
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met Nov. 13

Webp 13

Downtown La Grange | Village of La Grange

Downtown La Grange | Village of La Grange

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met Nov. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Board of Trustees regular meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Clerk Saladino. On roll call, as read by Clerk Saladino, the following were: 

PRESENT: President Kuchler, Trustees Augustine, Gale, O'Brien, Peterson, and Thompson. 

ABSENT: Trustee McGee 

OTHERS: Village Manager Jack Knight 

Village Attorney Benjamin Schuster 

Deputy Village Manager/CD Director Charity Jones 

Public Works Director Richard Colby 

Finance Director Susan Mika 

Chief of Police Tim Griffin 

Fire Chief Steve Norvilas 

President Kuchler welcomed the Village Board and shared that video of the meeting is available on YouTube, and will also be available on Facebook and posted to the Village website. 

President Kuchler asked Village Clerk Saladino to invite the audience to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. 


President Kuchler thanked veterans in La Grange, from all branches, for their service and dedication. 

President Kuchler recognized Chicago Department Firefighter/Paramedic Andrew Price who passed away in the line of duty on November 13,2023. 

President Kuchler noted that November is National Crash Responder Safety Week. He noted that the La Grange Fire Department has joined to bring to light some of the courageous stories that the first responders go through every day. He noted that on the Police Department website, there is reference to Scott's Law - a mandatory law requires that all motorists move over when encountering stopped or disabled emergency vehicles displaying warning lights.

President Kuchler announced that the Police Department will again coordinate its holiday toy drive. Donations will be accepted in the Police Department lobby beginning November 27th. Contact Officer Falls at tfalls@lagrangeil.gov for more information. 

President Kuchler stated that the Digital Holiday Wish Book will launch on Tuesday, November 14th. This year, there are 29 participants with enticing offers for holiday shoppers. The Wish Book can be found on lagrangeevents.com. 

He noted that Small Business Saturday will take place on November 25th. Residents will have the opportunity to visit the charming shops and restaurants and save during the La Grange Flash Sale. 

President Kuchler stated that the Holiday Walk will take place on Saturday, December 2 from 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. This magical event includes: Visits with Santa, the lighting of the official La Grange holiday tree, ice sculptures, the closing of Calendar Avenue to allow for a Petting Zoo and Pony Rides for the kids, letters to Santa, carolers throughout the Village, free trolley rides, merchant open houses, and shopping deals. 

Visit www.lagrangeevents.com for more information on holiday promotions. 

Cathy Domanico, Executive Director La Grange Business Association noted the importance of the holiday season and to keep shopping local. One of the options is the Wish Book which will feature local business and have special offerings. The Saturday after Thanksgiving will be Small Business Saturday, which will feature 23 business offering special deals, including a flash sale from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Finally, there will be the Holiday Walk and official lighting of the Christmas Tree. 

President Kuchler thanked Ms. Domanico and the La Grange Business Association (LGBA) for all their hard work. 


Village Manager Knight stated that at the end of October, the Village Board and Management Team members met to develop the Village's 3-year strategic plan. Over the coming weeks, the plan will be finalized and presented to the Village Board for review. Mr. Knight thanked the Village Board and staff for their insightful contributions and the Village's consultant for leading the effort. 

Mr. Knight announced that for the Thanksgiving holiday, the Village administrative offices will be closed on Thursday, November 23d and Friday, November 24th. Emergency services remain available through these days leading into the weekend. He noted that the second Village Board meeting in November will be cancelled due to the holiday.

Mr. Knight, on behalf of the Village Staff, wished all a happy and enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday. 




A. An Ordinance Creating an Additional Class A-2 Restaurant Liquor License 

B. A Resolution Authorizing Participation in a Joint Purchase Master Contract with Cargill lnc for the Purchase of Rock Salt 

C. A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an lntergovernmental Agreement with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago for Parking Lot 3 Permeable Paver Retrofit 

D. Minutes of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, Monday, October 23, 2023 

E. Consolidated Voucher 2311 13 

A motion was made by Trustee Gale to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Trustee O'Brien. 

Trustee Augustine stated that, in consideration of her relationship to the Village Prosecutor, she recused herself from each item on the voucher related to the Village Prosecutor. 

Trustee Gale wanted to know what occurs to an old liquor license when a new liquor license is approved for a restaurant. 

