City of Athens City Council met April 8.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
Welcome to Visitors/Roll Call
-Police Report-Chief Becker
-Treasurer Report-Ryan Seifert
-Streets/Alley Report-Ryne Crowe
-Water/Sewer Report-Robbie Bluett
-Cemetery Report-Rachel Lantz
-Office Manager Report-Nicole McCormick
-Vehicle Maint Report-Sgt Fritz
-Library Report-Ginger Newingham
Presentation From Individuals/Businesses:
Discussions on the following topics:
1) Presentations
2) Recap of City Information
3) Salute to America
4) Ward 2 Appointment
5) License Fee Adjustments (COVID)
6) Concession Stand Update- AYSA Darren Humphres
7) Water Improvements Report and Recommendations
8) Brush Pick Up Modifications
9) Athens Glory Days Update-Liquor License
10) COVID Business Info
11) Budget
Old Business:
1) Problem property update-sales
Executive Session: Personnel matters (5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (2,3)
Public Comments- Limited to 3 minutes per speaker
Here is the agenda as provided by the committee: