Riverton Village Board of Trustees met June 1.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Riverton Village Board
The President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Riverton held their regular board meeting at the Riverton Village Hall, Riverton, IL.
The board meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm. Those answering roll call: Mayor Tom Rader. Trustees: Russ Patrick, Dave Charles, Ginger Payne, Joe Bartley, and Jim Mileham. Michelle Landess was absent.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to approve May 18th regular board meeting minutes and pay the bills. It was seconded by Trustee Mileham. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, and Mileham voted yes.
People to Address the Board:
Sean Bull from the Sherman Area Chamber of Commerce presented the Riverton Police Department a check for $500. He stated that their organization likes to give back to the communities they serve. There are some Riverton people who are part of their organization and they are looking for new members and new board members.
Old Business:
New Business:
Trustee Mileham made a motion to approve Ordinance #20-011 an Ordinance Approving Acceptance of Easement on Riverton Road. Trustee Patrick seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, and Mileham voted yes. Trustee Mileham also made a motion to approve Ordinance #20-012 an Ordinance Approving Acceptance of Easement on Wright Ln. Trustee Patrick seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley and Mileham voted yes. These are both for water utilities. Trustee Mileham thanked Mayor Rader and Trustee Bartley for their work on this.
Superintendent Lyons submitted his report. He thanked Mr. Craven for his work on the Easements as well. Trustee Mileham made a motion to rent a trencher for no more than $4500 a week including delivery, for work on Riverton Rd. Trustee Charles seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham voted yes. Trustee Mileham made a motion to approve a quote for cutting down trees and trimming limbs on Lincoln St and 5th St. Trustee Payne seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, Mileham voted yes.
Chief of Police Lawley submitted his report, but was not in attendance due to being called into Springfield by Sangamon County. Trustee Payne read his report and thanked him and the department for helping out local communities during difficult times.
Office Manager Patterson had nothing to report.
Treasurer Baker had nothing to report.
Committee Reports:
Trustee Landess, chairperson of the Administrative Committee, was not in attendance and did not have anything to report.
Trustee Payne, chairperson of the Public Safety Committee, wanted to thank the Police Department for their work in helping Springfield during the protesting.
Trustee Mileham, chairperson of the Public Utility Committee, had nothing to report.
Trustee Charles, chairperson of the Parks Committee, had nothing to report.
Trustee Patrick, chairperson of the Public Works Committee, made a motion to approve the removing and replacement of sidewalks, gutters, and curbs at 409 Bice, 405 Bice, 32 Jamestown, 109 S 6th St, 103 #96 Roadway and #97 Roadway for $19,788. Trustee Mileham seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, and Mileham voted yes.
Trustee Bartley, chairperson of the Economic Development Committee, reminded that the crosswalks need painted before considered done.
Mayor Rader stated the KofC organization have decided to move the fireworks celebration to potentially September 12th. The lawsuit with Panhandle is moving slowly forward. They have a discovery hearing this month and hopefully will be before a judge in August. The Capital Improvement Grant is waiting for final numbers, but they have been marking spots on streets to determine how much is needed to be done to improve the looks of our town.
Trustee Bartley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:21 pm. Trustee Payne seconded. Trustees Patrick, Charles, Payne, Bartley, and Mileham voted yes.