
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met June 12

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met June 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Board of Trustees of the Village of La Grange meeting was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by Deputy Village Clerk Charity Jones. On roll call, as read by Deputy Clerk Jones, the following were:

PRESENT: Trustees Augustine, Gale, O'Brien and Peterson, and Thompson with President Kuchler presiding.

ABSENT: Trustee McGee

OTHERS: Village Manager Jack Knight

Village Attorney Benjamin Schuster

Deputy Village Manager/Community Development Director Charity Jones 

Public Works Director Richard Colby

Finance Director Lou Cipparrone

lnterim Police Chief Kurt Bluder

President Kuchler welcomed the Village Board and thanked Trustees for attending the meeting. He shared that video of the meeting is available on YouTube, and will also be available on Facebook and posted to the Village website.

President Kuchler invited Lou Cipparrone's wife Carolyn, son Sam and daughter Claire to lead the audience in reciting the pledge of allegiance.


C. Oath of Office - Kurt Bluder, lnterim Chie{ of Police

President Kuchler noted that with the retirement of Chief Wardlaw, the services of an interim Administrative Chief are needed while a more permanent placement is sought. Former Chief Bluder has graciously agreed to serve in this role.

President Kuchler asked Deputy Village Clerk Jones to administer the Oath of Office for Chief Kurt Bluder.

President Kuchler thanked Chief Bluder for agreeing to serve as lnterim Administrative Police Chief as the Village aaively searches for a new Police Chief. President Kuchler also thanked the officers for their dedication and service during this period of transition.

President Kuchler announced that Judge Neil Cohen issued an order regarding the litigation between the Village and Hanson Material Service Corporation. The judge's order was overwhelmingly in favor of the Village. The Village Board and staff are excited to continue to pursue flooding relief for the residents south of 47th Street. President Kuchler noted that that this has been a long process and referenced a Village Board Meeting from January 12, 2015 where talks about the 50th Street storm sewer began.

President Kuchler noted that Judge Cohen found that Hanson Ouarry intentionally interfered with La Grange's easement rights. Judge Cohen also {ound that Hanson, despite knowing that the Village had easement rights, decided to destroy the sewer and. after destroying the sewer, misrepresented their knowledge of the easement under oath to the Mccook Zoning Board. Hanson again lied to the Village by asserting Hanson did not know who owned the pipe and by claiming that they thought that it was an abandoned pipe. Judge Cohen determined that they were all lies by Hanson Quarry.

President Kuchler again referenced the Village Board Meeting {rom January 12, 2015, which included President Tom Livingston. Trustees Bill Holder, Mark Langan. David McCarty, Jeff Nowak, James Palermo and Mark Kuchler, during which they decided to do what was necessary to get {lood relief for the resident's south of 47th Street. President Livingston coordinated with then Village Engineer Ryan Gillingham to secure a plan. Mr. Gillingham put forth large amounts of time and effort to make sure that the Village had the best workable plan. President Livingston went to the community to seek a referendum that would be needed to secure funding. Credit also goes to resident Mike Matteucci who initially wanted a different solution, but eventually went door to door to get residents to vote for the referendum. Back in 2014, it was the Board's hope that this flooding issue would be resolved quickly.

President Kuchler thanked the current Board for their continued patience and support, ensuring the litigation remained a focus and did not get sidetracked. He also thanked Dry Up La Grange for organizing and mobilizing its 600 members.

President Kuchler invited Dan Stanner of Tabet, Divito & Rothstein, Village Attorney, to provide an overview of the litigation. Mr. Stanner summarized the six-year fight with Hanson Ouarry regarding whether the Village had a right to discharge water into the Ouarry. The Quarry brought the litigation after the Village was looking to expand and improve the sewer discharge into the Ouarry to relieve flooding. The litigation was brought to trial with a number of documents presented as evidence showing that the Ouarry intentionally cut the pipe despite knowing that the Village had an easement. Judge Cohen issued a 40-page opinion in favor of the Village.

