
Sangamon Sun

Monday, March 10, 2025

Ball-Chatham Community Unified School District 5 Board of Education met Nov. 20

Webp 14

Tiffani Saunders - President | Ball-Chatham School District

Tiffani Saunders - President | Ball-Chatham School District

Ball-Chatham Community Unified School District 5 Board of Education met Nov. 20

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Members present

Steven Bryant, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Not in attendance, Laura Calderon, Andrea Rediger Assistant Superintendent Jen Farnsworth

Meeting called to order at 6:30 PM


Procedural: 2.1 Call Meeting to Order

Procedural: 2.2 Pledge of Allegiance

Action: 2.3 Roll Call


Action: 3.1 Approval of Agenda

To approve the agenda for the meeting of November 20, 2024.

Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Patrick Phipps.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Action: 3.2 Action Items from Closed Session

To approved items from closed session as presented.

Motion by Ann Strahle, second by Steven Bryant.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders


Recognition: 4.1 School Board Recognition

Assistant Superintendent Jen Farnsworth read a statement from Dr. Becca Lamon thanking the board for the hard work and dedication that the board brings to BCSD5.

In honor of National School Board Member Day, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to one of the hardest working groups of volunteers in our community

The Ball-Chatham Board of Education is elected by the community to represent the people of the community with oversight and direction setting of the schools. 

We are blessed to have such a dedicated group of individuals who voluntarily give countless hours each month to fulfill their roles.

Their dedication to our schools and community is often unnoticed, but I can't express enough how valuable they are to the success of our district. 

Thank you for tackling the tough decisions. Thank you for ensuring all students are receiving the education and support that they need.

This board has my highest regard. They are dedicated, trustworthy, and hardworking. 

They do their very best to honor the community needs and desires for our schools. They act as individuals in making decisions, and honor those decisions, once made, as a group.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Your countless hours of work have greatly benefitted the students of the Ball-Chatham School District. 

Information: 4.2 Citizens- Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning any Agenda Topic - None


Action: 5.1 Adoption of Consent Agenda Items

That the Ball-Chatham School Board adopt the consent agenda items (as presented) as recommended by the Superintendent.

Motion by Ryan Murphy, second by Ann Strahle.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.2 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, October 23, 2024

Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.3 Minutes of Facilities and Grounds Committee Meeting, November 13, 2024

Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.4 Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting, October 22, 2024

Action (Consent): 5.5 Treasurer/Financial Report

Action (Consent): 5.6 School District Accounts Payable

Action (Consent): 5.7 School Activity Account Reports

Action (Consent): 5.8 FOIA Requests


Action: 6.1 Adoption of Consent Personnel Agenda Items

That the Ball-Chatham School Board adopt the personnel consent agenda items (as presented) as recommended by the Superintendent.

Motion by Ryan Murphy, second by Patrick Phipps.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Action (Consent): 6.2 Resignations

Action (Consent): 6.3 New Hires

Action (Consent): 6.4 Retirements

Action (Consent): 6.5 Transfers

Action (Consent): 6.6 Leaves of Absence


Action: 7.1 Open BINA Hearing

The Board President shall announce the opening of the BINA Hearing.

Motion by Ryan Murphy, second by Ann Strahle.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Information: 7.2 BINA Information President Saunders read the resolution as follows "Resolution providing for the issue of not to exceed $1,850,000 General Obligation Limited Tax School Bonds for the purpose of increasing the Working Cash Fund of the District, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof." President Saunders then called for any questions or comments, hearing none, she moved to close the BINA Hearing.  

Action: 7.3 Close BINA Hearing

The Board will close the BINA hearing

Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Ryan Murphy.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders


Presentation, Information: 8.1 2024 Tax Levy Presentation

Wendy Dulakis presented to the board the 2024 Tentative Tax Levy.

The presentation included FY 2024 Revenue Sources, Levy and Extension process, Historical data for the past 10 years, Formulas used for the calculation and the proposed tax levy.

Mrs. Dulakis indicated that best practice is to ask for the most expected available.

The levy will only be the amount available to the district, but if the ask is less than allowed, it will not be increased.

Action: 8.2 Set Truth and Taxation Hearing

It is the recommendation to set a Truth and Taxation Hearing for December 18, 2024.

Motion by Patrick Phipps, second by Ann Strahle.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Action: 8.3 Approval of Health Insurance Plan for 2025

To adopt the Health Insurance Plan for 2025 are presented by the Health Insurance Committee.

The changes in the Health Insurance plan was presented to the Board. 

Motion by Ryan Murphy, second by Ann Strahle.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders

Presentation, Information: 8.4 First Reading of PRESS Policies For review only.


Information: 9.1 Future Board Meeting Dates for 2024/25 SY

Tuesday, Dec 10, 2024 at 5:30PM Policy Meeting at DO

Wednesday, Dec 11, 2024 at 4:00PM Facilities & Grounds Meeting DO

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024 at 4:00PM Finance Meeting DO

Wednesday, Dec 18, 2024 at 6:30 Regular Board of Education Meeting DO

Information: 9.2 Citizens - Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning Any Topic - None


 Action: 10.1 Adjournment of Regular Meeting

Move to Adjourn Regular Board Meeting at 6:51 PM.

 Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Patrick Phipps.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Steven Bryant, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
