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Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met Nov. 25

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The Pratt House | Village of La Grange

The Pratt House | Village of La Grange

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met Nov. 25

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance 

The Board of Trustees of the Village of La Grange was called to order by President Kuchler at 7:30 p.m. On roll call, as read by Village Clerk Saladino. 

Council Present: President Kuchler, Paul Saladino, Beth Augustine, Lou  Gale, Tim O'Brien, Peggy Peterson, and Glenn Thompson  

Council Absent: Shawana McGee 

Staff Present: Jack Knight, Charity Jones, Benjamin Schuster, Suzy Mika, Rick Colby, Tim Griffin, and Dan Reda 

President Kuchler invited Clerk Saladino to lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. 

2. President's Report 

President Kuchler stated that the Village offices will be closed in observance of Thanksgiving on Thursday and Friday. He noted that the next Village Board meeting will be Monday, December 9th. On behalf of the Village, he wished all a very happy Thanksgiving! 

President Kuchler noted that the Village continues to work with our partners at IDOT to improve traffic conditions near their construction project at 47th Street & East Ave. This includes working to have additional signage put out that will route traffic away from Plainfield Road and reduce traffic on that road heading northeast to East Ave. Staff will continue to advocate for steps to mitigate the impacts of the construction on behalf of residents. 

President Kuchler took a moment to recognize Rick Colby, Publick Works  Director. Director Colby has announced that he will be stepping down from his position to spend more time with his young family. Mr. Colby  joined the Village on September 27, 2021, after working as the Director of Facilities at Hines VA Hospital and as a military officer in the U.S. Coast  Guard prior to that. Since that time, Rick has led several capital improvement projects, including 

• Watermain, service line replacement, street resurfacing and sewer lining on Brainard Avenue 

• Resurfacing of Shawmut Avenue 

• Reconstruction of the Lot 3 Parking Lot with permeable pavers

• Engineering for the 50th Street sewer main project 

Mr. Colby also led the restructuring of the Public Works Department, managed and improved various aspects of Village infrastructure, coordinated with other government jurisdictions on stormwater solutions and projects such as the 47th & East Avenue project, and advocated for Village projects with funding partners to name just a few of his lasting  contributions. 

On behalf of the Village of La Grange and its residents, we extend our heartfelt gratitude and well wishes to Mr. Colby and his growing family, as they begin this next chapter in life. 

President Kuchler stated that Saturday, November 30th, is Small Business  Saturday. This event serves to celebrate and highlight the importance of small businesses in La Grange. Join in the fun of the La Grange Flash Sale that day from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.  

President Kuchler stated that the Holiday Walk will take place on Saturday, December 7th. Join in the delight with plenty of things to explore and  participate in, including Visit and take pictures with Santa and Ms. Claus;  

Visit and take pictures with frozen princesses at La Grange Road station, The lighting of the official La Grange Holiday Tree, A Petting Zoo and Pony Rides for the kids, Letters to Santa, Free Trolley rides, Merchant Open Houses, and Shopping Deals. 

3. Manager's Report 

A. Actuarial Findings as of April 30, 2024 and Recommended Contributions for Police and Fire Pension Funds

Manager Knight noted that that this is the Actuarial Findings for the Village’s Police and Fire Pension Funds. An actuarial evaluation was performed for each of the funds for the Fiscal Year ending April 30, 2024. Tonight, Lauterbach & Amen have joined us to present the findings and the recommended contributions resulting from the evaluations.  

Todd Schroeder, Lauterbach & Amen provided a summary of the Actuarial Findings. Actuarial evaluations serve to assess the financial health of pension plans and to determine required contributions to meet future liabilities. An evaluation  was performed for both the Police and Fire pension plans as of April 30, 2024. The key findings and recommendations are as follows: 

• Funded Status is 52.62% for the Police Pension Fund and 50.77% for the Fire Pension Fund 

• Actuarial Requested Contributions: 

○ $2,076,272 for the Police Pension Fund, which is $120,400 or 6.42% more than last fiscal year 

○ $1,665,382 for Fire Pension Fund, which is $133,300 more or 7.23% more than last fiscal year 

The Police and Fire pension plans are designed to provide  retirement, disability, and survivor benefits to active and retired police officers and firefighters. The actuarial report is conducted annually to ensure that the plans remain fiscally  sound. Any significant changes in the plan’s funding status or impact of updated assumptions will be presented as part of  the findings. 