President Kuchler recognized former members who were witnesses that testified on behalf of the Village, including Tom Livingston, Tom Hauer, Ryan Gillingham, and Bernie Martin. President Kuchler also thanked Mike Kotynek for his support as a Trustee during the litigation. He also thanked the Law Firm of Tabet, DiVito and Rothstein for their good efforts and resulting victory.

President Kuchler thanked the Pet Parade Charities and the La Grange Business Association (LGBA) for the planning and tireless work that went into the annual La Grange Pet Parade and Carnival. He noted that the Pet Parade and Carnival are wonderful community traditions that give the Village an opportunity to celebrate and enjoy the community. They're truly part of what makes La Grange so special. President Kuchler thanked the Village personnel for the planning and coordination that went into these events, and for extra effort put in to make sure that these events went well.

President Kuchler thanked the La Grange Garden Club for their efforts in designing and planting the beautiful planters throughout downtown. The planters are a great addition to the warm and inviting atmosphere of our downtown. Everyone can take pride in the appearance of the downtown and for the generous contributions of those that helped to install them.

President Kuchler announced that the CommUNlTY diversity group will be hosting a Juneteenth celebration on Monday, June 19th at 4:30 p.m. at the Community Center on 200 Washington Drive. The theme is " No one is free until everyone is {ree". Dr. Bessie Boyd will moderate and President Kuchler will join honoree Minister Lynn Lacey and others in the celebration.

President Kuchler noted that the Mosaic Design had been approved for the Community Center. One-hour workshops, held to lay tiles in creating the eight murals of the design, will take place between 3-7:00 p.m. on August 22-30 and Saturday, September 9 with Greenstar. Anyone under the age of l8 must be accompanied by an adult. When complete, the mosaic murals will be attached to the building and there will be a celebration in early Oaober.

A. Re-Appointments - Advisory Boards and Commissions

President Kuchler read the recommended re-appointments for the advisory boards and commissions into the record.

Trustee Gale made a motion to approve the re-appointments and two new appointments seconded by Trustee Peterson. N{otion carried on a voice vote.

B. Appointment & Re-Appointment - Liquor Commission

President Kuchler read the recommended appointment and reappointment for the Liquor Commissions into the record.

Trustee Gale made a motion to approve the re-appointments and two new appointments seconded by Trustee Peterson. Motion carried on a voice vote.

E. Resolution of Appreciation - Finance Director Lou Cipparrone

President Kuchler read the Resolution of Appreciation for Finance Director Lou Cipparrone into the record.

Trustee Gale thanked Mr. Cipparrone for being such an excellent steward of the Village's resources, for providing detailed information relating all things budget.

Trustee Peterson thanked Mr. Cipparrone for being patient, professional and vital source of information. She noted that it has been a pleasure and privilege to work with Mr. Cipparrone.

Trustee O'Brien thanked Mr. Cipparrone for all he has done for the Village and appreciated all his hard work.

Trustee Augustine noted that Mr. Cipparrone for will be missed as he is one of the last to go who has 30+ years of knowledge. Trustee Augustine thanked Mr. Cipparrone for his hard work and dedication, especially regarding the downtown TIF that Mr. Cipparrone managed.

Trustee Thompson noted that he will miss Mr. Cipparrone's leadership, especially since Trustee Thompson is now in charge of the finance presentations.

President Kuchler (on behalf of President Tim Hansen, President Liz Asperger, and President Tom Livingston) stated that is will be difficult to fulfill the role as President without the knowledge and expertise of Mr. Cipparrone. President Kuchler noted that with Mr. Cipparrone as Finance Director, he and past presidents never had to worry about improprieties. President Kuchler noted that Mr. Cipparrone's attitude and coolness permeated through to the other departments. President Kuchler thanked Mr. Cipparrone for his efforts, especially as Mr. Cipparrone has touched every department in the Village over his 29 years of service.

Former Trustee David McCarty thanked Mr. Cipparrone for his patience, kindness, and teaching, which is part of what makes La Grange a better Village.

