Kathy DeHart, Leigh Irons, Ralph Irons, Dale Lael, Philip Raftis, Christina Smith Clerk Linda Wheeland Attorney Jason Brokaw

Treasurer Steve Roth was not present at the beginning of the meeting but arrived later.

Approval of Minutes

June 4, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes A motion was made by Trustee L. Irons to approve the Minutes of the June 4, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees. The motion was seconded by Trustee Smith.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. frons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

May 7, 2020 Executive Session Minutes

A motion was made by Trustee L. Irons to approve the Minutes of the May 7, 2020 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees. The motion was seconded by Trustee Smith.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried,

A motion was made by Trustee L. Irons to approve the Minutes of the May 21, 2020 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees. The motion was seconded by Trustee Smith.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee De Hart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

President Lopez read the following statement:

In the recent days, there have been multiple reports related to the hiring of Tricia Langan by the Village of Jerome. In fact, officer Langan, who has been in law enforcement for over 15 years, had been serving as a part-time officer for the Village since August 2019 and in years prior. officer Langan was hired by the Village of Jerome after a thorough and routine process. At the April 2, 2020 Village Board meeting, Chief Estill presented officer Langan to the Village Board as a qualified candidate for the open Sergeant position with the Jerome Police Department. As it traditionally does with candidates for open positions, and in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Open Meetings Act, the Board discussed approving officer Langan for the Sergeant position in executive session with the advice of the Chief. Following executive session, the Board approved officer Langan for the Sergeant's position. Importantly, officer Langan has never been the subject of discipline or a complaint related to her service as a police officer in the Village of the Jerome. The Village holds its police officers to the highest standards and will not tolerate the use of excessive force by any officer. Any substantiated allegations of wrongdoing against Village police officers in the future will be addressed by the Village as swiftly as legally possible, and all appropriate responses, up to and including termination, will be considered.

Approval of Warrant List 21-04 President Lopez stated that Warrant List 21-04 dated June 18, 2020 totaled $29,015.33. (Later in the meeting Treasurer Roth added that of this amount $7,017.30 will be paid from the General Revenue Fund, $777.87 will be paid from the 1% Fund, and $21,220.16 will be paid from the Water Fund.)

A motion was made by Trustee Lael to approve Warrant List 21-04 dated June 18, 2020 for a total of $29,015.33. The motion was seconded by Trustee Raftis.

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

Visitors Acknowledgement 

President Lopez opened the Visitors Acknowledgement portion of the meeting at 6:48 pm.

Clerk Wheeland noted that during the time period when remote meetings are being held public comments must be submitted in writing to the Clerk by email or by placing them in the deposit slot outside the office front door by 6:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. She stated that one comment was received and read the following:

To the Trustees of the Jerome Village Board:

Earlier this week, the Illinois Times reported on the decision of the village trustees to employ a police officer of questionable character. Very few comments were offered in response to the article when you were contacted.

Considering the current climate and social movements taking place across the country and the world with respect to police misconduct and brutality, I would ask that you offer comment and rationale for this decision and that you speak to whether or not this is the right choice for the village at this moment.

Residents deserve to know that the people who are supposed to be protecting and serving them will do just that and not continue a cycle of policing that has bred mistrust, abuse, and pain.

I humbly and respectfully ask all of you to really consider what is in the best interest of each and every one of us.

Sam Fogleman 

Village Resident

This portion of the meeting closed at 6:50 pm.

Reports from Village Departments

A. Public Health Trustee L. Irons reported the following:

• The Sangamon County Department of Public Health will be conducting flu shot clinics at remote locations on Mondays and Fridays in October. They will commit to a firm date for the Jerome flu shot clinic in the next month,

• A couple of violation letters were sent.

• Eight fire pit permits were issued.

• She is dealing with some limb piles in residents' yards and overgrown grass.

B. Public Works 

Trustee Raftis reported the following:

• Last week Trent Bree left without notice leaving Dave without assistance in the Public Works Department. The position was posted on Indeed and 65 resumes are being reviewed.

• He has been working with Dave Wilken, President Lopez, and Terry Fountain on moving forward with the Rebuild Illinois grant application for improvements to lles Avenue. Letters of support are needed specifically from minority- and female-owned businesses as well as residents and other businesses.

• A part was ordered for the Durapatcher so road maintenance can get underway.

• A couple of residents have put in off-street parking without getting a permit from the Village. He reminded residents that an application must be filled out and'approved by the Village prior to installing off-street parking.

C. Public Property Trustee DeHart stated she had no report.

D. Building & Zoning Trustee Lael reported the following:

. The vacant lot between Asian Market and Backyard Leisure was sold but he does not know who purchased it.

