City of Athens City Council met Feb. 18.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Bob Dowell opened the meeting at 7pm and thanked everyone for attending. City Clerk Cindy McFarland called roll. Those in attendance were Mayor Bob Dowell and Aldermen: Amy Chernowsky, Rachel Lantz, Butch Nichols, Chris Reichert, and Angella Thompson. Also present was Police Chief Tim Becker. All stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The Mayor asked for a moment of silence in honor of our long-term alderman, Larry Buhr, who recently passed away.
Motion made by Alderman Chernowsky, seconded by Alderman Reichert, to adjourn to executive session at 7:03pm to discuss personnel issues. All ayes. Motion passed. The council returned to regular session at 7:20pm.
Motion made by Alderman Reichert, seconded by Alderman Chernowsky, to reassign Sgt. Derrick Fritz from the Athens Police Department to the new position of Public Works Superintendent at the rate of $27.50 per hour effective March 1, 2021. Ayes: Chernowsky, Lantz, Nichols, Reichert, and Thompson, Motion passed.
The Mayor thanked everyone and asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion made by Alderman Thompson, seconded by Alderman Nichols, to adjourn at 7:22pm.