Lou Cipparrone expressed his appreciation and stated how grateful he was for the opportunities that have been provided during his career. For the trust and support from the Village, President(s), Trustees, Manager(s), Department Heads, co-workers and members of the audience. Mr. Cipparrone was grateful to have worked with an outstanding and dedicated group as part of the Finance Department and proud of what the group accomplished throughout the years. Mr. Cipparrone noted that he is grateful for his family, children Sam. Claire, and Kate, and especially his wife Carolyn who has supported and encouraged him throughout his career.

President Kuchler thanked the Finance Department, Sandy Shalaby, Cheryl Arquilla, and Joe Munizza for coming to support Mr. Cipparrone and especially to the Cipparrone Family for the sacrifice and support of lvlr. Cipparrone.

D. Trustee Presentation & Liaison Assignments

President Kuchler read the recommended Trustee Presentation & Liaison Assignments into the record.

Trustee Gale made a motion to approve the re-appointments and two new appointments seconded by Trustee Augustine. Motion carried on a voice vote.


Village Manager Knight noted that work had begun in earnest to replace the water main along Brainard Avenue. The contractor is targeting the installation of 100' of main per day. Part of this work will include closure of the Brainard rail crossing. Once the Village is notified of the closure date, message boards and communications will be issued regarding the closure. Part of this work includes the ability of residents to take advantage of negotiated pricing for the replacement of lead service lines. The replacement of lead service lines or an acknowledgement refusing replacement are part of the Village's efforts in complying with state mandates.

Mr. Knight thanked Mr. Cipparrone for his years of service and dedication to the Village.

Mr. Knight welcomed lnterim Police Chief Kurt Bluder to the team.




A. A Resolution Approving a Contract with EHMS Mechanical Services {or the Repair to Village Hall Auditorium Air Condition Unit

B. Minutes of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, Monday, May 22,2023

C. Consolidated Voucher 230612 

A motion was made by Trustee Gale to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Trustee Peterson.

Trustee Augustine stated that, in consideration of her relationship to the Village Prosecutor, she recused herself from each item on the voucher related to the Village Prosecutor.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, O'Brien, Peterson, and Thompson 

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee McGee


A. A Resolution Approving Task Order No. 270 with Baxter and Woodman, lnc. for 50th Street Storm Relief Storm Sewer Design Engineering

A Resolution Approving Task Order No. 10 with Christopher B. Burke Engineering - Projed Management and Agency Coordination

A motion was made by Trustee Gale to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Trustee Thompson.

Rick Colby, Director of Public Works, noted that the South Basin Area is defined as the area south of 47th Street. This area is prone to overland flooding and depressional areas (low spots) are impacted during severe rainstorm events. The sub-basin forms what is referred to as the Des Plains River Tributary A. During critical storm events, our existing combined sewer and storm sewer systems cannot handle the volume or flow of water and becomes overwhelmed, leading to flooding that places a large number of homes and structures at severe risk. To address flooding in this area, the Village has developed plans to expand our stormwater system along 50th Street. The proposed projea will aim to improve the level offlooding protection to the five depressional areas that exist within the South Basin. lt is worth noting that while the proposed project will significantly reduce flooding risks, it is not feasible to eliminate all risk of flooding.

Mr. Colby stated that the Village is working with several partners to construct a large-scale multiyear capital infrastructure project to expand our storm water sewer system capacity. This project will include interagency coordination under the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) of Greater Chicago's Stormwater Partnership Program for funding and associated permitting. Christopher B. Burke Engineering is proposed to lead project management, which includes interagency coordination. Additional services include assisting in permitting coordination with entities such as the lllinois Department of Transportation, conducting peer reviews of engineering documentation prepared by Baxter & Woodman, and maintaining an overall project schedule to effeaively and efficiently, sequence project steps.

Trustee Thompson asked Ior confirmation that the pipe going into the Ouarry will remain at 54 inches and if the study will take into account the change and impact of the smaller than previously proposed pipe. He also inquired if the study would be updated with the data gathered from the most recent flooding events.

Mr. Colby confirmed that the pipe will be 54 inches and that the study will analyze the hydraulic performance of the system and maximize the level of flooding protection that the system can provide. He also confirmed that the study wou ld be utilizing the most up-to-date hydrological rainfall data for the model that they are producing.

