
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sangamon County Court Services Committee met Aug. 3

Sangamon County Court Services Committee met Aug. 3.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

Chairman Calls Meeting to Order 

Sign In 

Approval of the Minutes from July 6th 

New Business/Department Updates: 

Court Administration - Suzann Maxheimer 

Public Defender's Office - Craig Reiser 

1. Approval to Hire a Criminal Division Chief at an annual salary of $120,000 effective 8/21/23; the previous employee left the position at an annual salary of $94,000 on 7/7/23 and left the payroll on 7/21/23.

2. Approval to Hire a Senior Assistant Public Defender at an annual salary of up to $101,216 effective 8/14/23. Position was previously approved in March 2023 at a salary of $88,000.

3. Approval to Hire an Assistant Public Defender III at an annual salary of $75,000 effective 9/5/23. Position was previously approved in March 2023 at a salary of $63,000.

4. Approval to Hire a Senior Assistant Public Defender at an annual salary of $85,000 effective 9/18/23; the previous employee left the position on 8/11/23 at an annual salary of $85,000 and last paycheck will be 8/18/23.

Circuit Clerk – Paul Palazzolo/Erin Tozer 

1. Purchase Order-CDW Government for licensing software for four scanners at a cost of $7,092.

2. Changed Purchase Order-Statewide Publishing for legal publications. Purchase Order will increase to $12,500 from $5,000.

3. Approval to Promote Donna Maybury to Traffic Division Manager effective 9/18/23 at an annual salary of $68,313.22; the previous employee will leave the position on 8/18/23 at an annual salary of $68,313.22/$35.0324.

4. Approval to Hire an Assistant Manager-Records Division at an annual salary of $35,273.41/$18.0889 effective 9/5/23; the previous employee left the position on 7/28/23 at an annual salary of $35,273.41/$18.0889 and last paycheck will be 8/4/23.

5. Approval to Hire a Part Time Clerk-Records Division at an hourly rate of $13.56 effective 9/5/23; the previous employee left the position on 7/28/23 at an hourly rate of $13.56 and last paycheck will be 8/4/23.

6. Approval to Hire a Deputy Clerk-Courts Clerk Division at annual salary of $32,280.70/$16.5542 effective 9/18/23; the previous employee left the position on 8/4/23 at an annual salary of $32,280.70/$16.5542 and last paycheck will be 8/18/23. 

7. Approval to Hire a Part Time Clerk-Records Division at an hourly rate of $13.5616 effective 8/14/23; the previous employee left the position on 5/26/23 at an hourly rate of $13.5616 and last paycheck was 6/9/23.

State's Attorney - Dan Wright 

1. Approval to Hire a Warrants/New Case Filings Coordinator at an annual salary range of up to $51,000 effective on or after 8/14/23; the previous employee will retire on 12/1/23 and her last paycheck will be 12/8/23 at an annual salary of $68,039. Requesting waiver of the 30 day lag due to the nature of this position.

2. Approval to Hire a Clerk/Typist at an annual salary of up to $33,300 effective on or after 9/21/23; the previous employee left the position on 8/3/23 and last paycheck will be 8/18/23 at an annual salary of $33,300.

3. Pre-Travel Approval for ASA Hayley Botts to attend the ILSAAP Basic Trial Advocacy Program/Training from 9/10-9/15/23 in Naperville, IL at a cost of $1,265.18.

4. Pre-Travel Approval for ASA Maira Prez-Velazquez to attend the ILSAAP Basic Trial Advocacy Program/Training from 9/10-9/15/23 in Naperville, IL at a cost of $1,265.18. 5. Pre-Travel Approval for ASA Brittney Lehr to attend the ILSAAP Basic Trial Advocacy Program/Training from 9/10-9/15/23 in Naperville, IL at a cost of $1,265.18.

Court Services - Kent Holsopple 

1. Approval to Hire a Detention Officer at an annual salary of $43,627 effective 8/14/23; the previous employee left the position at an annual salary of $43,627 on 5/26/23 and last paycheck was 6/9/23.

2. Approval to Hire a Detention Officer at an annual salary of $43,627 effective 8/14/23; the previous employee left the position at an annual salary of $43,627 on 6/26/23 and last paycheck date was 7/7/23.

3. Approval to Hire a Probation Officer at an annual salary of $43,627 effective 8/14/23; the previous employee left the position at an annual salary of $43,627 on 6/30/23 and last paycheck date was 7/7/23.

4. Approval to Hire a Probation Officer at an annual salary of $43,627 effective 8/14/23; the previous employee left the position at an annual salary of $43,627 on 7/26/23 and last paycheck date will be 8/4/23. Requesting waiver of the 30 day lag. 100% reimbursement from the State of Illinois.

5. Approval to Hire a Probation Officer at an annual salary of $43,627 effective 8/14/23; the previous employee left the position at an annual salary of $49,969 on 7/31/23 and last paycheck date will be 8/18/23. Requesting waiver of the 30 day lag. 100% reimbursement from the State of Illinois.

6. Approval to Hire a Senior Probation Officer at an annual salary of $49,082 effective 8/14/23; the previous employee left the position at an annual salary of $51,071 on 7/31/23 and last paycheck date will be 8/18/23. Requesting waiver of the 30 day lag. 100% reimbursement from the State of Illinois.

7. Approval to Adjust Salary for Lachelle Coleman, Data Specialist. This position will change from Grade 5 to Grade 6, with an increase in salary from $31,445.51 to $34,478 effective 8/27/23

8. Purchase Order- Sangamon Mass Transit-SFY2024 public transportation/ride share at a cost of $5,000.

9. Purchase Order-Visa/Illinois National Bank-SFY2024 incentives/graduation supplies at a cost of $10,000.

10. Purchase Order-Big Room Testing-SFY2024 drug testing supplies/tests at a cost of $20,000.10.

11. Purchase Order-Total Court Services-SFY2024 court fact application at a cost of $11,990.

12. Purchase Order-II Assoc of Problem Solving-SFY2024 conference reg fees at a cost of $3,555.

13. Purchase Order-Andrew Jolly-SFY2024 cognitive behavioral treatment groups at a cost of $21,760.08.

14. Purchase Order-Capital Township General Asst-SFY2024 employment services at a cost of $15,000.

15. Purchase Order & County Board Resolution-Springfield Urban League-SFY2024 case management services at a cost of $300,000.

16. Purchase Order & County Board Resolution-various vendors-SFY2024 housing assistance at a cost of $32,000.04.

17. Purchase Order & County Board Resolution-Gateway Foundation-SFY2024 treatment services at a cost of $80,000.04.

18. Purchase Order & County Board Resolution-Gateway Foundation-SFY2024 recovery coach/cell phone services at a cost of $47,565.

Acceptance of Purchase Reports 

Old Business 

• Procurement/Grant Notifications (report only) 

Public Comment 

Next Meeting Date 

September 7, 2023 @ 5:00 pm

Next County Board Meeting

August 8, 2023 @ 6:00 pm**

