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Illiopolis Sign | Village of Illiopolis | Facebook
Village of Illiopolis Board of Trustees met Nov. 18
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Mayor Reed called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
A roll call was taken, all members were present.
The agenda was adopted as Revised.
D Koonce made a motion to approve the November 4, 2024 meeting minutes seconded by S McIntyre All ayes Motion carried 6-0-0
Jeff McKinney was present to ask about the water bill on the house he had just purchased. He stated that he had talked to EJ Water and they informed him that he was responsible for the bill. After an explanation of the billing process by the Mayor he asked if the Board would consider giving him a break on the amount due. After further discussion the Board agreed that they would work with him on a reduction of the balance due.
Open Forum
Treasurer’s Report
Economic Development Report
Mayor Reed gave an update on the progress of solar at the Brownfield site.
Engineering Report
S Flach from MG Engineers gave an update on the new Storm Sewer Replacement Grant. The Notice of State Award has been approved and we are waiting on the Grant Agreement. The gran agreement on the Lead Service Line Inventory has been submitted and there should be a contract for approval at next month’s meeting. Bids will go out soon for the project. S Flach also gave a brief update on future possible grants and MFT work for the roads.
Old Business
D Koonce made amotion to approve Ordinance 2024-12 for the Levy and Assessment of taxes for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2025 S McIntyre seconded Roll Call All Ayes Motion Carried 6-0-0
D Koonce made a motion to approve Ordinance 2024-13 authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement with Sangamon County for enforcement of the International Building Codes. J DeVore seconded Roll Call All Ayes Motion Carried 6-0-0
New Business
Discussion was held on the purchase of a new metal detector to be used to locate manholes for repair work on the sewer lines. D Koonce made a motion to approve purchase of a metal detector with a not to exceed amount of $1,000 with J DeVore seconding Roll Call All Ayes Motion Carried 6-0-0
Dilapidated Property
B Honea said there are some junk cars by Uncle Monkeys and also on 4th Street. Mayor Reed requested addresses and then he will call the residents.
M Pevler said he had been contacted by a resident as to why he needed to fill out transfer papers for water when selling his house. Mayor Reed said he will look into this when contacting EJ Water.
Mayor Reed asked the Board if they wanted a Christmas greeting in the paper. The Board agreed it would be nice and to do the same as last year. D Koonce also mentioned that it would be nice to do the same thing on our Facebook page. Mayor Reed told the Board that the new sign should be installed this week and a new display will be installed for the church signs. Mayor Reed also told the Board of his discussion with EJ Water about water bills that have not been paid and procedures for locking those meters off.
S McIntyre made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 p,m, with M Pevler seconding All Ayes Motion Carried 6-0-0