
Sangamon Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Jerome President and the Board of Trustees met Nov. 17

Village of Jerome President and the Board of Trustees met Nov. 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

CALL TO ORDER: The President and the Board of Trustees held a regular meeting on Thursday, November 17, 2022, at the Jerome Civic Center, 2901 Leonard Street, Jerome, Illinois. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Lopez, followed by Roll call and the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL: The following were present:

Mike Lopez, Village President

Kathy DeHart, Trustee of Public Property & Co Trustee Public Health

Leigh Irons, Trustee of Public Safety

Ralph Irons, Trustee of Water Department

Phil Raftis, Trustee of Public Works, arrived at 6:37pm

Also Present:

Jason Brokaw, Attorney, Giffin, Winning, Cohen & Bodewes, P.C., by phone

Steve Roth, Village Treasurer

Lisa Cave, Village Clerk


Christina Smith, Co-Trustee of Public Health

Dale Lael, Trustee of Building & Zoning

President Lopez opened the meeting with a moment of silence for Denise Schuh, the Village of Jerome Water Clerk who passed away over the weekend.

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: President Lopez asked whether the Board had reviewed the November 3, 2022, Minutes and if they found need for any changes, corrections, or amendments. President Lopez asked the November 3, 2022, minutes would stand approved as presented.

Motion to approve the November 3, 2022, Meeting Minutes as presented by: Trustee Leigh Irons and 2nd by Trustee Ralph Irons

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


President Lopez asked whether the Board had reviewed the September 15, 2022, Executive Meeting Minutes and if they found need for any changes, corrections, or amendments. President Lopez asked the September 15, 2022, executive minutes would stand approved as presented.

Motion to approve the September 15, 2022, Executive Meeting Minutes as presented by: Trustee Leigh Irons and 2nd by Trustee DeHart

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


President Lopez asked whether the Board had reviewed the October 6, 2022, Executive Meeting Minutes and if they found need for any changes, corrections, or amendments. President Lopez asked the October 6, 2022, executive minutes would stand approved as presented.

Motion to approve the October 6, 2022, Executive Meeting Minutes as presented by: Trustee Leigh Irons and 2nd by Trustee Ralph Irons

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


APPROVAL TO PAY BILLS: President Lopez asked whether the board had reviewed Warrant List 23-14 dated November 17, 2022, totaling $263,267.54. Treasurer Roth added that of this amount $11,789.65 will be paid from the General Revenue Fund, $21,853.76 will be paid from the Water Account, $220,785.49 will be paid from the 1% Fund. $6,330.64 will be paid from Road and Bridge and $2,508.00 will be paid from ARPA Funds. President Lopez asked for a motion to approve Warrant List 23-14 as presented.

Motion to Approve the Warrant List 23-14 as presented by Trustee Leigh Irons and 2nd by Trustee Ralph Irons

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;



President Lopez opened the Visitors Acknowledgement portion of the meeting at 6:49 pm. Clerk Cave had no comments to read.

This portion of the meeting closed at 6:51 pm.

President Lopez introduced Cameron Jones with Benton & Associates. Cameron thanked the Board for the congratulations on the birth of his son.

Cameron provided to the Board the revised Conceptual Design Agreement for Iles Ave. President Lopez asked for a motion to approve the Revised Conceptual Design Agreement as presented.

Motion to Approve the approve the Revised Conceptual Design Agreement as presented by Trustee Raftis and 2nd by Trustee Ralph Irons

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


Cameron provided to the Board the SR200081 Grant Administration Agreement. The grant requires monthly submittals to the State and this agreement is to assist doing the paperwork. President Lopez asked for a motion to approve the SR200081 Grant Administration Agreement as presented.

Motion to Approve SR200081 Grant Administration Agreement as presented by Trustee Raftis and 2nd by Trustee Ralph Irons

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


Cameron discussed that the Village needs to pass the Motor Fuel Tax program for 2022. President Lopez asked to table this item until the December meeting.


Trustee Smith was absent, and Trustee DeHart reported that there have been quite a lot of complaints on trash in the Village and trash dispersed on the ground. Trustee DeHart will get with Trustee Smith and discuss how to proceed with the residents that have been asked to correct the issue and have not done so.