President Kuchler emphasized that the Village is paying about  $180,000 to pay off the three million unfunded pension, from years ago, at a rate of 100% to hopefully be done in 16 years. 

A motion was made to approve the Acceptance of the  Actuarial Finding as of April 30, 2024 and Recommended Contributions for Police and Fire Pension Funds. 

Moved by: Lou Gale 

Seconded by: Peggy Peterson 

Aye Beth Augustine, Glenn Thompson, Lou Gale,  Peggy Peterson, and Tim O'Brien 

Approved by roll call vote. 5-0 

B. Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan Engineering Study 

Manager Knight noted that this is the Infrastructure Capital Plan Comprehensive Engineering study. The presentation is a continuation of discussions held regarding the Village’s water system. It is an extension of that discussion, and builds upon  studies performed regarding the Village’s street, water, sewer, and storm sewer systems. 

Carloyn Greaves, Lauren Schuld, and Paul Siegfried, Engineer Consultants from Baxter & Woodman Inc. presented a Water and Sewer Rate Study and Lead Service Line Replacement Act Report to the Village Board. Following that presentation, engineers engaged in comprehensive evaluation of the Village’s water system and presented the preliminary findings of that evaluation on July 8, 2024. 

Comprehensive analysis of the Village’s street, water, sewer, and stormwater system infrastructure has been ongoing. These studies have analyzed the condition of the Village’s  infrastructure and have identified needed investments in  properly maintaining them as well as making improvements to best support community needs into the future. Ultimately, this effort is to serve the formulation of a prioritized plan that  seeks to best leverage investments in Village infrastructure in a manner that is efficient, well-planned, and cost-effective for residents and businesses. 

The plan strives to balance the need for investment in aged infrastructure with the Village's ability to fund and manage these projects. It identifies projects where combining  infrastructure reinvestment results in reduced costs. Coordinating investments in this manner results in the most efficient use of limited available capital investment funds, avoids duplicative costs for mobilization and excavation, preserves the integrity of current infrastructure conditions, and introduces additional construction and administrative efficiencies. 

The plan also includes the investments that will be necessary  for compliance with the Illinois Lead Line Replacement and Notification Act. Compliance with this Act is a significant cost driver in overall water system investments. With an overall  estimate of $120M in capital infrastructure needs that will fall within the next 5 -10 years, it is critical for the Village to  review, assess, and finalize the ICP in preparation for review and consideration of long-term financing options.  

Discussion ensued and Trustee asked about the timeline of  the project, clarification on the costs of projects outlined in  the presentation, the possibility of providing low-cost loans  for residents for lead line replacement, and the Lyons  Township stormwater retention project and time and how  this would affect the Village' s project times.  

Consideration and input on the proposed Infrastructure Capital Plan. 


4. Public Comments Regarding Agenda Items 

Becky Lorenzen requested confirmation of the wording of page 36 of the Comprehensive Plan a regarding allowing more 3-unit or 4-unit dwelling.  

Charity Jones, CD Director noted that the language was amended from the direction of the Village Board to preserve the already existing 3-unit and 4- unit dwellings in the R-6 district. 

Christian Suarez, 201 Washington Ave. thanked the Board for considering  the variation recommended by the Zoning Board of Appeals for the  property at 201 Washington Ave.  

Dr. Bessie Boyd, 234 Sawyer noted that the Comprehensive Plan is not clear in specifically stating that no additional 3-unit and 4-unit  dwellings can be built in the R-6 district.  

Peg Moster, League of Women Voters thanked the Board and Staff for all the work on the Comprehensive Plan. She noted that the League of Women Voters will continue to advocate for affordable housing and continue to work with the Village. 

Maurice McGee, 18 Sawyer Ave wanted to appeal the current Zoning Board  finding regarding solar panel installation on a home. He also requested the status of repair for the major pothole on East Ave. and Ogden Ave. 

