City of Athens City Council met June 9.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Welcome given by Mayor Reichert. Clerk Rhonda Ethell took roll call. All Alderman were present.
Mayor Reichert stated police report would be moved until Monday’s meeting.
Mayor Reichert asked Treasurer Fritz for the Treasurers and Public Works report.
Treasurers Report
Transfers were made from the General Fund to the Alternate Bond Fund for the WTP ($36,000.00) and the WWTP ($20,200.00). $1,000.00 was transferred to the Meter Deposit Fund from the General Fund. $24,637.34 was transferred from ABF to the General Fund to pay the interest due on the WTP bonds, along with $9240 of ARPA money that was in the ABF to pay for test wells that were drilled in March. Motor Fuel received $6,670.98 in tax revenues, while the Video Gaming Fund received $4,979.51 in tax revenues. After the Low Prairie payment was made $300 was transferred to the Streets fund.
We are still waiting on the auditor to get the needed documentation to refinance the WWTP to Alliance Community Bank. We have been in constant communication with both and hope to have this done in the next 2 weeks.
The bonds for the WTP have been sold at a rate of 3.97%. Closing on the bonds is expected to be in mid-June.
With the Well #8 project being close to put out for bid we will need to decide how we are going to pay for that project. The well is needed sooner than later. We are due to receive our second installment of ARPA funds. That will be nearly $130,000.00. If the WWTP refinance is completed before the July payment is due there will be an additional $120,000.00 that will be available. We will also have a surplus of $120,000.00 from the money that has been set aside for the WTP bond payment. I plan to continue saving the $36,000.00 an $20,200.00 for the plant payments. By setting aside this extra money I believe we will be able to pay for Well #8 as projected costs have been in the $250,000.00 to $300,000.00 range.
I have spoken to a timber buyer about the property at the sewer plant. There is approximately 40 acres of timber. The buyer stated that he would guarantee the city at least $24,000.00 for approximately 60 logs. In his opinion with proper timber management this could be done again in the next 7 to 10 years. If we were to take more trees, he feels the timber would be overtaken by brush. The buyer operates on a 60/40 split, with the city receiving 60% of the sales.
Public Works Report
Streets: We have continued to patch roads in preparation for oil and chip. The guys spent a few days cleaning and learning the oil distributor truck. I am still waiting for a bid package from the engineer for materials for the oil and chip project.
Sewer: The rebuilt blower motor for the SBR’s was installed. To accurately figure our water loss a new water meter was installed at the sewer plant. It is unknown when this meter last functioned. After 2 ½ days we checked the meter and determined there was a significant leak. We were able to isolate most of the leak and are actively trying to determine if there are any others. We believe there may be a small leak, however with the extensive drainage under the plant it has been difficult to locate. I have been contacted by local septic haulers. They have expressed interest in dumping at our plant for a fee. Springfield charges $0.015/ gallon and Jacksonville charges $0.002/ gallon. I have spoken with our engineers, and they do not see any issues with this as our plant is capable of handling such waste. I would like to set a rate of $30.00/ 1000 gallons.
Water: Prairie State has finished replacing the valves. Before the valves were replaced, we typically pumped an additional 15,000-25,000 gallons of raw water than what was finished in a day. Since then, raw, and finished water numbers have been identical. They are currently functional, but we are waiting for handles to be fabricated so that the valves can be operated from the catwalk above the valves. I hope to receive a bid package for Well #8 from the engineers. I have spoken with the property owner where well #8 will be located. He is asking for $35,000.00 for the property.
Vehicles: 2012 F350 had an oil change at Bert’s, and we installed brakes pads, a front caliper, and rear rotors.
Mayor Reichert asked Office Manager Nicole McCormick for the Office Mangers report. Shut offs were completed, 25 customers were shut off with 12 remaining off.
The new water/sewer rates took effect June 1st, raising them by 2%. Customers will see this increase on the bills that will be sent out on the 30th of this month. In town minimum is now $57.08 for sewer and water.
We will be implementing the new Illinois Epay system on the website on June 16th. Information went out today to customers about that. We will now be accepting e-check as well as debit/credit cards.
New Business
Mayor Reichert asked Ellen Wiker and Izzy Henning for their presentation. Girl Scouts asked for permission to hang signs (8-12) around town about keeping the community clean. The sign design would be a local kids competition.
Mayor Reichert asked Ellen Wicker to address the Council. Ms. Wiker asked permission and approval for the Annual Dog Walk to be held on July 23.
Mayor Reichert asked Charles Mester to approach the podium regarding the property bought from the City of Athens. Mr. Mester stated the Deed was incorrect and is asking for reimbursement for some of the cost that was lost getting deed and title cleared. The council has asked for time so the matter can be referred to the City’s Attorney.
Old Business
Rural Water District Proposal submitted with partnership with Petersburg waiting on response. July 2nd Fireworks $3,200 in donations already received.
Bonds update the paperwork has already been done.
Library Budget- Ginger to be present at Monday’s meeting.
Building on Main no progress shown so a full report will be requested.
Mayor Reichert asked Keith Moran from Moran Economic Development for his presentation on the Business District Development.
Mayor Reichert asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion made be Aldermen Thompson. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM