
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Lincoln Committee of the Whole Met November 10

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City of Lincoln Committee of the Whole met Nov. 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

The Committee of the Whole Meeting of the City Council of Lincoln was called to order by Acting Mayor Tracy Welch at 7:00 p.m., with proper notice given. City Clerk Peggy Bateman called roll.


Alderman Tracy Welch, Ward 1

Alderman Steve Parrott, Ward 1

Alderman Ron Fleshman, Ward 2

Alderman Sam Downs, Ward 2

Alderman Kevin Bateman, Ward 3

Alderman Ron Keller, Ward 3

Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Ward 4


Elizabeth Kavelman, City Administrator

Peggy Bateman, City Clerk

Chuck Conzo, City Treasurer


Bob Dunovsky, Fire Chief

Andrew Bowns, Veolia Water, Project Manager

Paul Adams, Police Chief

John Hoblit, City Attorney


Alderwoman Kathy Horn, Ward 4

Walt Landers, Street Superintendent

Wes Woodhall, Building & Safety Official


Acting Mayor Tracy Welch

Public Comment:

Angela Stoltzenburg with ALMH Survey – ALMH is conducting a Community Survey of all Logan County Residents to find out what their health needs are. A flyer and copy of the survey was given to the council to be passed out to constituents. The survey is also available online and in paper form at City Hall and the Lincoln Public Library. The survey will need to be completed by Nov 30th. After completing the survey, your name will be put in a drawing for a $250 gift card to Lincoln IGA, winner will be drawn on Dec 5th.

Corey Leonard -Appeal of Historic Preservation decision regarding 517 Pulaski Street.

Mr. Leonard moved his business to 517 Pulaski St. a couple months ago. Looking into getting a sign for his new location, he contacted the Historical Preservation Committee but was denied. The sign he would like is a 3ftx12ft lighted sign. There are a couple other signs in the downtown area that are the same as what he would like. One was put up before the committee, the other was not. The sign that is up, did not go before the commission before it was hung. The Committee did not make the business take it down once they were made aware. Mr. Leonard did express his objections to the Committee, however the Committee stood by their decision. The next step would be for Mr. Leonard to address the City Council which is what he is doing tonight.

Alderman Keller would like to see the meeting minutes regarding Mr. Leonard’s sign before making a decision.

Alderman Parrott would like the Committee to have written criteria for signage in the downtown area.

Alderman Bateman, Alderman Fleshman, and Alderman Welch all feel that since Mr. Leonard’s business has been established for 20 years and this is the same sign, just newer, that this should be grandfathered in and he be granted approval of his new sign.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

Greater Peoria Economic Development - Chris Setti and Casey Peterson (Zoom Presentation).

Request to permit:

Lisa Mestinsek - Top Hat Creamery

In trying to be creative during COVID times, Top Hat Creamery is wanting to use a small, vintage camper to set up during the downtown carriage rides and tree lighting. Hot chocolate, hot cider, ice cream, and baked goods will be sold. She’d like to utilize one parking spot to one side or the other of the Arcade entrance on Pulaski St. The dates will be Nov 27th, Dec 4th, 11th, & 18th from 6pm – 9pm.

Alderman Bateman would like to offer her 2 spaces, to go along with the requirements of the outdoor dining. Because there isn’t a current Food Truck Permit for the downtown area, the Council will work on getting an ordinance created.

This item will be placed on the consent agenda.

Logan County Tourism Bureau closure of street for Winter Wonderland Friday, November 27, 2020 from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm.

Morgan Gleason and Kathy Williams on the phone.

In order to Social Distance, due to COVID, the Tourism Bureau is requesting to close Kickapoo St, between Broadway and Pulaski for the tree lighting ceremony on the Courthouse lawn. The tree lighting is at 5:30pm. The barricades will be moved if the ceremony is done early. There is one business that will be open during that time frame, Guest House Coffee. Morgan has spoken with that business owner, Ethan Hoinacki, and he is in favor.

Alderman Bateman suggested that Morgan reach out to the Clerk’s office at the Courthouse to be sure there wouldn’t be any issue for them.

This item will be placed on the consent agenda.

Logan County Tourism Bureau closure of street for Christmas Cruise in Downtown Lincoln Thursday, December 3, 2020 from 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm.

This event is an alternative to the traditional Christmas Parade. This event will be a drive through parade. Participants will be stationary and cars will drive through the parade. Cars will line up in the high school parking lot and be let out a few at a time not to create any traffic congestion on Wyatt Ave. The parade route is in the agenda packet.

Morgan will reach out to Street Superintendent Landers and discuss any issues he may have. The council doesn’t see this being voted down so they instructed Morgan to go ahead a take parade entries.

This item will be placed on the consent agenda.

Employee Health Insurance Renewal with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois effective 1/1/2021- 12/31/2021. BCBSIL agrees to a 24-month rate guarantee at the rates quoted for the first 12 months. This guarantee shall apply regardless of claims experience or medical status but is contingent upon the employer maintaining at least 51 or more enrolled subscribers at the time of the initial policy issuance and upon the renewal for the second 12-month period.

This item was moved down on the agenda due to several people waiting on the phone to speak on other items.

Sara Schwanz and Nancy Bracey Schaub were on the phone to discuss this item.

Rates for both Health Alliance and BCBS were received.

Health Alliance offered a 0% renewal rate and a 10% reduced premium on the same plans the City had previously.

BCBS rates were still lower than Health Alliances reduced rates.

