
Sangamon Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Sangamon County Public Health, Solid Waste and Zoning Committee Met September 17

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Sangamon County Public Health, Solid Waste and Zoning Committee met Sept. 17.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

Chairman Calls Meeting to Order 

Sign In 

Approval of the Minutes from August 20th 

New Business

Public Health - Gail O'Neill/Bill Dart/Toni Perry

1. Acceptance of Purchase Reports 

2. Resolution to Approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between Villages & Cities in Sangamon County & Sangamon County for the provision of Animal Control Services.

3. Resolution approval to maintain a back-up pool of Registered Nurses (RNs) not to exceed 15 RNS.

4. Approval & County Board Resolution for a new grant from the National Association of County & City Health Officials for the BLOC COVID-19 grant in the amount of $50,000. Matching funds not required.

5.  Approval to Hire a Supervisor-WIC/FCM/Clinic Support Staff at an annual salary of up to $50,947 effective 11/16/20. The current employee's termination date is 9/30/20 and last paycheck date will be 10/16/20. 

6. Approval to Hire an RN/Case Manager-IBCCP at an annual salary of $51,932.38 effective 10/18/20. The previous employee's termination date was 9/3/20 and last paycheck date will be 9/18/20. 

7. Approval to Hire a Clerk Typist I at an annual salary of $28,459.40 effective 10/4/20. The previous employee's termination date was 8/29/20 and last paycheck date was 9/4/20. 

8. Approval to Hire a WIC-Peer Counselor (P/T) 10-19 hrs per week) at an annual salary of $14,820 effective 9/21/20. The previous employee's termination date was 8/3/20 and last paycheck date was 8/21/20.

Trustin Harrison/Steve Keenan/Emily Prather


Zoning - Trustin Harrison

1. Acceptance of Purchase Reports

Regional Planning Commission-Molly Berns

• RPC General Update

Old Business

Procurement/Grant Notifications- (report only)

-Emergency Purchase Order approved by Brian McFadden for Armbruster in the amount of $14,400

Public Comment

Next Meeting Date

October 15, 2020 5:45pm

Next County Board Meeting

October 13, 2020 **6:00 pm

