
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Jerome Board of Trustees Met September 17

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Village of Jerome Board of Trustees met Sept. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

President Lopez called the meeting of the Village of Jerome Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance

President Lopez led all those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call

Clerk Wheeland called the roll:


President Mike Lopez

Trustees Kathy DeHart, Leigh Irons, Ralph Irons, Dale Lael, Philip Raftis, Christina Smith

Clerk Linda Wheeland

Attorney Jason Brokaw

Treasurer Steve Roth

Approval of Minutes

September 3, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Trustee Lael to approve the Minutes of the September 3, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees. The motion was seconded by Trustee L. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

July 16, 2020 Executive Session Minutes

A motion was made by Trustee L. Irons to approve the Minutes of the July 16, 2020 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees. The motion was seconded by Trustee Lael.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

Approval of Warrant List 21-10

Treasurer Roth stated that Warrant List 21-10 dated September 17, 2020 totaled $37,216.77.

He added that of this amount $13,950.31 will be paid from the General Revenue Fund, $224.60 will be paid from the 1 % Fund, and $23,041.86 will be paid from the Water Fund. He noted that Warrant 21-269 for Menards showed an incorrect line item for the amount $484.17. Instead of 29601 that amount should be charged to 9510 and the warrant list should be amended to reflect this correction.

A motion was made by Trustee Lael to approve Warrant List 21-10, as amended, dated September 17, 2020 for a total of $37,216.77. The motion was seconded by Trustee R. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

Visitors Acknowledgement

President Lopez opened the Visitors Acknowledgement portion of the meeting at 6:39 pm. He noted that during the time period when remote meetings are being held public comments must be submitted in writing to the Clerk by email or by placing them in the deposit slot outside the office front door by 6:00 p.m. the day of the meeting.

Clerk Wheeland stated no public comments had been received.

This portion of the meeting closed at 6:39 pm.

Reports from Village Departments

A. Public Health

Trustee L. Irons reported the following:

• She continues to send letters on branch piles.

• As fall nears people need to remember that yard waste bags require stickers from a garbage hauler to be picked up.

• She is anticipating an upswing in the number of fire permit applications in the fall.

B. Public Works

Trustee Raftis reported the following:

Terry Fountain is still working on the plans for Reed Avenue. The plans should be done by early October so the project can go out for bid in mid-October with construction beginning near the end of October.

There are problems with the white dump truck that will be discussed later in the meeting.

He is waiting for more bids to be submitted for the sewer problem on Wabash Avenue in front of Once in a Blue Moon.

The Village is working with CWLP on a water main break on Corbin Street at Wabash Avenue.

Dave and Billy swept the street gutters this week.

C. Public Property

Trustee DeHart reported the following:

• The new Village of Jerome sign was installed at lies and Chatham today. The Public Works staff installed new posts for the sign.

• Once the Public Works staff started rebuilding the library ramp, they found more structural wood damage so this is being corrected.

• She talked with Mohawk Tree Service who did the tree trimming work for Comcast in the 1800 block of lies Avenue. They subcontracted removal of the tree debris and will contact the subcontractor to complete that work.

D. Building & Zoning

Trustee Lael reported the following:

• He met with Steve Zhao, owner of Asian Market, regarding his plans to construct a building on the vacant lot next to the store. Water and sewer are available.

• Another business is anticipated at the Jerome Mini-Mall.

• A new business may be going in the strip mall north of Food Fantasies. E. Public Safety

Trustee Smith reported the following:

• Derek Hull started in the position of full-time officer this week.

• There is a continuing need for additional help especially in a supervisory capacity since Sergeant Langan resigned.

Chief Estill reported the following:

• The police department is working with Sangamon County on residential burglary investigations.

• Derek Hull is doing a fantastic job.

• Brian Brewer has really been helping a lot.

• Chief Estill is dealing with changes made by the State Lab for evidence that is turned in.

F. Water Department

Trustee R. Irons reported the following:

• The amount on past due accounts since March is $8,144.

G. Village Treasurer

Treasurer Roth reported the following:

• We have received all revenues for September from the various sources, the Motor Fuel Tax revenue from August, and the Gaming revenue that was reported in July.

• The good news is that, except for Telecom, we continue with this month exceeding last year's revenues. That is good in the aspect that hopefully for the first time in a long time we may end the year having more revenue than we did last year. However, before everyone gets too excited, we need to remember last year was a down year due to losing Shop 'n Save, so although we are exceeding revenue from last fiscal year, if we compare it to the preceding fiscal year, we are down in a number of areas. The end analysis is that we must stay the course in keeping expenditures down and only purchasing those things that we need, especially in light of our expenditures in some areas where we did not budget for them.

• He met with the auditors today for his interview and reviewed the final FY 20 audit document. The auditors will attend the October 1st meeting to give a report to the Board.