Trustee Raftis reported the Village had a great turn out for the large item drop off with 4 20-yard dumpsters and the company was great to work with. Public Works picked up 17 loads of limbs, however Trustee Raftis reminded residents if you want to ask questions, do not mount our equipment, or open the doors to vehicles while our employees are working. If you have questions, please ask them in a civil tone and do not cuss at the Village employees, that will not be tolerated. Dump truck replacement is in, and the snowplow will be installed soon. Salt was delivered on Tuesday and the blade on the 2022 truck is on order.

Trustee DeHart reported the Civic Center door is out of commission and will be meeting with contractors for the replacement that meets ADA requirements. Trustee DeHart stated she had 2 meeting s with the security and upgrades to this building and the inside of the complex with Chris from Third Wave. IT networking is on hold until we can install an additional outlet and Ryan Electrical is coming out next week to provide us with a bid. Eagle Scout completed the inventory list and Trustee DeHart will train the volunteers and once that is completed, we will put it on the website.

Trustee Lael was absent.

Trustee Leigh Irons wanted to remind residents that the holidays are approaching and to keep their items locked and secured. Residents will see the speed buggy making appearances throughout the Village.

Trustee Ralph Irons stated Dave had met with a Group that will help assist and provide equipment for the Lead and Copper Surveys, $1,200 per year and will provide information to Treasurer Roth to review. Diane Ahern will be filling in as Water Clerk temporarily and the position is on Indeed.

Clerk Cave had nothing to report.

Attorney Brokaw had nothing to report.

President Lopez stated that Toys for Tots is scheduled for December 10, 2022, from 12 pm to 3 pm.

TREASURER REPORTS: Treasurer Roth presented to the Board of Trustees the Financial Status as of November 17, 2022, via email: Revenues: We continue to see healthy increases in the Use Tax, Income Tax and Gaming Revenue continues to exceed expectations at this point. Some fluctuation in the other funds. Funds: There are approximately $1,019,184.03 in the Illinois Funds GRF account after I transferred the revenues for November into the 1% and Cannabis accounts. There is $157,993.02 in the MFT funds. There is approximately $37,896.54 in the INB GRF account and $171,407.19 in the INB Water account. The other bank account balances are as follows: Law Enforcement - DUI – $120.36; Law Enforcement – Vehicle - $697.43; 1% NHR - $524,102.73 (with the November revenue included); Road & Bridge - $6,330.64; Police Equipment Fund - $2,893.88, Cannabis Fund - $5,164.95 (with the November revenue included); MFT-Rebuild Illinois fund – $109,136.94; American Rescue Funds - $150,171.10.

OLD BUSINESS DISCUSSION: Trustee DeHart asked to table the Leasing of the Jerome Civic Center until the next meeting.

President Lopez opened discussion and approval of the ARPA funded project to upgrade the electrical wiring in the Village Library not to exceed $21,000.00 by Ryan Electrical Solutions. Trustee DeHart stated that she had met with Ryan Electrical after going over the estimate with other board members and the final estimate came in at $21,550.00. The increase is due to the kitchen lighting needs consolidating the switches, removing the bathroom outlet, and installing 6 new light fixtures in the basement. The total also includes removing all knob and tube throughout the building and installing a panel.

Motion to approve the ARPA funded project to upgrade the electrical wiring in the Village Library not to exceed $22,000.00 by Ryan Electrical Solutions by Trustee DeHart and 2nd by Trustee Raftis

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION: President Lopez opened discussion and approval of an Employee Appreciation Luncheon. Trustee Raftis stated that last year the Village ordered food from Hyvee and it was very good. Trustee Raftis stated it is something the Village can do to show their appreciation to the employees and get into the holiday spirit.

Motion to approve an Employee Appreciation Luncheon on December 7, 2022 at 12:00 pm not to exceed $300.00 by Trustee Raftis and 2nd by

Trustee Ralph Irons

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;



A motion was made by Trustee Leigh Irons to go into Executive Session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of a specific employee or legal counsel of the public body (5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1)); minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act for purposes of approval by the Body (5ILCS 120/2(c)(21); Trustee Ralph Irons seconded the motion.

The Board went into Executive Session at 7:20 pm.

The Board returned from Executive Session at 7:38 pm.

ADJOURNMENT: With no further business, President Lopez asked for a motion to close the meeting at 7:39pm. Motion was made by Trustee Raftis and 2nd by Trustee Ralph Irons.
