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Village of Illiopolis Board of Trustees met Oct. 21
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Mayor Reed called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
A roll call was taken, all members were present.
The agenda was adopted as amended. D Koonce and seconded by S McIntyre All ayes
M Pevler made a motion to approve the October 7, 2024 meeting minutes seconded by D Koonce All ayes Motion carried 6-0-0
Auditor Valerie Ausmus was present to go over the annual audit with the Board.
Jasin Swick was present to inquire about availability of TIF funds. He is considering purchasing the old Habits & Vices building and wanting to put in a 24 hour gym. The Board gave a brief explanation of the use of TIF funds and also Business District Funds. Both funds require a proposal and quotes.
Open Forum
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer gave the report for September expenses and unpaid bills. The insurance bill is due in November and if paid in full the Village will save $350. D Koonce made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented with S McIntyre seconding. All Ayes Motion Carried 6-0-0
Economic Development Report
Ameren has released the easements on the Formosa property that are no longer needed.
Engineering Report
S Flach from MG Engineers was present and gave updates on the Grants. The new Storm Sewer Grant NOSA has not been posted yet. The Lead Service Line inventory identification grant has been approved and accepted. They will begin a RFP for the work to be done.
P Weber from Kuhn & Trello gave an update on the culvert work at the bank on Dye Road. The work is complete and looks good. Phil also mentioned that there is the possibility of some grants for playground equipment for Westside Park and he can look into seeing what we might qualify for. Both engineering firms are working on plans for future road resurfacing.
Old Business
Mayor Reed attended the URWC meeting and was informed that the rate for purchasing finished water will be increased 8% in January. Discussion on raising the Village water rate had been previously discussed. D Koonce made amotion to approve Ordinance 2024-09 to increase the water rate 4%. M Pevler seconded Roll Call All Ayes Motion Carried 6-0-0
Mayor Reed has received a contract for the sale of 132 8th Street. B Honea made a motion to approve Ordinance 2024-10 allowing the mayor to enter into a contract for sale of 132 8th Street with S McIntyre seconding Roll Call Al Ayes Motion Carried 6-0-0
M Pevler made a motion to approve Ordinance 2024-11 amending the Golf Cart Ordinance to show all golf cart permits will be from January 1 thru December 31. S Perry seconded Roll Call All Ayes Motion Carried 6-0-0
New Business
D Koonce made a motion to approve the building permit for a deck for Michael Floyd with J DeVore seconding Roll Call All Ayes Motion Carried 6-0-0
Discussion was held on the building permit for a deck for Angel Whitehead. There was some concern as to proximity of the deck to the sidewalk. It was suggested the Zoning Officer check the measurement and the Board will vote on the building permit next meeting.
Dilapidated Property
D Koonce has not yet met with Terminix about possible solutions for the racoons on Third street. S Perry brought up the condition of the house on Prairie Run where the windows are open and garage door is damaged. Owner has been previously contacted.
J DeVore mentioned there were some large pot holes on the east end of Matilda. Mayor Reed said that Public Works had been working on those today.
S McIntyre asked is if was ok to burn leaves in the street. D Koonce said that they are trying to discourage that because the ashes get wet and form a mud like substance that clogs the storm drains. A discussion was held on possible solutions. S McIntyreis also working on getting together a couple of quotes on playground equipment and fall protection for Westside Park.
S Perry asked about the status of the burn pile. No dumping signs will be purchased.
Mayor Reed told the Board that he had a meeting with the Sangamon County Building and Zoning person along with the Zoning officer and Village Clerk concerning new regulations that will be effective January 1st. The major discussion was on permitting and dilapidated properties. Mayor Reed also gave an update to the memorial bench for Sam Rogers. There was a mix-up in the order and the Village is awaiting new legs for the bench. The Wastewater Survey was completed and there will be a meeting to figure out the next course of action to remove the sludge. Mayor Reed also mentioned that a few more aerators might be needed and could possibly be leased.
S McIntyre made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p,m, with M Pevler seconding All Ayes Motion Carried 6-0-0