
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Auburn Public Library Board met September 15

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Auburn Public Library Board met Sept. 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to order: A regular meeting of the Auburn Public Library District Board of Trustees was held via Zoom on September 15, 2020. The meeting convened at 7:08pm.

Announcement from the president:

“A Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation was issued on May 29, 2020 due to the continued COVID-19 pandemic. In light of this proclamation, I find that an in-person meeting is not practical or prudent at this time.”

Roll call to establish quorum:

Board Attendees:

1. Ashley Foster: present via Zoom 

2. Shirley Deheve: present in library 

3. Carrie Pillischafske: present via Zoom 

4. Lacy Strader: present via Zoom

5. Monica Garrett: present via Zoom 

6. Jessica Lance: absent

7: Jeffrey Stutsman: present via Zoom 


Kristi Lear, Library Director (present in library)

Amanda Kendall, Librarian (present in library)

Visitors: none

I. New Business

1. Resignation of Ashley Foster as Board President

2. Open nominations and ballots for Officer(s)

a. Carrie Pillischafske nominated Shirley Deheve for President.

1. Ashley Foster: yea 

2. Shirley Deheve: yea 

3. Carrie Pillischafske: yea 

4. Lacy Strader: yea

5. Monica Garrett: yea

6. Jessica Lance: absent

7. Jeffrey Stutsman: yea

b. Lacy Strader nominated Monica Garrett for Vice President

1. Ashley Foster: yea 

2. Shirley Deheve: yea 

3. Carrie Pillischafske: yea 

4. Lacy Strader: yea

5. Monica Garrett: yea

6. Jessica Lance: absent

7. Jeffrey Stutsman: yea

II. Adjournment: 7:23
