
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Sangamon County Public Health, Solid Waste and Zoning Committee Met October 15

Meeting 10

Sangamon County Public Health, Solid Waste and Zoning Committee met Oct. 15.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

Chairman Calls Meeting to Order Sign In Approval of the Minutes from September 17th 

New Business

Land Subdivision Committee-Emily Prather/Eric Wise

1. Resolution approval for Cass Minor Subdivision

Public Health - Gail O'Neill/Bill Dart/Toni Perry

1. Acceptance of Purchase Reports 

2. Discussion of fees for Water Wells Installation Permits-re: agricultural animal use. 

3. Discussion to de-commission the Public Health Department's Mobile Health Unit. 

4. Approval to Hire a Registered Dietician/Nutritionist at an annual salary of $48,309.58 effective 11/2/20. The previous employee's termination date was 9/25/20 and last paycheck date was 10/2/20. 

5. Purchase Order with American Bio Tech Supply for a refrigerator for vaccines in the amount of $3,743.75. Resolution with Custom Data Processing amending their agreement to increase by $73,244.00.

6. Trustin Harrison/Steve Keenan/Emily Prather


Zoning/Building Department - Trustin Harrison

1. Acceptance of Purchase Reports 

2. Approval to Hire a Part-Time Inspector at an annual salary of $15,000 effective 11/5/20. The previous employee's termination date was 10/2/20 and last paycheck was 10/2/20.

Regional Planning Commission-Molly Berns

• RPC General Update

Old Business

• Procurement/Grant Notifications- (report only)

Public Comment

Next Meeting Date

November 19, 2020 5:45pm

Next County Board Meeting

November 10, 2020 **6:00 pm