• Many fences are being installed in the Village.

E. Public Safety 

Chief Estill reported the following:

• Officers have been responding to more family disturbances than usual..

• There seems to be an increase in the number of homeless people in the area.

• Two vehicle thefts are under investigation.

• Several unlocked vehicles have been entered.

• Private video cameras showed an individual trying car doors and walking onto porches in the 1300 block of West Glenn.

• Officers Cortez Luttrell, Corey Reynolds, and Derek Hull completed training for using assault rifles in confined spaces and at a distance.

• Graffiti was removed from the back of the former Shop 'n Save building

F. Water Department 

Trustee R. Irons reported the following:

• The 2019 Water Quality Report is posted on the Village website and postcards will be mailed to water customers tomorrow letting them know it is there. A direct URL address to the report will be included with the water bilis next month. He thanked Ben Story and Clerk Wheeland for their assistance in getting the report posted and accessible. Paper copies can also be obtained from the Water Department office.

G. Village Treasurer

 (Treasurer Roth reported the following after he arrived later in the meeting.)

• We have received all of the revenues for June and the MFT funds for May.

• Once again there is no gaming revenue due to business closures which is a loss of $20,000 over the past two months.

• MFT revenue is down considerably from what it was when we started to get extra funds through Rebuild Illinois.

• Although Sales Tax and the 1% Tax were down from last year, they were not as low as expected. He will contact the Illinois Department of Revenue to determine which businesses were generating the sales taxes.

• Letters were sent to telecom carriers with the addresses of Jerome residences for their records. Hopefully this will result in an increase in revenue.

• Checks for the June 4th Warrants were mailed out right after that meeting. Payroll was met for June 15th Checks will be mailed out following this meeting.

• A. The auditors will be in the office for two and a half days next week to conduct the FY 20 annual audit. 

• The balances of various accounts are approximately as follows: 

> Illinois Funds General Revenue Account - $340,730

> Motor Fuel Tax Fund - $11,887

> INB General Revenue Account - $29,025

> INB Water Account - $248,618

> 1% Account - $343,740

> Law Enforcement DUI - $95 

> Law Enforcement Vehicle - $169 

> Road & Bridge - $17,964 

> Police Equipment Fund - $40 

> Cannabis Fund - $409 

> MFT Rebuild Illinois - $18,184

H. Village Clerk Clerk Wheeland stated she had no report,

I. Village Attorney Attorney Brokaw state he had no report.

J. Village President President Lopez reported the following:

• He thanked the trustees and staff for all their hard work.

• There will be no July 4th parade this year but perhaps a similar event will be held when permitted.

• He is preparing articles for the bulletin.

• The office will open on Monday, June 29th. A plexiglass shield was installed at the payment window and office staff are provided with face masks.

• Several restaurants opened with curbside pickup and outside dining over the past couple of weeks. Limited inside seating will be possible next Friday per an executive order of the Governor. He would like the option of outside seating to remain available through Labor Day to make up for lower inside seating capacities.

• Video gaming can resume on June 26th although each business must submit a health plan to the Illinois Gaming Board before the terminals will be turned on.

• A welcome back to school event for District 186 students will be held in August.

• He is working on obtaining support for the lles Avenue grant application.

At this point Treasurer Roth joined the meeting.

Old Business

A. Discussion of Garbage Trucks on West Grand Court President Lopez said he is working with Attorney Brokaw on letters to be sent to garbage disposal companies operating trucks in Jerome.

New Business

A. Discussion and Approval of Amending Warrant List 20-24 

Treasurer Roth explained that the code for the Badger Meter invoice listed on Warrant List 20 24 as approved by the Board was incorrect.

A motion was made by Trustee R. Irons to approve amending Warrant List 20-24. The motion was seconded by Trustee Smith,

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

B. Discussion and Approval of Ordinance 21-07 Amending Section 300.7-13 to Add a Liquor License 

Attorney Brokaw explained that according to past protocols, Kevin Sullivan presented his request for a liquor license allowing the sale of alcoholic beverages at The Barn restaurant, The Board needs to increase the number of licenses available before the Liquor Commissioner can review the liquor license application and approve a license.

Clerk Wheeland confirmed that a liquor license application has not been received for The Barn. Trustee Raftis asked if an application is not received would this additional license be available for someone else. Attorney Brokaw acknowledged that it would.

A motion was made by Trustee Lael to approve Ordinance 21-07 amending Section 300.7-13 to add a liquor license. The motion was seconded by Trustee Smith.

