
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Jerome Board of Trustees Met September 3

Webp city

Village of Jerome Board of Trustees met Sept. 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order President Lopez called the meeting of the Village of Jerome Board of Trustees to order at 6:31 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance President Lopez led all those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call

Clerk Wheeland called the roll: 


President Mike Lopez 

Trustees Kathy DeHart, Leigh Irons, Ralph Irons, Dale Lael, Philip Raftis, Christina Smith 

Clerk Linda Wheeland 

Attorney Jason Brokaw 

Treasurer Steve Roth

Approval of Minutes

August 20, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Trustee L. Irons to approve the Minutes of the August 20, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees. The motion was seconded by Trustee Lael.

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

Approval of Warrant List 21-09 

President Lopez stated that Warrant List 21-09 dated September 3, 2020 totaled $29,411.54.

Treasurer Roth added that of this amount $13,678.66 will be paid from the General Revenue Fund, $928.77 will be paid from the 1% Fund, $1,007.64 will be paid from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund, $39.45 will be paid from the Road & Bridge Fund, and $13,757.02 will be paid from the Water Fund. He noted that the breakdown of the INB Visa bill should be amended to charge the $367.59 line item to Account 4574 rather than Account 8071.

Trustee Lael noted that the warrant list included several checks for closed water accounts of less than $5.00. Treasurer Roth said he is looking into a way to address not having to write checks for small amounts and will be conferring with Attorney Brokaw on this issue.

A motion was made by Trustee Lael to approve Warrant List 21-09 dated September 3, 2020, as amended, for a total of $29,411.54. The motion was seconded by Trustee R. Irons. :

Roll Call Vote; 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

Trustee R. Irons asked Treasurer Roth how the finances are looking. Treasurer Roth responded that the financial statements for August should be available next week. This month will be tight. August revenues were better than expected but the future of revenues is uncertain and expenses must be kept under control.

Visitors Acknowledgement President Lopez opened the Visitors Acknowledgement portion of the meeting at 6:38 pm.

He noted that during the time period when remote meetings are being held public comments must be submitted in writing to the Clerk by email or by placing them in the deposit slot outside the office front door by 6:00 p.m. the day of the meeting.

Clerk Wheeland stated no public comments had been received.

This portion of the meeting closed at 6:40 pm.

Discussion of Waste Removal Contract with Republic Services 

Anthony Moore, Municipal Manager for Republic Services, proposed that the Village of Jerome could contract for waste disposal services in the Village so rather than three providers there would only be one. This could result in a good rate for residents and would pull garbage trucks from the other companies off our streets. If Republic Services received the contract, they would provide their containers to residents and would not charge for pick up at the Municipal Building. A contract would establish the same rate for all residents and could include provisions such as the earliest time the trucks could enter the Village, that the trucks would have to be empty when starting, that pickup in the Village would have to be completed in one day, the cost of roll-offs, and whether each resident would be billed separately by the waste disposal company or if the Village would be billed for everyone. He suggested the Village get proposals from several waste disposal companies to determine the best fit. Attorney Brokaw agreed that re proposals was a good idea.

Reports from Village Departments

A. Public Health Trustee L. Irons reported the following:

• She thanked the Jerome police for assisting with removing squatters from a home on lles Avenue. 

• She is working on a couple other houses where there are issues,

President Lopez added that Trustee L. Irons was doing a good job and was working as fast as possible to address issues in the Village while working within procedures of the Sangamon County Department of Public Health and other legal requirements. He noted that some people on social media had been complaining about how long some issues take to be addressed but they do not know the legal constraints the Village is under.

President Lopez asked Trustee L. Irons to contact the Sangamon County Department of Public Health to get a schedule of their fall flu clinics.

B. Public Works

Trustee Raftis reported the following:

• Terry Fountain continues to work on design plans for the Reed Avenue road project. A resident has asked for a speed hump to be included so Mr. Fountain is looking into that.

• There is a storm sewer problem on Wabash Avenue that will cost between $15,000 and $30,000 to fix. This is a major unforeseen expense.

C. Public Property 

Trustee DeHart reported the following:

• A new sign has been installed at the Library with reflective materials that will wear better in the sun.

• The new sign at lles Avenue and Chatham Road is ready but needs new posts. It will be put in next week..

• The two replacement signs along Wabash Avenue are on hold due to the additional sign regulations applicable along State highways.

• Comcast hired Mohawk tree service to trim trees along their easement behind the 1800 block of lles Avenue. The cut limbs were left behind. She volunteered to make the calls needed to get the limbs removed.

• She noted that there have been many comments on social media and through email regarding the continued closure of the Jerome park. President Lopez explained that under Phase 4 of Governor Pritzker's guidelines parks should not be open. He talked with our insurance company and learned that going against the guidelines could affect our coverage. Trustee DeHart said that, in addition, with the increased number of COVID-19 cases in the County and without having enough staff time to keep the park cleaned, it would be best to keep the park closed.