Mr. Colby answered additional inquiries regarding depressional areas, the trunk sewer and the lateral lines.

A. A Resolution Approving Task Order No. 270 with Baxter and Woodman, lnc. for 50th Street Storm Relief Storm Sewer Design Engineering

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, O'Brien, Peterson. and Thompson 

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee McGee

A Resolution Approving Task Order No. 10 with Christopher B. Burke Engineering - Project Management and Agenry Coordination

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, O'Brien, Peterson, and Thompson 

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee McGee

B. Special Event Approval- La Grange Craft Fair

President Kuchler asked Trustee Augustine to introduce the item. Trustee Augustine stated that the La Grange Business Association (LGBA) has submitted a request to hold the 49th annual La Grange Craft Fair. The Craft Fair has brought thousands of visitors to La Grange annually and has been ranked among the top 200 best .juried craft shows in the country. LGBA proposes to hold the 2023 Craft Fair on Saturday, July 15 and Sunday, July 16 {rom 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day. As in the past, the LGBA has hired Craft Productions, lnc. as the event organizer.

Trustee Augustine moved to approve the Special Event - Annual Downtown La Grange Craft Fair, seconded by Trustee Gale.

Nancy Cummings, LGBA Consultant, noted that this event draws a lot of foot traffic, especially for the shops and restaurants.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, O'Brien, Peterson, and Thompson Nays: None

Absent: Trustee McGee


Mary O'Dowd, caregiver for a resident at 737 S. La Grange Road, referenced an email submitted to the Public Works Department for repair of pot holes in the alley of the above-referenced address. She noted that although she received a reply that the work had been completed, Ms. O'Dowd feels that no work has been done at all.

President Kuchler thanked Ms. O'Dowd for bring this item to the Villages attention. He stated that Mr. Knight will begin a review to determine the status of the request and coordinate with the appropriate department to complete the task.

Randy Valenta, 19 S. La Grange Road. commented regarding the intersection of Calendar Avenue and La Grange Road, noting that while it is designed to allow for only right turns, many drivers take dangerous left turns across La Grange Road. He also commented on the speeding on La Grange Road that is intrusive to the patrons of the outdoor businesses. He requested for more enforcement from the Police Department to issue more citations.

President Kuchler thanked Mr. Valenta for bringing this issue to the Board. He noted how important it is for pedestrian safety and that the Police Department takes all comments seriously with the officers doing their best.


Trustee Gale noted that nationwide pedestrian safety is getting worse with auto vs pedestrian fatalities increasing. He encouraged the Police Department to continue or increase issuing citations.

Trustee Gale thanked Trustee David McCarty as they had previously evaluated and concluded that litigation would be the best solution to address the flooding issues south of 47th Street. He also thanked Trustee Bill Holder, as they had previously interviewed and recommended Tabet, Divito, and Rothstein for legal counsel in the litigation with Hanson Ouarry.

President Kuchler noted that when he began his term as a new president that he was reassured as he had both an architect and an engineer to determine the best solution(s) regarding the flooding.


President Kuchler stated that it was the Viilage Board's intention to enter into Closed Session under Section 2(cX5) o{ the lllinois Open Meetings Act to discuss the purchase or lease of real property for the use o{ the public body; Seaion 2(c)(1 1) of the lllinois Open Meetings Act to discuss pending, probable or imminent litigation; and Section 2(c)(21) of the lllinois Open Meetings Act to discuss minutes of meetings lawfully closed to the public. He also stated that the Village Board will not reconvene in open session at the end of the closed session, as no formal action will occur.

At 8:57 p.m., a motion was made by Trustee Gale to adjourn into Closed Session under Sections 2lc)11), 2lcJlll), and 2(cX2'l) of the lllinois Open Meetings Act to discuss matters related to the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of speci{ic employees; to pending, probable or imminent litigation, and to discuss minutes of meetings lawfully closed, seconded by Trustee Augustine.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine. Gale, O'Brien, Peterson and Thompson 

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Mccee


At 10:46 p.m. Trustee Thompson made a to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Peterson. Approved by a voice vote. 



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