
Sangamon Sun

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Williamsville Village Board Met August 10

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Village of Williamsville Village Board met Aug. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Town Hall/board meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Yokley. Clerk: Karen Winger. Trustees Present: Tierney, Carter, Brennan, Bunger, Hofferkamp. Absent: Trustee Gettleman

GUESTS: Randy Segatto (via telephone), Heidi Darow (via telephone), Byron Painter (via telephone) COMMUNICATIONS: President Yokley stated the Village is waiting on final approval from IDOT regarding the Multi-Use

Trail. Once IDOT makes their final approval, a preconstruction meeting will be scheduled.

Trustee Brennan made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting held on July 27, 2020. Trustee Tierney seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.


FINANCE: Trustee Tierney made a motion to pay bills as presented. Trustee Hofferkamp seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

PUBLIC SAFETY (John Brennan): Trustee Brennan stated a great deal of work has been completed on the security cameras/system at the park and around the Village.

Trustee Hofferkamp stated there has been some discussion on social media sites regarding the cameras around the Village. President Yokley stated anyone is welcome to attend the board meetings to discuss.

WATER & SEWER, (Matt Bunger): Trustee Bunger stated we have received notice from CWLP. The Village has been credited $4,749.46 due to overpayment on water. CWLP is decreasing the cost of water from $4.651 to $4.594 per 100 cubic feet.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Hofferkamp): Trustee Hofferkamp introduced an ordinance amending the number of liquor licenses. This ordinance will be voted on at the next board meeting.

Trustee Hofferkamp stated the Village has received the Project Manual for the Community Center project. The project is ready to be published for bid.

Trustee Hofferkamp made a motion to approve the Bid Notice for the Community Center project to be sent to Williamsville Sun for publishing. Bids will be due on August 28th at 1:00 p.m. A preconstruction meeting will be scheduled around August 31st-September 4th. Trustee Brennan seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

Trustee Hofferkamp asked Randy Segatto to research when our TIF expires and what time frame we have to spend the money.

PARKS & RECREATION (Dave Carter): Trustee Carter stated Kona Ice will be having another fundraiser for our park project on August 27th. He asks that everyone be aware of social distancing while at the event, and masks are encouraged.

Trustee Carter stated that if anyone would still like to give a donation for the park, donations are always welcome.

Randy Segatto stated he is still working with Sherman’s attorney regarding the park district issue. All possible options are being explored. One thing that they would like to discuss, is boundaries. A meeting will be likely be scheduled to discuss boundaries.

Trustee Carter thanked Public Works for keeping the playground equipment at the park sanitized at least once a day. He stated we are losing our summer employee, so sanitization will be harder to maintain, but the Village will do it’s best. Trustee Carter encouraged parents to be responsible for sanitization for their children, and to take the appropriate steps regarding sanitation.

STREETS, ALLEYS, SIDEWALKS & STORM SEWERS (Patrick Gettleman): Trustee Gettleman was absent.

President Yokely stated the Village would like to repair three streets. However; he stated the Village does not have enough MFT funds to cover Oakwood and Cherry Circle. He stated the top priority is Oakwood. President Yokley also stated Ann Rutledge needs repaired. This street will have to be bid separately since it is in the TIF district. There are enough funds to cover this street since TIF funds can be used for this.

Trustee Tierney made a motion to approve the bidding process to start once the engineers have the information available. Trustee Brennan seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried. This bid will be for milling and overlay of the street.

ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Randy Segatto discussed the current status of the property located at 101 West Jones Street. Discussion was also made regarding the Sangamon County Tax Sale.

Trustee Tierney made a motion to approve the Village to make an online bid on the property tax bill located at 101 West Jones Street in the amount of $15,000.00. Trustee Carter seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

The regular board meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Village of Williamsville adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