The committee’s recommendation to the Council is to go with BCBS. The committee also asked to eliminate the HMO plan and add a zero deduction plan. BCBS is offering a 2 year rate guarantee and transition credit and a 1% discount on.

There are currently 71 subscribers.

The HSA employer contribution was voted on previously. If an employee chooses to stay with the $2800 or $6000 deductible, they will still receive the $215 employer contribution. If they choose a different deductible, the contribution will revert back to the amount in their union contracts.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

Invoice from Crawford, Murphy, & Tilley for Union Street Pump Station Construction in the amount of $2,445.13 for Professional Services from August 29, 2020 to October 2, 2020.

This invoice is for some cleanup details. All payouts have been made, just waiting for the lien waivers to come in so the switch can be made.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

Invoice from Crawford, Murphy & Tilley for CSO Improvement Construction Phase in the amount of $55,946.35 for Professional Services from August 29, 2020 to October 2, 2020.

This is for any submittal reviews. There has been a lot of concrete poured in the last month that required engineers be onsite.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

Invoice from Crawford, Murphy & Tilley for Preliminary Engineering Service for 5th Street Road in the amount of $29,013.17 for Professional Services from August 29, 2020 to October 2, 2020.

This invoice is for land acquisitions. Two additional parcel acquisitions were signed on Friday by Acting Mayor Welch.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

Union Pacific Railroad Invoice in the amount of $230.59 for 5th Street Road.

The council has repeatedly asked UPRR to stop all work until all land acquisitions can be finalized for the 5th St Road Project. The work for this invoice was done after that request was made. The Council would like Mrs. Kavelman to meet with her contacts within UPRR via Zoom and find out why they are not honoring the City’s request.

This item will be brought back to the next COW.

Discussion of bids for New Lift Station Truck.

3 bids were received from local dealerships with the lowest bid of $38,437 (with a $1500 trade in) plus title & license fees from Lincoln Chrysler Dodge and Jeep. This truck will be used for Lift Station checks, 3 times a week, and checking the South plant on Sundays. It is a ¾ ton truck and will include a 7 ½ foot snow plow, a trailer kit, a class 4 receiver, and a lift gate with a 1300 lb capacity. The truck will be yellow. The current truck the department uses is a 2008 and has 150,000+ miles. It has two wheel bearings going out, the transmission is starting to slip and the 4 wheel drive has gone out. Graue submitted a bid of $44,365. Jim Xamis submitted a bid for $44,652. Neither included a trade in allowance that was expressed to all bidders.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

M&R Reconciliation for Fiscal years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.

This is the Maintenance and Repair Function Contract. The original contract amount was for $75,300. The contract amount was exceeded for the past two years. In 2018-2019 the amount was exceeded by $37,308.85 and in 2019-2020, the amount exceeded was $39,559.22. During contract negotiations, Veolia was able to find $110,000 in savings through a contract price reduction from the previous operator to Veolia. That amount was passed on to the City. However, that $110,000 was going to be needed to handle repair items that had not been handled well in the past.

There is $120,000 budgeted in this year’s budget to cover these expenses.

Alderman Fleshman and Alderman Bateman asked if these expenditures could be given to the council quarterly. Mr. Bowns said he planned to include them in his monthly department head report.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

Lincoln Rate Structure Re-evaluation

Sewer Tier 3 is scheduled to go into effect Jan 2021. Due to being able to get 15% principal forgiveness and a reduced interest rate for both Sewer projects, at this time the tier 3 rate does not need to be used. It will stay on the table if ever needed in the future.

Alderman Bateman brought up the 10% discount for residents that paid their sewer bills a year in advance. He feels that at this time, so early into construction on sewer projects, the Council should hold off on reinstating the discount. They’d rather reinstate it should Tier 3 ever be needed.

No action is needed at this time on this item.

Land of Lincoln CEO 3 year commitment $1,000.00 per year giving total of $3,000.00 per agreement.

The Council would like an update from Mrs. Doolin on how the previous students that have participated in this program are doing. Where they are now and if they are giving back to the community that helped them.

Acting Mayor Welch will reach out to Mrs. Doolin and invite her to the next COW.


COVID-19: Meetings to discuss restrictions on bars, restaurants, and banquet facilities are being conducted. This group of people, that includes Acting Mayor Welch, Chief Adams, Chief Dunovsky, Alderman Keller, Logan County Board Chair, and Health Dept members, are discussing ways to safely modify the current mitigations made by the state.

Chief Dunovsky has received an estimate to remove the fungus from the basement at City Hall. The basement and attic have already been cleaned out. The owner of the Logan County Pest Control recently opened this business and is struggling financially due to COVID. He is asking that the City pay half up front so that he can order the chemicals and then pay the 2nd half when the work is complete. Alderman Bateman would like a completion date of the project documented before the first payment is made.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.

Leaf pickup will be on Thursday this week due to the holiday. The landscape waste facility will still be open on Wednesday.

There have been several positive cases across all departments within the City of Lincoln. Due to that and the rapid increase in positive cases in Logan County, the following changes will be implemented…

A resolution will be drawn up and voted on to combine Regular Voting meetings and COW meetings

Public participation will be done via phone instead on in person

Weekly department head meetings will be done via Zoom

All of these measures are being done to limit the amount of people in City Hall and to ensure the safety of the employees. Mr. Hoblit will have the resolution ready to be voted on for the next meeting.

This item will be placed on the regular agenda.