President Kuchler stated that in other municipalities or the City of Chicago, liquor licenses are sold. ln the Village o{ La Grange, liquor licenses are issued to the specific operator of that business. When the business is sold or moves to a new location the previous liquor license is void and a new license is issued. 

Trustee Gale noted that the lntergovernmental Agreement with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation (MWRD) District of Greater Chicago for Parking Lot 3 Permeable Paver Retrofit project will be approved and confirmed that the tentative start date will be the Summer of 2024. 

President Kuchler noted that the parking lot is paved. After the retrofit of parking lot 3 to permeable pavers, the capacity will be 37,800 gallons of rain water that will not run off.

Approved by a roll call vote: 

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, O'Brien, Peterson and Thompson Nays: None 

Absent: Trustee McGee 


A. A Resolution Publishing the Proposed 2023 Property Tax Levy 

President Kuchler asked Trustee Thompson to introduce the item. Trustee Thompson stated that the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law applies to non home rule municipalities and limits property tax increases to 5o,4 over last year's final levy or the Consumer Price lndex, whichever is less. This rate is set by Cook County, which has been set at 5.0% for the 2023 levy year, which is below the Consumer Price lndex for the 2022 tax year. As a point of reference, the CPI in December, 2022 was 6.5"/". 

President Kuchler invited Todd Schroeder {rom Lauterbach & Amen to provide a brief overview of the proposed tax levy and respond to any questions. 

Todd Schroeder from Lauterbach & Amen presented a brief summary on the La Grange Proposed 2023 Property Tax Levy. 

Trustee Thompson moved to approve the proposed resolution, which was seconded by Trustee Augustine. 

Benjamin Schuster, Village Attorney, stated that the vote at this meeting would just be on the proposed publishing of the proposed property tax levy. 

Trustee Gale, {or consistency, proposed a tax levy increase of 4% plus new growth, which is the same amount as last year given that there have not been too many changes and inflation is down. 

Trustee Peterson stated that continuing to lower the levy at a rate less than what is allowable will impact the Village's ability to recruit and retain employees and also meet operating expenses. She proposed a 4.5% levy plus the new growth. 

President Kuchler noted that under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, and with La Grange as non-home rule, the Village is limited to raising the levy with exception to the rate of inflation, cost of living increase or 5%. 

Trustee Augustine noted that the difference to the homeowner in terms o{ a 4% or a 4.5",L levy is minimal compared to the significant loses to the Village. She noted that the memo presented by staff is solid in justifying the increase to 5% levy plus new growth. 

Trustee Thompson agreed to the staff recommendation of 5% plus new growth to stay current with Village payments and to help fund new projects. 

Trustee Gale requested confirmation on the burden of cost for the lead pipes. 

Mr. Knight stated that the Village is responsible for is portion of the service line, what is considered the B-Box. 

Trustee Peterson moved to amend the proposed resolution of 5% plus new growth of 0.6% to 4.5% plus new growth of 0.6%, which was seconded by Trustee G ale. 

Approved by a roll call vote: 

Ayes: Trustees Gale, O'Brien, and Peterson 

Nays: Trustee Augustine and Trustee Thompson 

Absent: Trustee McGee 

Trustee Augustine asked Finance Director Mika about her experience with non home rule communities electing to not increase property tax levies by the CPI ca p. 

Finance Director Mika noted that, as a non-home rule community, it is very challenging to look at other revenue sources and the recommended CPI cap is typically approved. Recognizing growth on the properties right away mitigates lost revenue moving into the future. 

Trustee Thompson noted that not approving the recommended cap, the Village stands to lose millions of dollars over 10 years that could be used to much needed project in the Village. 

Trustee Gale stated the he agrees with the 4.5'l. levy plus new growth. Approved by a roll call vote: 

Ayes: Trustees Gale, O'Brien, Peterson, Thompson and President Kuchler Nays: Trustees Augustine and Thompson 

Absent: Trustee McGee 

B. An Ordinance Amending La Grange Ordinance No. O-'18-19 and Approving a Minor Amendment to a Planned Development at 5101 South Willow Springs Road

President Kuchler asked Trustee Gale to introduce the item. Trustee Gale stated that on May 14, 2018, the Village Board approved Ordinance No.0-18-19 granting a major amendment to the planned development for the UChicago Medicine Advent Health La Grange. The ordinance authorized an addition for the new outpatient center, and modifications to the existing parking lot, landscaping, and sign plans. On October 1 1, 2021, the Village Board approved an amendment to the hospital's sign plan to allow two additional signs to the property needed to identify and navigate the new outpatient center. 

A motion was made by Trustee Gale to approve the proposed ordinance, which was seconded by Trustee O'Brien. 

President Kuchler asked if the plan development needs to come be{ore the Board whenever signs need to be changed. 

Charity Jones. Deputy Village Manager/CD Director confirmed that any change to a planned development requires approval by the Village Board and, if it's a substantial change not in conformity with the original plan, it will require re review by the Plan Commission as well. 

Trustee Gale noted the landscaping around the hospital and i{ any updates are planned in the near future for more permeable landscaping. 

Ms. Jones stated that the concern will be forwarded to the leadership at the hospital. She noted that in 2018 when the Hospital did the Outpatient Center addition was there was a large amendment to their plan development, part of which included a comprehensive review of the landscaping on the property and are still within the three-year replanting period to reestablish much o{ the landscaping. 

Trustee Thompson noted that the hospital signs already reflect the new name change. He asked if the request was for a bigger sign or were the new signs already installed. 

Ms. Jones noted that the based on the application, the request was for new bigger signs with the new name. l{ the hospital has already changed the signs, prior to this meeting, she was not aware. She stated that most changes come before the board for approval. 

Gary Potts, Professional Permits, stated that the signs at the hospital are to reflect the name change, but the new permanent signs have yet to be installed. 

Approved by a roll call vote: 

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, O'Brien, Peterson and Thompson Nays: None

Absent: Trustee McGee 

C. An Ordinance Granting a Zoning Variation from the Maximum Number of Wall Signs Permitted per Zoning Lot at 620 West Burlington Avenue 

President Kuchler introduced the item and stated that FNBC Bank & Trust has applied for variations from the Zoning Code to allow additional wall signs at 620 W. Burlington Ave. Zoning Code Section 14'303E(g), Authorized Variations, allows variations from most sign regulations. On October 19, 2023, the Zoning Board o{ Appeals held a public hearing on the application. The Applicant stated that the two variation requests stems {rom an upcoming project to make improvements to the Subject Property. The proposed signage and facade improvements are meant to be complimentary to FNBC'S wealth management building, located to the east of the Subject Property and separated by a shared parking lot. 

A motion was made by Trustee Gale to approve the proposed ordinance, which was seconded by Trustee Peterson. 

Trustee Peterson noted that as she walked around the subject property, she met the CEO, John Madden, who noted that they are satisfied with the recommendation from the Zoning Board of Appeals. 

Approved by a roll call vote: 

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, O'Brien, Peterson and Thompson Nays: None 

Absent: Trustee McGee 


Alberto Brazza, Director Painters District Council 14, discussed the Responsible Bidders Ordinance. He stated that the ordinance is designed to protect taxpayers by ensuring that local quality standards. local levels o{ craftsmanship, and local economic development practices are maintained. 

Rick Colby, Director of Public Works thanked Mr. Brazza and stated that this is a project that is being scheduled for work, as timing is crucial when decommissioning the water tank. 

John Pluto, East Avenue, asked if the water in the tank is being tested. He also asked where lot 3 is located and if the permeable project is part of the flood mitigation project. 

Mr. Colby noted that the water in the Village is tested annually and results can be found on the Village website.

President Kuchler stated that the lot 3 permeable project is part o{ flood mitigation efforts and when complete will be able to hold 37,000 gallons of rain water. 

Laura West, 100 Elm, noted that the study north of 47th Street will be completed in early 2024. She asked if the Lyons Township High School field was part of the same study. 

President Kuchler noted that yes, Lyons Township High School is part of the study and the Village is waiting on the results of the study and its finding to determine the course of action. 

Becky Lorenzen, CommUNlTY Diversity Group, thanked everyone for the dedication to the Mosaic Project. She noted that the CommUNlTY Diversity group will be offering a one-day workshop on Anti-Racism. 

President Kuchler thanked Ms. Lorenzen for all the work on the Mosaic Project. 


Trustee Augustine noted that the Facebook group Lyons Township Quarry Information/Underground Blasting at McCook Quarry group is growing and there is momentum. Interested residents can join the group at "Lyons Township Ouarry Information/Underground Blasting at McCook Ouarry". 


 At 9:06 

p.m. Trustee Gale made a motion to adjourn seconded Trustee O'Brien. Approved by a voice vote 



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