There are no major issued.

• He sent draft financial reports to Board members yesterday. These will be finalized after the audit is approved. One entry on the financials is incorrect and he will send a corrected page to Board members.

• Checks for the September 3rd warrants were mailed out right after that meeting. Payroll was met for September 15th. Checks will be mailed out following this meeting.

• The balances of various accounts are approximately as follows:

► Illinois Funds General Revenue Account - $369,466

► Motor Fuel Tax Fund - $25,499

► INB General Revenue Account - $40,220

► INB Water Account - $244,949

► Law Enforcement DUI - $74

► Law Enforcement Vehicle - $258

► Road & Bridge - $17,892

► Police Equipment Fund - $40

► Cannabis Fund - $707

► MFT Rebuild Illinois - $36,379

H. Village Clerk

Clerk Wheeland reported the following:

• Gordon Wayman from the U.S. Census Bureau met with her and President Lopez this morning to discuss the final push for residents to complete the census questionnaire.

He dropped off several materials including two yard signs. One was put in front of the Village office. Trustee DeHart will put the other in her yard which has good visibility along lies Avenue. Mr. Wayman suggested sending a reminder letter to renters in the Village since they are the demographic least likely to respond. President Lopez is preparing a letter to send out as soon as possible since responses must be received by the Census Bureau by the end of September.

I. Village Attorney

Attorney Brokaw stated he had no report.

J. Village President

President Lopez reported the following:

He reiterated that he will be preparing a letter targeting renters to get more people in the Census count for the Village.

He asked Board members to send him articles for the bulletin by this weekend. He would like to include information on flu shot clinics provided by the Sangamon County Department of Public Health.

He talked to several residents who had received phone calls indicating that the Jerome Civic Center would not be used as a polling place this November. This is not true. The polling place will be open.

He encouraged all residents to vote, either in person during the early voting period or on election day, or to request a mail-in ballot through the Sangamon County Clerk's website.

• He found out that the gaming parlor that was proposed for the Jerome Mini-Mall was not able to secure a space there.

• Backyard Leisure is planning to expand to the east.

• If the liquor license renewal fees reduction is approved by the Board later in the meeting, he will prepare a letter to businesses explaining this change and extending outdoor seating through October 30th.

• He contacted Mr. Nieman with Nieman Foods about the trailer in the former Shop 'n Save parking lot. It is being used to interview potential employees for the Harvest Market opening soon in the former County Market on Veterans Parkway and Wabash Avenue. Due to the ongoing construction they felt ii was safer to do the interviewing away from the construction.

• Chief Estill and the other officers are working diligently on some investigations.

• Derek Hull is doing a good job.

Old Business

A. Discussion and Approval of Ordinance 244G 21-12 Adjusting 2021 Liquor License Fees

Attorney Brokaw first noted a scrivener's error on the agenda. The correct ordinance number is 21-12. He explained that the Board had discussed reducing the liquor license renewal fees at previous meetings. This ordinance amends the liquor control provisions to reduce 2021 liquor license renewal fees by 50%.

President Lopez noted that there would be a slight impact on the budgeted revenue. Clerk Wheeland said that it could result in a $2,000 to $3,000 variance depending on if all the new businesses who had requested a liquor license actually apply for one.

Trustee Lael stated that the potential new business at the Jerome Mini-Mall would be requesting a liquor license and the new building being constructed by the Asian Market would also include the sale of alcoholic beverages so this should cover most of the difference.

President Lopez said this would be a goodwill gesture to the businesses who have had and will continue with reduced capacities while still needing to cover 100% of overhead expenses. Clerk Wheeland emphasized that the fee reduction applies to liquor license renewals only and not to any new liquor licenses requested next year.

Trustee Lael commented that it would show our appreciation for businesses in Jerome by helping them out in this way. He heard from Angie Chau that she is reducing the rent costs to her tenants in the Jerome Mini-Mall to provide them some financial relief although he didn't know if any other commercial landlords were doing the same.

A motion was made by Trustee Lael to approve Ordinance 21-12 adjusting liquor license fees.

The motion was seconded by Trustee R. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

B. Discussion and Approval of Contracting for Tree Trimming Services

Trustee DeHart said that two complete estimates were received for tree trimming around the Municipal Center, Police Station, Library, and Park. It is not clear how long it has been since the trees were trimmed. Dead and hazardous limbs will be removed and the tree canopies will be trimmed up and away from the buildings and the flags in front of the Municipal Building. This project is being undertaken for the health of the trees and safety of people and property. Two estimates were received, from Mohawk Tree Service and Throop and Son Tree Service. The estimates were within $75 of each other. The work will be scheduled once the tree service is selected by the Board.

