City of Petersburg City Council met Dec. 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Rick Snyder called the City Council to order at 7:02 p.m.
A. Members present were Mayor Rick Snyder, Aldermen, Andrew Gain, Bruce Gorman, Rick Sonnemaker, and Mike Allison. Also present were City Clerk Ken Ortman, Treasurer David Frick, and City Attorney Jason Brokaw. Alderman Kevin Molohon and Nathan Grosboll were absent.
B. Mayor Snyder led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
Alderman Grosboll arrived at 7:03 p.m.
C. A motion was made by Alderman Gorman and seconded by Alderman Gain to approve the agenda as presented. VOTES: Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Allison, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.
A. The City Clerk presented the Warrant List and Accounts Payable. A question asked by Alderman Andrew about the bill for the concrete for the Broadgauge. It seamed a little high. A motion was made by Alderman Gain and seconded by Alderman Sonnemaker to approve payment of the bills as listed on the Warrant List and Accounts Payable with the exclusion of the Concrete for the Broadgauge to be reviewed and brought forward at the next meeting. VOTES: Gorman, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Allison, yes; Sonnemaker, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.
B. A motion was made by Alderman Gorman and seconded by Alderman Gain to approve the minutes of December 7, 2021 Regular Meeting. VOTES: Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Allison, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.
A. Water
1. Water Collector’s Report. Water Collector Georgia Ed presented the Water Collector’s Report for the month of November 2021. The Department has sold less water than this time last year. 856,000 gallons than last year. A motion made by Alderman Gorman seconded by Alderman Gain to approve the Water Collectors report, adjustments and agreement as presented. VOTES: Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Allison, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.
2. Water Superintendent’s Monthly Report. Water superintendent Dave Troxell gave the Monthly Report. Held the meeting with the residents of Village Green to possibly annex into the City of Petersburg and provide them with sewer.
3. Discussion on Vanetten property wanting to sub-divide his property and build houses.
B. Street
1. Street Superintendent’s Monthly Report. Street Superintendent Dave Troxell gave the Monthly Report. Decussion on water line to the Stier Addition.
C. Zoning
A. Mayor’s Report
1. Handicap Parking on West Side of the Square. The Gun Shop was requesting a handicap parking space at the South end of the West side of the square.
2. 205 N 9th vacate alley. Hanna & Bill Kline. Their driveway entrance is on the N/S alley off Sangamon St. between 9th and 10th street. They are requesting the alley be vacated and given to them as their private drive to their house. By consensus the Council will pursue the vacating of the alley.
B. Treasurer’s Report
1. The Treasures report was presented. A motion made by Alderman Gain seconded by Alderman Grosboll to approve the Treasures Report as presented. VOTES: Gain, yes; Allison, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Grosboll, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the CARRIED.
2. Audit Exit Conference with Mike Feriozzi. Discussion was held on the 2021 Audit by City Auditor Mike Feriozzi.
3. Ordinance 2021-16 LEVY. The Treasurer presented ORDINANCE 2021-16 LEVY. A motion made by Alderman Gorman seconded by Alderman Gain to approve ORDINANCE 2021-16 LEVY. VOTES: Allison, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.
4. Ordinance 2021-17 ANNUAL TAX LEVY FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE PURPOSE. The Treasurer presented ORDINANCE 2021-17 ANNUAL TAX LEVY FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE PURPOSE. A MOTION MADE BY Alderman Gorman seconded by Alderman Gain to approve ORDINANCE 2021-17 ANNUAL TAX LEVY FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE PURPOSE. VOTES: Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Allison, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.
A. Building and Grounds
B. Fire
C. Parks and Playgrounds
D. Personnel
E. Streets
F. Water/Sewer
G. Police
H. Finance
X. Old Business
1. Discussion on Methodist Church is eventually will be moving to the West outskirts of town and the current building is Zoned R-1. The Council needs to be thinking on what would be allowed in an R-1 District.
A motion was made by Alderman Gain and seconded by Alderman Allison to adjourn the meeting. VOTES: Gorman, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Allison, yes; Sonnemaker, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED. Meeting Adjourned at 8:03 p.m.