Logan County Finance Committee Met July 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Present: Dr. Hepler, Mr. Blankenship, Mrs. Davenport, Mrs. Estill, Mr. Leesman
Absent: Mr. Jenness
Guests: Kati Newman, Penny Thomas, Angela Reiners, Sheriff Landers, Cheryl Roberts, Gary Davis Dr. Hepler called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
Approval of Minutes: Mrs. Estill made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Davenport, to approve the minutes as typed for the June 8, 2021, Finance Meeting and the June 28, 2021, Special Finance Meeting. Motion carried.
Old Business: Dr. Hepler stated that he would like the Old Business items to remain on the agenda for the August Finance Committee Meeting.
1. October:
a. Budget Amendment:
i. $2500 from Farm Expense to Economic Development
ii. Credit line item 101-03-51002 $4000 Assessor’s Office Deputy Salary
New Business:
1. Budget- Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Newman explained that the budget prep sheets are due to be sent put to the County Department Heads. Mrs. Thomas explained that she will be showing Mrs. Newman how to do the prep sheets and send them out and that Mrs. Newman should ask for them to be returned by August 2nd or 3rd that way she can input the information into the CIC software system and have a draft FY 21/22 budget for the August Finance Committee meeting for the committee’s review. The committee agreed.
2. ARPA Funds Subcommittee/ Premium Pay for Employees- Mrs. Davenport and Mrs. Thomas stated that the initial request has been submitted to Bellwether and that there has been no response yet of the requests that has been submitted. Upon further discussion it was decided that there should be a Finance Subcommittee for further ARPA Funds discussion, and it would consist members of the Finance committee with alternates as well as County Treasurer Mrs. Thomas. The committee agreed. Gary Davis also addressed the committee about the ARPA Funds with some of his thoughts before he excused himself form the meeting.
3. Redundant Internet Service- Mr. Leesman stated that STRATUS is the better provider but would like more time to research and to come up with where the funding for the redundant internet service will come from. Mr. Leesman asked that the topic stay on the agenda.
4. Supervisor of Assessments Position/ Office- Mrs. Davenport gave an update to the committee regarding the Assessors Office and Mr. Twist and the employees at the Assessors Office. Mrs. Davenport explained that after speaking to Mr. Twist and Ms. Lucas there is some interest in the area about the position and she feels that it would be best to go ahead and post the position and see what resumes the Board Office and the committee receives and Mrs. Davenport that since the office is operating relatively smoothly, she feels that the part time position could remain empty for the time being. Mrs. Davenport made a motion, seconded by Mr. Leesman, to move forward and post the Supervisor of Assessments position with the intent to interview and hire someone. Motion carried.
5. Salary Adjustments for Deputies- Sheriff Landers gave an update to the committee and presented more information and graphs regarding salary adjustments and a new pay scale for the Logan County Sheriff deputies. Sheriff Landers explained again to the committee how many officers have left the Sheriff’s Department and how much many has been spent on training new hires. After further in-depthdiscussion Sheriff Landers stated that he is thinking about possibly implementing a new contract for new hires that will make the new hires responsible to pay back a portion of the training costs if they leave the Sheriff’s Department before three years. Sheriff Landers also explained to the committee that he has also been thinking about possibly hiring some potential part time deputies. The committee thanked Sheriff Landers for his presentation and the committee would review all of the information he had submitted to the committee.
6. Tax Sale
a. LO 20/21 60- City of Lincoln- Mrs. Davenport made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Estill, to approve the tax sale. Motion carried.
b. LO 20/21 61- MMIL Holdings LLC Series 1- Mrs. Davenport made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Estill, to approve the tax sale. Motion carried.
7. Inventory System- Mrs. Newman explained that 2 different inventory systems options were provided in the committee packets. After some discussion Mrs. Davenport asked that the topic be kept on the agenda for further discussion at the August Finance committee meeting.
8. Logan County Soil and Water Conservation District Request- It was explained to the committee that a request was submitted by the Logan County Soil and Water Conservation District in the amount of $4,000 for the upcoming fiscal year, the request is the same amount as previous years. The committee agreed to keep it in the budget.
Review Expenses: None.
Review Revenues: Dr. Hepler mentioned to the committee that there are some potential project revenues for the next fiscal year, but he was asked to keep them confidential for now.
Approve The Bills: Mr. Leesman made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Estill, to approve the Finance Committee bills. Motion carried.
Communications: None.
Public Comments: Cheryl Roberts addressed the committee suggesting that during the course of the restoration the County could possibly put items that they would like to get rid in a silent auction and she also stressed more public participation during Logan County Board meetings and during the Courthouse restoration process. The committee thanked Ms. Roberts.
A motion was made by Mr. Leesman, seconded by Mrs. Estill, to adjourn the meeting at 6:40pm. Motion carried.