Marc Ayers (D) - Sangamon County Board Member - District 12 | Sangamon County
Marc Ayers (D) - Sangamon County Board Member - District 12 | Sangamon County
Sangamon County Zoning Board of Appeals met Aug. 15
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Approval of the minutes of the June 20, 2024 meeting.
2. 2024-019 Jerald Mellinger
County Board Member: Tom Rader. District # 8 Address: 225 North Main Street Spaulding, IL 62561
Tax ID # 15-04.0-276-022 Township: Clear Lake
Petitioner requests pursuant to Chapters 17.68 and 17.12, a rezoning from "I-1" Restricted Industrial to "R-1" Single Family Residence District.
3. 2024-020 I-55 Stables and Arena, LLC
County Board Member: Jeffrey A. Thomas, District # 4
Address: 1450 Horse Farm Road, Divernon, IL 62530 Tax ID #29-32.0-400-026
Township: Ball
Petitioner requests pursuant to Chapter 17.58 and Section 17.10.020, a Conditional Permitted Use for a private outdoor recreation center to include a horse showing arena; and, pursuant to Chapter 17.66, a variance of Section 17.50.060(A) to allow the parking to remain unpaved (rock) instead of the required bituminous seal coat; and, a variance of Section 17.58.080(D)(1) to allow a private outdoor recreation center to be greater than one-quarter mile from a major thoroughfare.
4. Public Comments
County Board Action: Tuesday, September 13, 2024
6:00 p.m. in the Sangamon South Auditorium