Village Board of Pleasant Plains met Sept. 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The Village Board of Pleasant Plains met for the regular village board meeting on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. President Craig Held called the meeting to order and roll call was recorded:
Tim Robinson present Mike Huber present
William Riggins, Jr absent Scott Flanigan present
Wayne Heideman present Mike Long present
President Craig Held declared a quorum present.
Staff Present: Craig Held, President
Judy Reiser, Village Clerk
Brett Keys, Treasurer
Kevin Kesselring, Chief of Police
Brad Hermes, Public Works Commissioner
Roll Call
The Pledge of Allegiance
Minutes were reviewed for the regular board meeting of August 11, 2020. A motion to accept the minutes as presented was made by Trustee Scott Flanigan and seconded by Trustee Mike Long. President Craig Held declared the motion carried by a unanimous aye vote.
Public Recognition:
David Pistorius from First Midstate Inc. explored borrowing options thru municipal bonds. First Midstate is an investment banking firm in central Illinois that specializes in Illinois Municipal Bonds. They have over 50 years of experience with several different types of municipal bonds and financing methods, i.e., General Obligation Bonds, Alternate Revenue Bonds, Revenue Bonds, Debt Certificates, Tax Increment Financing Bonds, Working Cash Fund Bonds, Insurance Reservice Bonds, etc. which Mr. Pistorius explained the difference of each, and how the Bond Issue Notification Act affects the proposed issue and how it will affect the tax rate. He also reviewed the steps necessary to adopt a bond ordinance. He left a 20-year schedule at 3% interest rate for the board’s review. Mr. Pistorius will e-mail a five-year trend on the bond rates.
Lori Belden approached the Board bringing a contractor’s quote for repair to her basement due to the sewer backup when the east terminal pumps shut down. The quote is for $12,250. Advised we have been in contact with OmniSite/GuardDog and they are checking to see if their insurance will cover this. Daynen from OmniSite indicated they would have to do their own investigation.
Also contacted IMLRM to see if the Village insurance will cover this cost as well. We are waiting for a return call from both. Lori states she is not opposed to anyone coming to look at her basement. Brad will go down to see the extent of the damage.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer report was reviewed. Brett states the income tax rolled in from the extension. Trustee Flanigan asked if we received a report that shows the amount due and amount paid wondering how much more would be due before taxes are sold. Brett states he does not get that report. Trustee Tim Robinson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Trustee Scott Flanigan seconded this motion.
President Craig Held called for a roll call vote.
Ayes: Tim Robinson, Wayne Heideman, Mike Huber, Scott Flanigan, Mike Long
Nays: N/A
Abstain: N/A
Absent: Bill Riggins, Jr.
President Held declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.
Payment of the Bills: Bills were reviewed and a motion to accept the bills as presented was made by Trustee Mike Long. Motion was seconded by Trustee Mike Huber.
President Craig Held called for a roll call vote.
Ayes: Mike Long, Scott Flanigan, Mike Huber, Wayne Heideman, Tim Robinson
Nays: N/A
Abstain: N/A
Absent: Bill Riggins, Jr.
President Held declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.
Treasurer Keyes advised there could be a change in social security withholdings, however this is only to defer for now and will need to be repaid in the future. At this point the village will not make any changes in this area. Brett states we are signed up for CURE, Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Act. This fund helps cover expenses related to the pandemic. However, the village does not meet the criteria at this time. If a full-time employee becomes ill with the coronavirus and we need to hire someone to temporarily fill their position then the village could apply for assistance for the additional expense.
Public Works Report: Brad Hermes Public Works Commissioner reported IRC was to start oil and chip today however has been detained in Ashland. Pleasant Plains is scheduled next. Jonathan Stewart advised he will be on vacation this year during clean-up days and not available to help. The Board told Brad to go ahead and hire someone else at $10/hour. There have been four water leaks over the past month. Brad wants to thank Bob Bolt for his help with boring and the use of his machine, it has been greatly appreciated. We have been adjusting the drives as needed but will call Brotcke to see if they can get us pushed up on their schedule before cold weather.
Police Report: Police Chief Kevin Kesselring discussed a resident that had received a bill from the village for animal control for raccoons and opossums he had trapped and taken to the Sangamon County Animal Control to be euthanized. He had contacted DNR and was told he needed to get a Nuisance Animal Removal Permit and then take them to SCAC. At no time was it mentioned there was a charge for this service. Since this resident was acting in good faith the Board voted to waive the 2019 $67.27 charges. It is noted that there will also be charges for this year, 2020, as well. The resident does understand what the procedure is now and won’t be trapping in the future. A motion was made by Trustee Wayne Heideman to waive the $67.27 euthanizing fee as outlined above, as well as the 2020 charges we will receive at their next billing. Trustee Scott Flanigan seconded this motion.
President Craig Held called for a roll call vote.
Ayes: Tim Robinson, Wayne Heideman, Mike Huber, Scott Flanigan, Mike Long
Nays: N/A
Abstain: N/A
Absent: Bill Riggins, Jr.
President Held declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.
Attorney Carl Draper forwarded Ordinance 21-03 to be reviewed and approved. This ordinance sets the current village fees for the use of village equipment as well as remove additional penalty fees from the ordinances to be relocated on a fine and fee matrix which will allow the village to update these amounts without having to amend the ordinance. Trustee Scott Flanigan made a motion to adopt Ordinance 21-03 outlining the village fee for the use of equipment and removing the fine and fee amounts from various ordinances to be relocated on a matrix. Trustee Tim Robinson seconded this motion.
President Craig Held called for a roll call vote.
Ayes: Mike Long, Scott Flanigan, Mike Huber, Wayne Heideman, Tim Robinson
Nays: N/A
Abstain: N/A
Absent: Bill Riggins, Jr.
President Held declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.
Clerk Report: Report was reviewed. Water loss was down.
Clean-Up Day: Citywide garage sale is September 19th. scheduled after that. Clean-up days scheduled September 21 & 22. Charge will be $25.
Update on Water Tower: Waiting to hear from grant application.
Sexual Harassment Training: All staff were reminded to complete their sexual harassment training and turn in their certificate of completion if they have not done so already.
Announcement: Trick or Treat is tentatively set for October 31st from 4:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Definite plans will be disclosed at the October 13th board meeting.
Lake Area Disposal sent their new rate schedule effective October 1, 2020.
There being no further business, Trustee Mike Long made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was second by Trustee Scott Flanigan. The motion was passed by voice vote. Mayor Held declared the meeting adjourned by a unanimous aye vote at 8:04 p.m.