
Sangamon Sun

Friday, January 31, 2025

City of Atlanta City Council met July 7

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City of Atlanta City Council met July 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Pledge of Allegiance

ROLL CALL: Colaw-P Dreyer-P Eimer-P Cheek-P Young-P Evans-P

Motion by Evans second by Cheek to approve the minutes as presented.

ROLL CALL: Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes Eimer-yes Cheek-yes Young-yes Evans-yesMotion Carries.

Motion by Evans second by Cheek to pay all bills or as far as money allows.

ROLL CALL: Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes Eimer-yes Cheek-yes Young-yes Evans-yes Motion Carries.

Al Grigg asked about the placement of the sign at the Country Aire and about the asphalt thickness.

Chief Eimer reported on an animal control incident recently in the City. The public can call animal control to come to Atlanta for problems. He went over procedures followed by animal control calls. He also reported no incidents arose during the 4th of July.

The Mayor went over an update on the Golf Course revenues were holding well. He outlined a potential problem with silting problems at the irrigation pond. More information will be given to the Council as available.

The Mayor presented an updated proposed Appropriation Ordinance. The Mayor went over changes that had been made to the Ordinance. The total Appropriation was $2,619,535.00. Each category was gone over with the council. Incomes were also gone over.

Motion by Cheek second by Evans to approve the ordinance as presented.

ROLLCALL: Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes Eimer-yes Cheek-yes Young-yes Evans-yes Motion Carries.

The Council took up an application from the Country Aire for TIF funding for the parking lot and a new sign at the property in the amount of $47,621.25.

Motion by Colaw second by Cheek to approve the TIF application from Country Aire in the amount of $47,621.25.

ROLL CALL: Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes Eimer-yes Cheek-yes Young-yes Evans-yes Motion Carries.

The Mayor asked the council to continue support the Logan County Regional Planning Commission in the amount of $1500.

Motion by Eimer second by Evans to continue to support Logan County Regional Planning Commission in the amount of $1500.00.

ROLL CALL: Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes Eimer-yes Cheek-yes Young-yes Evans-yes Motion Carries.

The Council took up the Route Magazine ad for the next year in the amount of $600.00, the same as last year. It will be presented at the next meeting.

Alderman Colaw went over work to date on the Collins project. Colaw also presented a TIF proposal for the Laundromat building and adjacent properties. He asked the council to review the application.

Alderman Eimer asked if citizens should call the police with Fireworks complaints. He also asked if the City had any system in place to check construction plumbing projects.

The Mayor reported that some significant leaks had been repaired and more search is being done. The Pool was operating. Some initial work was being done on the City’s website. Some minor changes will be noticed.

Alderman Evans asked about MFT procedures. The Mayor explained the process.

Alderman Cheek asked how things on Elm St were going. The Planning Commission will be reviewing some of the plans and then the City will decide how to proceed.

Motion by Eimer second by Dreyer to adjourn the meeting.

ROLL CALL: Colaw-yes Dreyer-yes Eimer-yes Cheek-yes Young-yes Evans-yes Motion Carries.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm
