
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sangamon County Public Health Committee met July 12

Sangamon County Public Health Committee met July 12.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

Chairman Calls Meeting to Order 

Sign In 

Approval of the Minutes from June 13th 

New Business 

Public Health - Gail O'Neill/Toni Perry 

Public Health Update 

1. Jeanne Keenan, Director of Animal Control and Adoption Center 

2. Acceptance of Purchase Reports 

3. Approval to Hire a Clerk Typist II at an annual salary of $39,515.20 effective 7/25/23; the previous employee was promoted to a new position effective 7/10/23 and left the position at an annual salary of $39,515.20. Requesting waiver of the 30 day lag.

4. Approval to Hire a Supervisor, WIC/FCM/MCH Nurse RD at an annual salary of up to $70,710 effective 7/25/23; the previous employee left the position on 8/12/22 and left the payroll on 8/19/22 at an annual salary of $68,897.16.

5. Intergovernmental Agreement between villages & cities in Sangamon County and Sangamon County for the provision of animal control services.

Old Business 

• Procurement/Grant Notifications- (report only) 

Public Comment 

Next Meeting Date 

August 9, 2023

5:00 pm

Next County Board Meeting 

August 8, 2023


