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Monday, March 3, 2025

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met Nov. 8

Webp meeting41

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met Nov. 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Board of Trustees of the Village of La Grange meeting was called to order at 7: 32 p.m. by Village President Mark Kuchler. On roll call, as read by Village Clerk Paul Saladino, the following were: 

PRESENT: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, O' Brien, and Peterson with President Kuchler presiding. 

ABSENT:  Trustee McGee

OTHERS: Village Manager Andrianna Peterson

Village Attorney Benjamin Schuster

Public Works Director Richard Colby

Community Development Director Charity Jones

Finance Director Lou Cipparrone

Interim Police Chief Jason Cates

Deputy Chief Robert Wardlaw

Fire Chief Terrence Vavra

President Kuchler welcomed the Village Board and thanked Trustees for attending the meeting which has been modified to adjust for social distancing. He reminded everyone to stay six feet apart and wear a mask while in the Village Hall regardless of vaccination status. The video of the meeting was broadcasted on cable television, YouTube, and will also be available on

Facebook and posted to the Village website.

President Kuchler asked Village Clerk Saladino to lead the audience in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.


President Kuchler thanked residents and businesses for their continued diligence with following the CDC and IDPH guidelines to reduce the transmission of COVID- 19. He noted health professionals continue to strongly encourage everyone to pursue vaccinations. To find a vaccination center near you, please visit www.vaccines.gov. For more information regarding COVID- 19, please visit the Village website at www.lagrangeil.gov/covid.

President Kuchler noted that since the significant storm event on June 26, he has been reporting on the Village' s efforts to help reduce flooding and identify funding for flood mitigation projects through a number of legislative, legal and engineering initiatives. The Village has identified projects to help reduce flooding, each of which has its own set of challenges, costs and benefits. Additional projects are also in the process of being studied by Village engineers. Each of these projects require partnerships with various agencies such as the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, Illinois Department of Transportation, Cook County and potentially other taxing bodies. He noted stormwater is a regional problem, and all entities must continue to work diligently along with the Village to find a solution.

President Kuchler noted that on October 25, 2021, the Village held a Strategic Planning session and discussed funding for various infrastructure projects including roads, water mains and sewers both in the short term and long term. He also noted that he recently participated in two meetings coordinated by Lyons Township regarding regional stormwater issues. He noted that the Village Board would be meeting in Closed Session at the end of the evening to discuss pending litigation, including potential settlement with the quarry. He expressed that the Village will continue to update the community on our efforts and progress.

President Kuchler announced that on November 1, the Police Department received a report of an Armed Robbery in the area of Harris and Madison Avenues. Thankfully, no one was injured. He explained that due to quick actions by the victim and our Police Department, the vehicle involved in the robbery was stopped soon after the incident. The vehicle and its occupants were transported to the Police Department and ultimately charges were filed against one individual, including one count of Armed Robbery, a Class X Felony, and one count of Theft of Property from a Person, a Class 3 Felony. He thanked Chief Cates, Deputy Chief Wardlaw and the men and women of the La Grange Police Department for their responsiveness, quick and thorough efforts, and their professionalism. He also expressed gratitude to the Major Case Assistance Team ( MCAT), which the Village is a member of, for providing resources from other municipalities to assist La Grange in the criminal investigation.

President Kuchler announced that Veterans Day is Thursday, November 11 and Village offices will be closed. He recognized and honored all military veterans, noting that the Village has a number of Police Officers, Firefighters and Public Works employees who are veterans representing all branches of the military. He thanked veterans for their service to our country.

President Kuchler was happy to announce that La Grange was voted the Best Downtown by Suburban Life' s 2021 Readers Choice Awards. The honor would not be possible without the support of our businesses, employees, and the LGBA working as partners to provide the best downtown experience. He thanked the residents and those of neighboring communities for their continued support and recognition of our downtown as a premier destination and reminded everyone that Small Business Saturday is on Saturday, November 27, 2021. Celebrate La Grange' s small businesses as they host big sales to kick off the holidays, featuring limited time offers and discounts from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. More information is available on the LGBA website.

President Kuchler invited residents and visitors to discover holiday magic in La Grange as we deck the halls and light up the season with festive activities and experiences for the entire family during Hometown Holidays in La Grange. Get a head start on your holiday shopping, discover the trendiest gifts this season, and mark your calendar for the tree lighting and Santa' s arrival on Saturday December 4. The Holiday Wish Book is live and features a digital catalogue of unique small business gifts and offerings for the holiday season. For more information, please visit www.lagrangeevents.com.