D. Building & Zoning 

Trustee Lael stated he had no report.

E. Public Safety 

Trustee Smith reported the following:

• Sergeant Langan submitted her resignation on August 24th, indicating her last day would be September 4th She left to take a position training EMTs.

Chief Estill reported the following:

• One vehicle was stolen in the Village from the 1500 block of Vernon Avenue. He noted that a rumor was circulating on social media that five cars had been stolen.

• Car burglaries have decreased. People are reporting any problems in a timelier manner.

• On Tuesday night Officer Brewer was at a restaurant having lunch when a Southern View police officer backed into his truck. The Village of Southern View will take care of the cost of repairs which were minimal.

F. Water Department Trustee R. Irons reported the following:

• He is looking into the cost effectiveness of electronic water bill payments. He and Diane will go to the Rochester Water Department, which uses the same software program as our water department, to get an idea of how this works.

G. Village Treasurer Treasurer Roth reported the following:

• We have not received any revenues yet this month.. Checks for the August 20th warrants were mailed out right after that meeting. Payroll was met for August 30th. Checks will be mailed out following this meeting.

• August revenue was up.

• An expected $12,000 gaming revenue check has not yet been received. All other revenue checks from the State are arriving on time.

• He had read a draft of the FY 20 audit report and will be doing an exit interview with the auditors soon. He expects the draft audit to be available to Board members before the next Board meeting.

• He is putting together a reimbursement request through the CARES program for COVID 19-related expenses. The CARES program provides 100% reimbursement while the FEMA program only pays 75%.

• The balances of various accounts are approximately as follows:

> Illinois Funds General Revenue Account - $334,823 

> Motor Fuel Tax Fund - $20,794 

> INB General Revenue Account - $27,438 

> INB Water Account - $251,957 

> 1% Account - $368,219 

> Law Enforcement DUI - $74 

> Law Enforcement Vehicle - $258 

> Road & Bridge - $17,892 

> Police Equipment Fund - $40 

> Cannabis Fund - $490 

> MFT Rebuild Illinois - $36,379

H. Village Clerk Clerk Wheeland reported the following:

• She received candidacy packets and other information on the April 6, 2021 Consolidated Election from the Sangamon County Clerk's office. Four Village of Jerome positions will be on that ballot - president and three trustees. With the Village office currently closed she asked anyone wishing to receive a candidacy packet to call or email her to set up a time to pickup the paperwork. The documents, with fillable forms, are also available on the County Clerk's website, sangamoncountyclerk.com under Sangamon County Clerk News, 2021 Election Filing Information. The filing documents are for independent candidates in municipalities. Although candidacy packets are available, petitions cannot be circulated before September 22nd. Petitions must be filed with her between December 14th and December 21st. This information will be posted on the

• Village website. The County Clerk's website also includes information on registering to vote, which can be done online, requesting a mail-in ballot, and other information relevant to the November election. A note regarding voting information is on the Village website along with a link to the County Clerk's website.

1. Village Attorney 

Attorney Brokaw stated he had no report

J. Village President 

President Lopez reported the following:

• He thanked everyone for the work they are doing.

• He asked Board members to keep track of the warrants needing their signature.

• He has prepared articles for the bulletin and is waiting for information on flu shot clinics. He asked Board members to submit articles for the bulletin to him by next Friday.

• Details on Halloween have not been finalized.

• Line item spending needs to be watched closely.

Old Business

A. Discussion and Approval of Ordinance 21-09 Amending Sections 106.7a and 106.7b Relating to Overtime and Compensatory Time 

This item was addressed after Executive Session.

New Business

A. Discussion of Waste Removal Contract with Republic Services 

This item was addressed earlier in the meeting,

Discussion and Approval of Adjusting 2021 Liquor License Fees 

President Lopez is considering reducing the 2021 liquor license renewal fees due to the impact on Jerome businesses of shutdowns and limited seating capacities after re-opening due to COVID-19 during 2020. He asked for feedback from the trustees before the next meeting.

B. Discussion and Approval of Ordinance 21-11 Amending Section 300.7-13 Adding a Liquor License 

President Lopez asked Cody Zhao to summarize his proposal for a new gaming parlor that was presented at the last Board meeting.

Mr. Zhao stated that he would like to open a standard gaming parlor in the Jerome Mini-Mall in a 2,000-square foot unit with a counter in the front and gaming in the back. He anticipated it would take five to six months to get ready to open.

Trustee Lael asked why Mr. Zhao wasn't using the 1,800-square foot unit instead of the larger one. Mr. Zhao responded that he was told the smaller unit has been leased to someone else. Trustee Lael noted that having a gaming parlor at the mini-mall would leave more parking spaces for the other businesses.

