
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Auburn Public Library Board met September 15

Auburn Public Library Board met Sept. 15.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

Call to order, roll call of trustees to establish quorum, recognition of visitors

I. New Business

1. Resignation of Ashley Foster as Board President

2. Open nominations and ballots for Officer(s)

II. Adjournment

Call to order, roll call of trustees to establish quorum, recognition of visitors

I. Review of minutes for acceptance

II. Consent Agenda

(Any items may be moved for discussion by board members or citizens present)

1. Library statistics for August 2020

III. Unfinished Business

IV. New Business

1. Ordinance No. 2020-2 Ordinance Levying and Assessing Tax for the Auburn Public Library District of the County of Sangamon State of Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning the 1st Day of July, 2020 and Ending the 30th Day of June, 2021

V. Treasurer’s Report

1. Financial Reports

VI. Director’s Report

1. Facility

2. Staff

3. Programming

4. Fundraising

5. Long-Range Plan Progress Report

a. Objective: The APLD will maintain a website that is informative, useful, and updated frequently. Lazerware is in the process of updating the website.

6. Other

a. Serving Our Public 4.0 Chapters 4-6

VII. Committee Reports

1. Budget/Finance Committee

2. Policy Committee

3. Building Maintenance Committee

4. District Expansion Committee

VIII. Public Comment

IX. Closed Session

X. Announcement

1. Next meeting is October 20, 2020

XI. Adjournment