Village Manager Peterson announced that Village administrative offices will be closed on Thursday, November 25 and Friday, November 26 for the Thanksgiving holiday. She noted regular business hours will resume on Monday, November 29 at 8: 30 a.m. The next regularly scheduled Village Board meeting on November 22 is expected to be cancelled. As always, a full complement of public safety personnel will be on call to respond to emergencies. She wished everyone a safe, healthy and happy Thanksgiving.


Andrew James of the Police Pension Board noted that he was in attendance in follow up to a letter submitted by the Police Pension Board, requesting an increase of funds above the actuarial recommended contribution. He believed that the additional amount requested is based on the budgeted amount and would not cause any undue financial pressure on the Village, as it was a largely symbolic request. Mr. James explained that he recognized that the Village must take into account competing requests for funding. He requested that the Village fund the Police Pension contribution at a higher level based on the budget estimate.


A. Ordinance — Design Review Permit # 113, 100 W. Calendar, Oak Properties Limited Partnership

B. Minutes of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, Monday, October 11, 2021

C. Minutes of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, Monday, October 25, 2021

D. Consolidated Voucher 211025

E. Consolidated Voucher 211108

Trustee Augustine stated that in consideration of her relationship with the Village Prosecutor, she recused herself from each item on the voucher related to the Village Prosecutor.

Trustee Augustine requested a minor change be made to the minutes, as a comment made by Trustee Kotynek was incorrectly attributed to her.

A motion was made by Trustee Kotynek to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Trustee Gale.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, O' Brien, and Peterson

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee McGee


A. La Grange Business Association 2021 Holiday Walk Request for Village Sponsorship & Hometown Holiday Promotion

President Kuchler asked Trustee Augustine to introduce the item. Trustee Augustine presented a request from the La Grange Business Association seeking authorization and financial support for the 30th annual Holiday Walk to be held on Saturday, December 4, 2021 from 5: 00 p.m. to 9: 00 p. m.

She noted that as in the past, activities will start with an All -Village Sing, followed by Santa' s arrival by fire truck and the traditional lighting of the " Village Tree." Assuming no changes in COVID public health protocols, Santa is again proposed to be seated in the Village Hall auditorium together with Mrs. Claus for photos. The LGBA intends to have a group of string musicians performing in the lobby of the Village Hall to entertain families as they wait to visit Santa. Local choirs will be invited to perform on the steps of Village Hall from 6:00 p.m. to 8: 00 pm. Local merchants will also welcome shoppers into their stores with a variety of activities, specials, and sweet treats. Also as in the past, the Holiday Walk will include a " North Pole Express" kiddie train ride, a petting zoo, a shopper' s trolley service, and ice sculptures displayed throughout the Village.

Due to the COVID- 19 pandemic, there was not a traditional Holiday Walk in 2020. Instead the Village and LGBA presented a package of attractions and promotions that provided safe experiential opportunities for families and robust online offerings so customers could engage local businesses in person or remotely. The 2019 overall event expenses for the Holiday Walk were approximately $ 33, 000. The LGBA anticipates similar event expenses again in 2021. To help defray marketing and operational costs of the event, the LGBA is requesting that the Village co- sponsor the annual Holiday Walk in an amount of $16, 000, as is provided for in the Village' s FY 2021/ 2022 budget.

In August the Village Board approved a marketing contact with Ripson Communications. As a part of that contract, Ripson provides aggressive marketing and publicity efforts for the holiday season. The campaign, which is underway now and continues through Christmas, promotes general holiday shopping in La Grange, as well as Small Business Saturday on November 27, the Holiday Walk on December 4, and the digital Holiday Wishbook (now in its second year).

LGBA Director Nancy Cummings was present to answer any questions.

Trustee Augustine moved to approve the LGBA' s request for Village sponsorship and Hometown Holiday promotion, seconded by Trustee Gale.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, O' Brien, and Peterson

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee McGee

President Kuchler thanked the La Grange Business Association for their partnership. B. Preliminary Review ofthe Proposed 2021 Property Tax Levy Request

President Kuchler asked Trustee Peterson to introduce the item. Trustee Peterson explained that the Truth in Taxation Law requires a preliminary review ofthe proposed property tax levy by the corporate authorities at least 20 days prior to the adoption of the tax levy to determine if the aggregate levy is more than 5 percent greater than the preceding year' s tax levy extension, exclusive of debt service. If the preliminary levy is estimated to exceed the preceding year' s levy by more than 5 percent, the Village must hold a public hearing prior to the adoption of the proposed property tax levy. The proposed Truth in Taxation levy request, excluding debt service, shows a total increase of 2. 62 percent over the prior year' s extension. Therefore, the Village of La Grange is not required to hold a public hearing regarding the 2021 property tax levy.

