Village of Illiopolis Board of Trustees met Feb. 6.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Mayor Rogers called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
A roll call was taken, all members were present.
The agenda was adopted as presented.
D Koonce made a motion to approve the January 16, 2023 meeting minutes as amended seconded by M Pevler All ayes Motion carried 6-0-0.
Seth Flach was present to discuss the regionalization of the sewer plants with Niantic and Harristown. He said this is just the preliminary stage of the proposal. The project could take up to 2 or 3 years. There will be money available from the EPA to help with this. Applications are due March 31st. He also spoke about the storm sewer project, he stated that he, public works and someone from Entler Escavating will walk the project area and note what sidewalks have to be taken out and what trees need to be removed. This will be done in the next week or so.
Rod Mitchell was present to discuss Westside Park and to offer his assistance. J Swick stated that they are still working on bids for the fence. She contacted Clay Butcher regarding the water and the solution is to keep it as a small pond. She also said that the monkey bars may be put together wrong. She mentioned that we can’t put a walk path through standing water. D Koonce said to talk to the Sangamon County Board and to move forward.
Tony Caccomo was present to let the board know that the duplex on Dye and Currie Road sold. He is waiting for Ameren to finish putting in the wiring to the duplex. He said they are using a heat pump at the duplex and it is very energy efficient. A resident on Prairie Run contacted J Swick about a drainage issue. Tony said that he will address it in the Spring.
Open Forum
Treasurer’s Report
C Mitchell was present to let the board know that she received another water bill with the rate increase and that there is still a big amount of water missing. She also told the board that there is a new computer in the office and that the old computer will be used for maps and ordinances and for Public Works to do webinars.
.Economic Development Report
D Reinhart was present by phone and spoke about the open house for the Waddell property. She stated that there is one person who is very interested. R Reed stated that there are other people that are interested also.
Engineering Report
Old Business
Video Gaming was discussed and D Koonce stated that the Village should charge companies a gaming fee and not charge the establishments. R Reed suggested that the village should charge $25 per terminal to be charged to the vendor which would be a total of $600 once Java Jax gets their terminals. Mayor Rogers suggested since we are going to charge the vendor and not the establishment, why not charge $1000 to the vendor per establishment. The board agreed to this and attorney Segatto will draft the ordinance to be voted on at the next meeting.
New Business
Electronic collection, tire collection and the shred event was discussed with the date of June 17. Which is the same day as clean -up day. It was mentioned that we may need to change the day of clean-up day. , Mayor Rogers will contact the garbage company to see if the date can be changed.
M Pevler made a motion to approve the Illiofest meet prom court application for the raffle license seconded by J DeVore all ayes motion carried 6-0-0.
J Swick made a motion to approve the SVBP music bingo application for the raffle license seconded by M Pevler all ayes motion carried 6-0-0.
Dilapidated Property
D Koonce stated that the brush by the railroad tracks has been cleaned up. He also said that most people had their garbage cans back from the road. Mayor Rogers said a community member asked how we can pick who they have for garbage when they don’t live in the Village. The Mayor said he told the person that the garbage company added them to the contract several years ago so they would pay the same price as the residents of the Village. But he would check with our attorney and find out for sure. Attorney Segatto said that we can’t choose who they have for garbage service even if the garbage company added them to the contract because they are out of the Village. The Mayor tried to contact the resident and he did not return the call. The Mayor was asked when the garbage contract is up and he said November 30th of this year and we will be putting out requests for proposals.
M Pevler asked how hard it would be to get a liquor license for 4 Queens. The Mayor said they would have to come to the Board and request one.
Mayor Rogers had complaints about a parking issue at the north side of Mary, west side of 5th. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
R Reed made a motion to go into Executive session at 7:48pm for leasing of village property and personnel with J DeVore seconding a roll call vote was taken all ayes motion carried 6-0-0.
R Reed made a motion to come out of executive session at 8:09pm with D Koonce seconding a roll call vote was taken all ayes motion carried 6-0-0.
J DeVore made a motion to give the treasurer a 3% raise with D Koonce seconding a roll call vote was taken all ayes motion carried 6-0-0.
R Reed made a motion to adjourn at 8:12pm with B Honea seconding.