Trustee DeHart noted that she had talked with Treasurer Roth about how it would fit into the Property budget. The cost is more than budgeted for that line item but there is room in the Property budget overall for this expense.

A motion was made by Trustee DeHart to approve contracting with Throop and Son Tree Service for the trimming of trees and removal of dead and hazardous limbs at a cost not to exceed $2,800. The motion was seconded by Trustee L. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

C. Discussion and Approval of Resolution 21-09 Approving the Execution and Delivery of Municipal Lease Purchase Agreement No. 300-2641010-001 for a Backhoe

Attorney Brokaw explained that the Board had previously authorized proceeding with a lease purchase agreement for a backhoe and set the price parameters. This resolution is the formal step of receiving the document authorizing the President to sign the lease purchase agreement and proceed with finalizing the transaction.

President Lopez stated that the backhoe is already in town at the dealership so delivery of the backhoe should be reasonable and speedy.

Dave Wilkin said that there is a full factory warranty for two years or 2,000 hours. He explained that the Public Works staff would not use the backhoe for even close to 2,000 hours in two years. There is no written preventative maintenance agreement yet but that will be coming. Basic preventative maintenance can be done inexpensively in-house while any major work would be done by the dealer.

A motion was made by Trustee Raftis to approve Resolution 21-09 Approving the Execution and Delivery of Municipal Lease Purchase Agreement No. 300-2641010-001 for a backhoe, The motion was seconded by Trustee R. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raflis

The motion carried.

New Business

A. Discussion and Approval of Purchasing Road Salt

Trustee Raftis said that the proper paperwork was not submitted on time to participate in the State of Illinois salt purchase. The Village is on the list to purchase salt from Cargill at a cost of $2,100.

Dave Wilkin stated that the State paperwork needed to be filed a year ago. The State pricing would have saved from $7.00 to $10.00 a ton and would have guaranteed salt delivery. Salt is not guaranteed from Cargill. The State paperwork for purchasing salt next year has been submitted.

President Lopez noted that in the past the Village was reimbursed by Woodside Township for the cost of purchasing salt.

Clerk Wheeland said that the Village had a written agreement with Woodside Township last year for the salt reimbursement. There has been no agreement with the Township for this year.

President Lopez said the Village will check with the Township regarding this issue before winter hits.

A motion was made by Trustee Raftis to approve the purchase of 25 tons of road salt from Cargill at a price of $87.00 a ton at a cost not to exceed $2,175. The motion was seconded by

Trustee R. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

B. Discussion and Approval of Appointing Acting Sergeant

This item was discussed later in the meeting.

C. Discussion and Approval of Repairs to Dump Truck

Trustee Raflis reported that the white dump truck was not drivable and had to be towed to Cl,T Trucks in Pleasant Plains at a cost of $260. The repairs will cost $494.01.

Dave Wilkin explained that the Public Works staff used the dump truck two weeks ago on a Thursday all day. The next day the truck wouldn't start. CIT discovered that the camshaft censor needs to be replaced. This part controls most of the computer settings on the truck.

The parts cost $150 and the rest of the price is for labor. The truck is 11 - 12 years old and things are bound to go wrong with it.

A motion was made by Trustee Raftis to approve repairs to the white dump truck by CIT Trucks at the estimated cost of $494.01. The motion was seconded by Trustee R. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

D. Discussion and Approval of Compensation for Police Personnel for Hazard Pay and Alternative Scheduling Related to COVID-19

Trustee Smith stated that this was to compensate Brian Brewer for the time he had to work to Sergeant Langan's shifts when she resigned. The amount is $190.

A motion was made by Trustee Smith to compensate Brian Brewer $190 for time he worked covering shifts when Sergeant Langan resigned. The motion was seconded by Trustee L. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

Discussion and Approval of Appointing Acting Sergeant

Trustee Smith explained that the Board has asked Chief Estill to use his leave time but he cannot do that without another supervisory employee to take on those duties while he is away.

She and the Chief have discussed appointing Officer Brian Brewer as Acting Sergeant for the next ninety days at an additional rate of pay of $4.50 per hour. He has been with the force many years and is very experienced. Officer Brewer would take on the supervisory responsibilities when Chief Estill is taking leave time and during certain hours when part-time officers are working so the Chief would not have to be available 24/7.

A motion was made by Trustee Smith to approve appointing Officer Brian Brewer as Acting Sergeant for the next 90 days at an additional $4.50 per hour. The motion was seconded by Trustee Lael.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried.

Executive Session

The Board did not go into executive session.

Chief Estill asked for clarification on when Officer Brewer would become an Acting Sergeant. President Lopez confirmed it was immediately.


A motion was made by Trustee L. Irons to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee R. Irons.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustee Lael, Trustee DeHart, Trustee R. Irons, Trustee Smith, Trustee L. Irons, Trustee Raftis

The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm.
