
Sangamon Sun

Friday, November 22, 2024

City of Petersburg City Council met April 4

City of Petersburg City Council met April 4

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Rick Snyder called the City Council to order at 7:07 p.m.


A. Members present were Mayor Rick Snyder, Aldermen Heidi Hiser, Nathan Grosboll, Andrew Gain, Bruce Gorman, Rick Sonnemaker, and Mike Allison. Also present were City Clerk Ken Ortman, Treasurer David Frick, and City Attorney Jason Brokaw.

B. Mayor Snyder led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

C. A motion was made by Alderman Gain and seconded by Alderman Gorman to approve the agenda as presented. VOTES: Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Hiser, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; yes; Allison, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.


A. The City Clerk presented the Warrant List and Accounts Payable. A motion was made by Alderman Gorman and seconded by Alderman Gain to approve payment of the bills as listed on the Warrant List and Accounts Payable. VOTES: Gorman, yes; Hiser, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Allison, yes; Sonnemaker, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.

B. A motion was made by Alderman Gorman and seconded by Alderman Allison to approve the minutes of March 21, 2023 Regular Meeting. VOTES: Hiser, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, abstain; Allison, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.


A. Amanda Serra - Discussion about spraying the City for Mosquito's and suggestions on using alternative material's.

B. Bri Allison - Discussion about the Drinkin with Lincoln Festival and 5K Run May 20, 2023.


A. Police 

1. Police Department Monthly Report. Chief Nichols gave the Monthly Report for March 2023.

2. Recommendation from Personnel/Police Comm. on new hire. A motion made by Alderman Gain seconded by Alderman Gorman to recommend to the Full Council to hire Royce Shamhart as Assistant Chief of Police effective May 1, 2023 at rate of $29.00 per hour. VOTES: Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Allison, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes, Hiser, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.

B. Fire 

1. Matt Price gave the Fire Department Report for March 2023. The Department ran a total of 12 calls.

2. Mitchell Horn is a Cadet with our Fire Dept., has just turned 18 and has turned in an application to join the Petersburg Fire Department. A motion made by Alderman Grosboll seconded by Alderman Allison to appoint Mitchell Horn as a Probationary Fireman to the Petersburg Fire Department. VOTES: Gain, yes; Allison, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Hiser, yes; Grosboll, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.

C. Zoning 

1. Appointment to Zoning Board of Appeals. The mayor would like to appoint John Ramage to the Zoning Board of Appeals. at one time was the Zoning Administrator for the City. A motion made by Alderman Gorman seconded by Alderman Gain to appoint John Ramage to the Zoning Board of Appeals.


A. Mayor's Report 

1. Discussion on Parking Places at Leo's Pizza. Leo's would like to put a sign on 2 spots for Pizza pick up from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. By consensus the Council will allow for the signs to be put up at Leo's Pizza.

2. Handicap Parking for Rehab Center. The Rehab Center is asking for a wheelchair parking spot close to it's building on 7th street. Approved by Consensus. Particulars will be brought forward at a future meeting to vote on.

3. Closing the Alley off Jackson St. Discussion was held about the lot at 112 E. Jackson St. being sold and because of Ordinances, buildings around the square need to be 20 ft wide. The lot in question is only 19 ft. The Mayor is suggesting the City sell them 2 feet of the alley so they would have enough width. Discussion will continue when a firm offer is made for the lot.

4. Discussion was held about limiting large farm machinery in residential roads.

B.  Treasurer 

1. Set Budget Meeting. April 11, 2023 7 p.m. for the next Budget Meeting.



A. Building and Grounds 

B. Fire 

C. Parks and Playgrounds 

D. Personnel 

E. Streets 

F. Water/Sewer 

G. Police 

H. Finance 



X. Old Business 

1. Discussion on a building the Mayor wanted to look at for the rest room at the J.C Park.

2. The old Jr. High Building now belongs to the City.



A motion was made by Alderman Gain and seconded by Alderman Hiser to adjourn the meeting. VOTES: Hiser, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Allison, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED. Meeting Adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
