
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Auburn City Council met June 15

Webp meeting 06

City of Auburn City Council met June 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Berola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Clerk Barnhill took roll call. Due to Public Act 101-0640, issued by the Governor of Illinois, a quorum of members of a public body must be physically present at the location of an open meeting.

Present in Council Chambers: Tom Berola, Julie Barnhill, Chris Warwick, Lori Basiewicz, Larry Hemmerle, Bill Karhliker, Joe Powell, Tracy Sheppard and Attorney Greg Moredock.

Present via ZOOM Teleconferencing: Jason Garrett, Rod Johnson and Ben Royer.

Absent: None

Department Heads Present via ZOOM Teleconferencing: Chief Dave Campbell, Assistant Superintendent TJ Henson and City Office Manager Kristy Ponsler.

Department Heads Absent: Superintendent Mike McCarthy

I. Mayor’s Comments

II. Visitors/Public Comments

III. Zoning

A. Zoning Board Meeting June 10, 2020

1. Calvin Harden – 930 W Monroe

a) Reduction in Setback 16 foot off west property line to construct a privacy fence.

Alderwoman Sheppard informed the Council that the Zoning board met on June 10, 2020. Mr. Calvin Harden was present at that meeting and is present here tonight. Harden is pursuing a reduction in setback of 16 foot off west property line to construct a privacy fence. Sheppard did indicate that it was originally 8 feet off the property line but after talking with his neighbor, Mr. Kaufmann, he agreed to go 16 foot. The Zoning Board approved the 16 feet reduction in setback. Alderman Garrett informed that Council that Jeff Kaufmann, son of neighbor, had spoken with Garrett indicating that they remeasured the area and would like for Mr. Harden to have 18 feet set back due to sight issues with his father backing out of his driveway. Harden was present at meeting and explained his plan to the Council. Alderwoman Sheppard indicated that the Zoning Board approved the 16 feet set back and is recommending that to the Council.

Motion by Sheppard second by Basiewicz to approve the Reduction in Setback of 16 foot off west property line to construct a privacy fence at 930 W. Monroe, owner Calvin Harden. (7-1-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard 

NAYES: Garret


2. Katherine Wilson – 108 East Washington

a) Reduction in setbacks 2.5 foot off east property line to construct a carport Alderwoman Sheppard informed the Council that Katherine Wilson requested a reduction in setbacks 2.5 foot off east property line to construct a carport at her property 108 East Washington Street. Sheppard indicated that the Zoning Board approved the reduction and is recommending to the Council.

Motion by Sheppard second by Basiewicz to approve the reduction in setbacks 2.5 foot off east property line to construct a carport at 108 East Washington, owner Katherine Wilson. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard



3. Michael D. Smith – 920 West Jefferson

A. Zoning Classification change from R1 to B1 with special use variance to allow the operation of a dog kennel

Alderwoman Sheppard indicated that the Zoning Board will be discussing this matter further at the July Zoning Meeting

IV. City Clerk’s Report – Barnhill

A. June 1, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Clerk Barnhill presented the Council the June 1, 2020 meeting minutes for their review and approval.

Motion by Sheppard second by Powell to approve the June 1, 2020 minutes. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard



V. City Treasurer’s Report – Warwick

A. Bills List June 2, 2020 to June 15, 2020

Warwick presented the Bill List June 2, 2020 to June 15, 2020 for the Council’s review and approval.

Alderman Johnson would like to see itemized invoice for Benton’s. Alderman Karhliker asked if the Royell bill should be paid for by the City of Auburn or byt Royell. Ponsler indicated that it was the City of Auburn’s responsibility and she has worked with Royell to get bill reduced. The School Reach was again brought up and Mayor Berola asked Ponsler about payment. Ponsler indicated that one payment is remaining. Berola indicated that Attorney Moredock will check into the School Reach contract and the County Reach program and report back to the Council.

Motion by Sheppard second Karhliker to approve the Bill’s List from June 2, 2020 to June 15, 2020. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard



B. May 2020 Cash Report

Treasurer Warwick presented the May 2020 Bank Cash Report for the Council’s review and approval. (6-2-0-0)

Motion by Sheppard second by Karhliker to approve May 2020 Bank Cash Report

AYES: Basiewicz, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell and Sheppard 

NAYES: Garrett and Royer


Treasurer Warwick reported that at the request of Alderman Garrett, he had solicited interest rates from other lending institutions and that currently, none offered any substantial rate differential from what the City of Auburn receives from UCB. Warwick stated that he would check on rates again in the future.

VI. Attorney – Moredock

A. Second Reading, 1480-20 – An Ordinance Amending the City’s Sexual Harassment Policy

Attorney Moredock shared with the Council the Second Reading of 1480-20 – An Ordinance Amending the City’s Sexual Harassment Policy for the Council approval.

Motion by Powell second by Royer to approve 1480-20 – An Ordinance Amending the City’s Sexual Harassment Policy. (8-0-0-0)

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard.



B. Second Reading: 1481-20 – Establishing System for Vacant Property Attorney Moredock shared with the Council the Second Reading of 1481-20 Establishing System for Vacant Property for the Council approval.

Attorney Moredock presented the Second Reading – 1481-20 Establishing System for Vacant Property for the Council’s approval. Officer Manager Ponsler indicated that she would like to discuss this more. Alderwoman Sheppard asked if there would be a point person that would be consulted when there is a vacant property. Moredock indicated that he would update and present it at the July meeting.

C. First Reading, 1482-20 Appropriations Ordinance

Attorney Moredock presented the First Reading, 1482-20 Appropriations Ordinance for the Council’s review.