The proposed Village property tax levy, which includes the 2. 62 percent increase, is also subject to the Property Tax Limitation Act ( property tax caps), which limits the increase, exclusive of debt service and new growth, to five percent or the national Consumer Price Index ( CPI), whichever is less. The CPI rate applicable to the 2021 property tax levy is 1. 40 percent. Therefore, the additional 1. 22 percent increase in the tax levy reflects new growth in 2021, which in total, is estimated at 10 million EAV. This estimated new growth includes annual new growth of 5 million Equalized Assessed Valuation ( EAV) from residential/ commercial improvements, plus an additional projected increase of 5 million EAV from year two of construction of the Mason Pointe residential development project.

It is important to note that when the Village anticipates significant new growth from development projects, this does not result in an increase in individual homeowners property taxes. The limiting rate calculation allows the Village to include the increased dollar amount of the property tax levy, which is then distributed over a larger EAV base, limiting the overall increase on an individual property strictly to the increase in the CPI. Therefore, the impact of the proposed 2021 property tax increase on an average Village of La Grange home with an estimated market value of $500,000, is an increase of $20.04 from the Village property tax levy.

Mr. Bob Rietz from Lauterbach & Amen, LLP, gave an overview ofthe Police and Fire pension levies. Discussion included recommended contributions, funded status, actuarial experience, risk management, minimum contributions, contribution history, and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board ( GASB) solvency test.

Trustee Peterson noted that the proposed levy does not include additional funds for the Police Pension Fund and noted that while it may not be a necessity, it would not be burdensome to accommodate Mr. Andrew James' request to add an additional $2, 552 to the Levy.

Trustee Gale expressed his support of amending the motion to include the minor request as a demonstration of the Village' s support of our Public Safety professionals.

Trustee Augustine asked for both Director Cipparrone and Mr. Bob Rietz to explain the drawbacks to amending the motion to provide additional funds as requested by the Police Pension Board.

Mr. Rietz noted that depositing additional contributions to the pension fund is not a negative in his view as it results in more assets, which increases the overall amount that goes towards the increased funding percentage.

Director Cipparrone noted that the dollar amount of the additional contribution is not the focus in this discussion, it is the policy that surrounds the funding decision. The budget is simply an estimate, while the actuarial valuation report includes known methodologies and assumptions that the actuary uses to calculate their required contribution. He noted that the question moving forward is if the Village Board will contribute to the pension funds based on budget estimates, or continue with the prior practice of funding based upon the actuarial required contributions.

Trustee Kotynek noted that while contributing money to the pension funds is not a bad thing, it does take away funds from other budgeted services. The budget is a forecast, and while the increased percentage results in a small overall dollar amount this year, it may not be that way in the future. He expressed his support for a contribution based on the actuarial report.

Trustee Peterson made a motion to amend the resolution announcing an estimated 2021 tax levy of $10, 580, 551, exclusive of debt service, which is a 2. 62 percent increase from the 2020 tax levy, to include an additional $ 2, 500 to be provided to the Police Pension Board, seconded by Trustee O' Brien.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, O' Brien, and Peterson

Nays: Trustee Kotynek

Absent: Trustee McGee

Trustee Peterson made a motion to approve the amended resolution announcing an estimated 2021 tax levy of $10, 583, 051, exclusive of debt service, which is a 2. 62 percent increase from the 2020 tax levy, seconded by Trustee O' Brien.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, O' Brien, and Peterson

Nays: Trustee Kotynek

Absent: Trustee McGee




Trustee Gale advised residents to be careful this holiday season as there are many scams being reported. He advised that residents should be aware and cautious, noting that ifthe offer sounds too good to be true, it likely is. He also warned against providing any personal information, as it increases the risk of being scammed.

President Kuchler congratulated Trustee O' Brien for his recent appointment to the Legacy Guild Board.

President Kuchler also asked drivers to be cautious as the nights begin to get darker earlier, and it is harder to see pedestrians.


At 8: 38 p.m., a motion was made by Trustee Kotynek and seconded by Trustee Gale to adjourn into closed session for the potential purpose of discussing pending litigation involving the Village.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, O' Brien, and Peterson

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee McGee


At 10: 21 p.m. Trustee Gale made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee O' Brien. Approved by a voice vote.