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

C. Discussion and Approval of Purchasing Air Receiver Tank for Durapatcher 

Trustee Raftis explained that a seam weld was blown when the Public Works staff was preparing the Durapatcher for use. A new air receiver tank was needed to get the machine in running order.

A motion was made by Trustee Raftis to approve the purchase of an air receiver tank for the Durapatcher at a cost not to exceed $1,700.00. The motion was seconded by Trustee R. Irons,

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

Discussion and Approval of Resolution 21-06 Authorizing the President to Sign a Revised Contract with Joe Gragg for Water Testing Services in Jerome 

Attorney Brokaw explained that every year the Village renews its contract with Joe Gragg for water testing services without much change and he has not requested any changes. It has become clear however that the emergency rate in the contract has never been addressed and remains at $10.00 an hour. Resolution 21-06 increases the rate to $17.00 an hour which is what part-time employees currently make.

Trustee R. Irons noted that Joe Gragg receives $250.00 a month for the regular water testing services he provides and the increase to $17.00 an hour applies to any emergency work done outside these duties.

A motion was made by Trustee R. Irons to approve Resolution 21-06 authorizing the President to sign a revised contract with Joe Gragg for water testing services in Jerome. The motion was seconded by Trustee Raftis.

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

Discussion and Approval of Hiring Additional Temporary/Seasonal Employee 

Trustee Raftis noted that Trent Bree left the Village expeditiously, leaving only Dave in the Public Works Department.

Attorney Brokaw stated that the Board needs to authorize the hiring of temporary employees.

Treasurer Roth said that funding to pay for temporary help was available from the line item that Trent's salary would have come from.

A motion was made by Trustee Raftis to approve hiring an additional temporary/seasonal employee at $17.00 an hour. The motion was seconded by Trustee R. Irons.

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee De Hart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

Discussion and Approval of Adjustment to Water Bill 

Trustee R. Irons explained that two water bill adjustments were needed. The beginning reading on John Preston's May bill showed as the beginning reading rather than as the ending reading of his April bill. Correcting the beginning reading would result in a credit of $18.67. Also, the final bill for Kevin Tribbett in February did not include a refund of his $75.00 deposit.

A motion was made by Trustee R. Irons to approve a credit of $18.67 for John Preston and a credit of $75.00 for Kevin Tribbett. The motion was seconded by Trustee L. Irons,

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Trons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried

Discussion and Approval of Resolution 21-05 Approving and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement with City of Springfield Regarding lles Avenue Road Improvement Project 

Terry Fountain explained that 475 feet of lles Avenue is in the City of Springfield so the Village needs an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the City showing their support for the lles Avenue project as part of the Rebuild Illinois grant application packet. This agreement does not commit the City to any funding of the project.

Trustee Raftis noted that the Village will attempt to get financial support from the City, amounting to $2,000 to $4,500, if the grant application is approved.

Mr. Fountain stated that if the grant application is approved there will be a 60-day window to prepare an engineering agreement. This would be a separate engineering proposal to the Board. Once the cost estimate is refined the Village could talk with the City about paying for work on their 475 feet. This would be settled before going to construction, which would hopefully begin next summer.

Attorney Brokaw noted that the City could provide non- monetary benefits that could cover more than cash payments would.

A motion was made by Trustee Raftis to approve Resolution 21-05 approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the City of Springfield regarding the lles Avenue road improvement project. The motion was seconded by Trustee R. Irons.

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

Discussion and Approval of Submitting Application for Rebuild Illinois Road Improvement Project on lles Avenue 

At the public hearing immediately preceding this meeting Terry Fountain, Village Engineer, presented three basic options to consider for the lles Avenue road improvement project plus additional work that could be done including sidewalks, drainage clean out, new water mains, and new water service lines. (The presentation is included as an attachment to these minutes.)

Mr. Fountain and Board members discussed the project components and considerations for selecting the final parameters as follows:

• Treasurer Roth confirmed that the Village is registered on the Illinois Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) portal.

• Mr. Fountain clarified that the costs for aggregate base on the cost estimates sheet were reversed for Option 1 and Options 2 and 3. 

• Trustee Lael noted that past discussions of improvements to lles Avenue included sidewalks on one or both sides and parking. Sidewalks are a safety issue for kids getting to school. The water mains need to be moved out of the road so that the pavement isn't destroyed during water main break repairs. Dollars must be used to have a functional road that is built correctly. It is not worth doing if it is not done right. He suggested doing a larger project in phases from Chatham Road to Leonard Street, Leonard Street to Park Street, and Park Street to MacArthur Boulevard.

• Committing 0.9% of local funds for the project will give the project application two additional points. To get more points requires providing about one-fourth of the funding. There are 100 points available. The lles Avenue project could get about 80 points. Mr. Fountain previously worked in a position where he reviewed grant applications for other State funds and knows how to put together a narrative the reviewers will be looking for.

• Mr. Fountain recommended applying for Option 2 which would provide curbs and gutters but not the storm sewers contributing to the higher cost of Option 3. There is only $25 million available State-wide and the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) will most likely want to spread the money around the State so will look for projects that would take a smaller chunk of the total dollars. If money from other sources comes through the project could be expanded. 

• Drainage clean out is recommended since the Sangamon County Water Reclamation District did not get far with the drainage work last year.

• Relocating the water mains is also recommended which would require water service lines replacement as well.

• The Village could choose to go with Option 1 and come back later to do the curbs and gutters. Storm sewers could also be done at a later date.

• If additional funds are obtained from State Senator McClure or State Representative Murphy, they could be included as matching dollars in the grant application.

• All three options have a 20-year life span, although without good drainage the roadway may not last as long as designed for.

• All three options include 12-foot lanes for a total of 24 feet of pavement. The gutters would add two feet to each side expanding the road footprint to 28 feet. The current road surface varies between 22 and 24 feet. There is 50 feet of right-of-way available for lles Avenue.

• None of the options include widening the road for parking. If parking is provided, Mr. Fountain recommends seven to eight feet width on the backside of the gutter. He estimated this would cost somewhere around $500,000.

• The pavement structure is the same for all three options and would handle 80,000 pounds, the legal limit for trucks including garbage trucks and fire engines.

• The sidewalk costs included in the cost estimates are for four-foot sidewalks. Five-foot sidewalks would also accommodate bicycles. 

• The State has two programs that could fund sidewalks - Safe Routes to School and Transportation Enhancement. The application deadlines are alternated between years. Trustee Raftis said he would work with Trustee Lael and Mr. Fountain on a Safe Routes to School grant application if sidewalks are not included in the Rebuild Illinois grant.

• The closest home to the current lles Avenue road pavement is 15 to 20 feet, although only three to eight feet from the right-of-way line.

A motion was made by Trustee Raftis to approve submitting a Rebuild Illinois grant application for a road improvement project on lles Avenue as outlined in option 2 presented by Cummins Engineering Corporation at a cost of $2,522,825 with the addition of drainage clean out at a cost of $50,000, six-inch water mains at a cost of $572,000, and water service lines at a cost of $225,000. The motion was seconded by Trustee Lael.

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

D. Discussion and Approval of Resolution 21-04 Committing Local Funds to a Rebuild Illinois Road Improvement Project on lles Avenue Terry Fountain recommended the Village commit a 0.9% match in the Rebuild Illinois grant application, which would be a minimum of $10,000 and maximum of $45,000.

A motion was made by Trustee Raftis to approve Resolution 21-04 committing 0.9% in Non Home Rule Tax funds, at a maximum of $45,000, to a Rebuild Illinois road improvement project on lles Avenue with a total project cost not to exceed $5,000,000. The motion was seconded by Trustee R. Irons.

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

E. Discussion and Approval of Resolution 21-05 Approving and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement with City of Springfield Regarding lles Avenue Road Improvement Project

This item was addressed earlier in the meeting.

F. Discussion and Approval of Submitting Application for Rebuild Illinois Road Improvement Project on lles Avenue 

This item was addressed earlier in the meeting.

G. Discussion and Approval of Resolution 21-06 Authorizing the President to Sign a Revised Contract with Joe Gragg for Water Testing Services in Jerome 

This item was addressed earlier in the meeting,

H. Discussion and Approval of Hiring Additional Temporary/Seasonal Employee 

This item was addressed earlier in the meeting.

I. Discussion and Approval of Adjustment to Water Bill This item was addressed earlier in the meeting.

Executive Session 

A motion was made by Trustee Raftis to go into Executive Session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of a specific employee or legal counsel for the public body (5 ILCS 120/2(C)(1)) and minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act for purposes of approval by the Body (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)). Trustee L. Irons seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

The Board went into Executive Session at 8:37 pm.

The Board returned from Executive Session at 9:56 pm.

Clerk Wheeland called the roll. 

Present: President Mike Lopez 

Trustees Kathy De Hart, Leigh Irons, Ralph Irons, Dale Lael, Philip Raftis, Christina Smith 

Clerk Linda Wheeland 

Attorney Jason Brokaw 

Treasurer Steve Roth


A motion was made by Trustee L. Irons to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Raftis,

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 9:57 pm.