VII. Department Heads

A. Police Department – Campbell

Chief Campbell informed the Council that Troy Kissell passed his state certification and is on patrol. Campbell indicated that the radios have all been installed in the appropriate vehicles. The vehicles slated for auction have been stripped and Campbell will be working the Ben Ladage Auction to get them up for auction.

B. PublicWorks–McCarthy

Superintendent Mike McCarthy was absent and Assistant TJ Henson provided an update. Henson indicated that a ramp that was to be added to Pohlod Park will be placed on hold until the Parks Committee gathers. Alderman Karhliker asked about receiving the sewer pump and Henson indicated they had not. Karhliker asked about the additional sewer pump that was to be ordered and Henson indicated that it had not been ordered as far has he was aware.

City Office – Ponsler

City Office Manager Kristy Ponsler did not have a report.

VIII. Committee Reports

A. Administration – Johnson

A. Amendment to FY21 Budget (Sewer Expenditures)

Alderman Johnson informed the Council that the funds for the new sewer pump that has been ordered have not been expended so the budget had to be updated. There is an amended budget with an additional line item for $44,000 for FY21.

Motion by Johnson second by Garrett to amend FY21 Budget to include the additional expense of $44,000 for the sewer pump purchase.

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard.


B. PublicWorks–Karhliker

Review and approve tree bids

Alderman Karhliker presented the only tree bid, J Rechner Tree Removal for $18,000, that was received for cutting of trees. Alderman Garrett suggested that the Council reject the sole bid of $18,000 from J Rechner Tree Removal. He stated that the residents were owed a competitive bid to remove the trees in question and they were not available. Garrett suggested the City wait until fall to rebid the tree work, after contacting additional tree services to solicit bids. Alderman Hemmerle is concerned that we announced the dollar amount of a bid that we are postponing.

Motion by Garrett second by Hemmerle to accept the bid of $18,000 from J Rechner Tree Removal for cutting down of trees. (0-8-0-0)

AYES: None

NAYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell,

Royer and Sheppard. ABSENT: None

Sidewalk on VanBuren

Alderman Karhliker presented information regarding the cost estimate and design sidewalk placement on southside of VanBuren between Fourth and Fifth Street from Benton’s. Alderman Royer asked whether they had planned on going outside or inside of telephone poles. Alderman Karhliker indicated that Royer recommended outside of poles. Royer also asked if we can pay for engineering and the work is done by the city garage employees. This discussion will continue at the July 6 meeting and will be placed on the agenda.

Alderman Karhliker also informed the Council that the oil and chip bid will be due on June 23.

C. Public Utilities – Johnson

Alderman Johnson indicated that he did not have a report. He did ask Officer Manager Ponsler how the unpaid debt was going. Ponsler responded and said it is dwindling down and all delinquent accounts must be paid by August 1, 2020.

D. Health & Safety – Sheppard

1) Committee Meeting – May 27, 2020.

A. Accept Resignation of Officer Marquis for full time police offer Alderwoman Sheppard informed the Council that Officer Mike Marquis has turned in his resignation as a full-time officer within the City of Auburn Police Department effective June 30, 2020. Officer Marquis is heading to Capital Area Career Center (CACC).

Motion by Sheppard second by Basiewicz to accept the resignation of full time Officer Mike Marquis within the City of Auburn Police Department effective June 30, 2020.

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard.



B. Recommendation to hire Zach Morgan as full-time police officer

Alderwoman Sheppard would like to recommend the hiring of Zach Morgan, part time Auburn Police officer, be hired as full-time police officer, effective July 1, 2020 at a salary within union contract.

Motion by Basiewicz second by Sheppard to hire Zach Morgan as a full- time police officer within the City of Auburn Police Department effective July 1, 2020 at a salary within union contract.

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard.


C. Recommendation to hire Mike Marquis as part time police officer

Alderwoman Sheppard informed the Council that the Health and Safety Committee would like to recommend the hiring of Mike Marquis as part time Auburn Police officer effective July 1, 2020 at a rate of $19 per hour.

Motion by Sheppard by Basiewicz to hire Mike Marquis as a part time police officer effective July 1, 2020 at a rate of $16 per hour.

AYES: Basiewicz, Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Karhliker, Powell, Royer and Sheppard.


E. Health & Housing–Sheppard

Electronic Recycle Event and City Wide Clean Up

Alderwoman Sheppard indicated that after talking with BLH regarding the electronic recycle pick up, they have decided to postpone recycle pick up and city wide clean up until fall.

F. Parks – Hemmerle

Alderman Hemmerle indicated that the scoreboard is up at Veteran’s park and that the parks survey results are in and will be discussed at the next Council meeting.

G. Economic Development Committee – Basiewicz

A. Zoning Ordinance

Alderwoman Basiewicz indicated that the Economic Development Committee (EDC) met on June 4, 2020 and discussed the editing of the zoning ordinances. The EDC is working on committee assignments.

IX. Other Business

Alderman Hemmerle asked the Council about reopening up the Office for citizens to be able to access. Mayor Berola indicated that he feels the Office should be opened when Phase IV is opened. Berola indicated that the office opens on Monday, June 29, 2020.

Alderman Basiewicz asked about sanitizing prior to opening. The Council feels that since the Office hasn’t been open, all is well.

Alderman Royer once again reiterated the great job that the AHS Student Council, along with Sandi Jones, on the micro-library.

Mayor Berola informed the Council that the pile of limbs and leaves are accumulating so Superintendent McCarthy would like to set a date and time to burn it. The wind is supposed to be shifted the opposite direction of the residence over the following three days so they will be burning the pile of debris.

X. Adjournment

Motion by Garrett second by Royer to adjourn the meeting at 8:49 p.m. Passed by voice vote.