President Lopez said that Jerome is getting close to a saturation point with gaming but it is a big part of the Village's revenue stream. He noted that there have been minimal problems at the gaming facilities.

A motion was made by Trustee Lael to approve Ordinance 21-11 amending Section 300.7-13 adding a liquor license. The motion was seconded by Trustee Raftis.

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis Naes: Trustee R. Irons

The motion carried.

Discussion and Approval of Contracting for Tree Trimming Services 

Trustee DeHart said she was working on two bids for tree trimming and removal of hazardous limbs on trees around the Municipal Building, Police Department, Library, and Park. She received one bid from Mohawk and was awaiting an amended bid from Throop since their original bid did not include removal of hazardous limbs. This work is needed for safety of the trees. She would like to see a three-year tree trimming schedule

President Lopez said there was money included in the budget for tree trimming along Chatham Road and he will check with the City of Springfield to see who they use.

C. Discussion and Approval of Adjusting 2021 Liquor License Fees 

This item was addressed earlier in the meeting.

D. Discussion and Approval of Purchasing Materials to Rebuild Library Ramp 

Trustee DeHart explained that repairing and waterproofing the Library ramp was included in the FY 21 budget. Public Works staff attempted the repairs but the wood had deteriorated too much and the ramp must be rebuilt. The only local store to carry the needed materials is Menards. The cost is $750. Dave would like to get the project completed this fall so the ramp is ready once the Library re-opens after the COVID-19 closure. The handrails and boards will be replaced. Dave will put maintenance of the ramp on the annual work schedule.

Trustee DeHart also noted that the Library sidewalk needs to be replaced.

A motion was made by Trustee DeHart to approve purchasing wood and screws needed to repair and rebuild the Library ramp at a cost not to exceed $750. The motion was seconded by Trustee Smith.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee De Hart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

Attorney Brokaw explained that the President can maintain emergency powers through 30-day declarations made as needed due to the ongoing pandemic. However, disaster declarations can be made on time frames approved by the Board.

E. Discussion and Approval of Contracting for Tree Trimming Services

This item was addressed earlier in the meeting.

F. Discussion and Approval of Advertising for an Open Full-Time Police Officer Position 

This item was addressed after executive session.

G. Discussion and Approval of the Hiring of a Full-Time Police Officer 

This item was addressed after executive session.

H. Discussion and Consideration of Amendment to Employee Handbook 

This item was addressed after executive session.

Executive Session 

A motion was made by Trustee Lael to go into Executive Session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of a specific employee or legal counsel for the public body (5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1)) and minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act for purposes of approval by the Body (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)). Trustee R. Irons seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

The Board went into Executive Session at 7:59 pm.

The Board returned from Executive Session at 9:02 pm.

Clerk Wheeland called the roll. 


President Mike Lopez 

Trustees Kathy DeHart, Leigh Irons, Ralph Irons, Dale Lael, Philip Raftis, Christina Smith 

Clerk Linda Wheeland 

Attorney Jason Brokaw 

Treasurer Steve Roth

Discussion and Approval of Ordinance 21-09 Amending Sections 106.7a and 106.7b Relating to Overtime and Compensatory Time 

Attorney Brokaw explained that provisions in this ordinance were previously discussed and that the overtime ordinance had not been adjusted in some time. This amendment establishes hours worked over 40 for non-police employees and over 43, due to shift arrangement, for police employees as overtime eligible for compensation at 1.5 times hours worked. The ordinance incorporates special language for call backs and establishes consistency of language between the overtime and compensatory time provisions.

A motion was made by Trustee Smith to approve Ordinance 21-09 amending Sections 106.7a and 106.7b relating to overtime and compensatory time. The motion w R. Irons.

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

Discussion and Approval of Advertising for an Open Full-Time Police Officer Position 

Attorney Brokaw explained the need to advertise for the open full-time officer position to gather applications for the current position and to establish a file of potential candidates for future positions.

A motion was made by Trustee Smith to approve advertising for a full-time police officer position. The motion was seconded by Trustee R. Irons.

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

Discussion and Approval of the Hiring of a Full-Time Police Officer

A motion was made by Trustee Smith to approve offering full-time employment as a patrolman to part-time police officer Derek Hull at an annual salary of $38,000 to begin on September 15, 2020. The motion was seconded by Trustee L. Irons.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

Discussion and Consideration of Amendment to Employee Handbook 

Attorney Brokaw explained that after COVID-19 took off the President determined it would be best if the Public Works staff did not work overlapping shifts because of the need to always have someone available. The proposed amendment allows the President or trustee in charge of a department to arrange for alternate scheduling which employees must follow.

A motion was made by Trustee Lael to approve the amendment to the Jerome Employee Handbook. The motion was seconded by Trustee L. Irons.

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee De Hart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.


A motion was made by Trustee Lael to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee R. Irons.

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 9:11 pm,