Rick Colby, Public Works Director noted that this is a state road, and Public Work has been in contact with the state regarding repairs or temporary  patching.  

John Pluto, 718 East Ave. requested clarification of the land use map that  is on the Comprehensive Plan.  

Ms. Jones noted that the map is a future land use map on the Comprehensive Plan which is a policy document but is not the zoning map. 

Benjamin Schuster, Village Attorney reiterated that the map referenced by Mr. Pluto is NOT a zoning map, but part of the future land use on the Comprehensive Plan which is a policy document.  

Regina McClinton, 208 East Ave. noted that the 4-unit dwelling is not 'in  character' with the existing single family and two-unit dwellings.  

Al Foreman 56 7th Ave. questioned the tax levy amount for 2024 and how after property taxes are assessed, affecting some properties paying more  or in some instances have a large reduction amount. 

President Kuchler noted that he would contact the assessor at Cook County and Township of Lyons to get clarification.  

5. Consent Agenda 

A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda.  

Trustee Augustine stated that, in consideration of her relationship to the  Village Prosecutor, she recused herself from each item on the voucher related to the Village Prosecutor.  

Moved by: Lou Gale 

Seconded by: Tim O'Brien 

Aye Beth Augustine, Glenn Thompson, Lou Gale,  Peggy Peterson, and Tim O'Brien 

Approved by roll call vote. 5-0 

A. A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Parkway Replacement Trees through the Suburban Tree Consortium 

A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Parkway Replacement Trees Through the Suburban Tree Consortium 

Approval of the proposed resolution authorizing the purchase of parkway replacement tress through the Suburban Tree Consortium. 


B. A Resolution Approving an Agreement with LexisNexis CopLogic Solutions Inc. for eCrash Services 

A Resolution Approving an Agreement with LexisNexis CopLogic Solutions Inc. for eCrash Services 

Exhibit A- La Grange IL PD Law Enforcement Agreement  Exhibit B- La Grange PD eCrash Order 

Approval of the proposed agreement with LexisNexis Coplogic Solutions, Inc for electronic crash reporting services. 


C. A Resolution Approving An Agreement with Axon Enterprises, Inc. for the Purchase of Tasers 

A Resolution Approving an Agreement with  Axon Enterprises, Inc. For the Purchase of Tasers 

Exhibit A - Axon Quote  

Exhibit B - Master Services and Purchasing Agreement Approval of the proposed resolution approving an agreement with Axon Enterprises Inc. for the purchase of Tasers. 


D. Minutes of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Meeting  Monday, October 28, 2024 

6. Current Business 

Items under Current Business are presented for action by the Board of Trustees. 

A. Proposed 2024 Property Tax Levy - Referred to Trustee  Augustine 

Trustee Augustine noted that the Property Tax Extension  

Limitation Law (PTELL) limits property tax increases to 5% over the previous year’s final levy or the Consumer Price  

Index, whichever is less. This rate is set by Cook County and is  3.4% for the 2024 levy year. The Village property tax levy consists of several separate line-item levies. 

This includes the Police and Fire pension levies, which reflect  the current recommended contributions based upon the recent actuarial valuations completed by Lauterbach & Amen. The La Grange Public Library’s line-item levy is included due  to its classification as a municipal library rather than as a separate taxing district, which means that it does not have its  own authority to levy property taxes. The proposed Library  levy amount is set at the PTELL limit of 3.4%. The proposed 2024 Property Tax Levy is $12,338,271, exclusive of debt  service, which is a 3.4 percent increase from the 2023 levy.  Upon receiving Village Board direction, notification of the  Public Hearing on the proposed levy will be published in accordance with State Statute 35 ILCS 200/18-55. 

A motion was made to approve the proposed estimated 2024 Tax Levy which is exclusive of debt service. 

Moved by: Beth Augustine 

Seconded by: Lou Gale 

Aye Beth Augustine, Glenn Thompson, Lou Gale, Peggy Peterson, and Tim O'Brien 

Approved 5-0 

B. A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Independent Contractor Agreement with Simpson Dattilo LLC for Administrative Hearing Officer Services - Referred to President Kuchler 

President Kuchler noted that on April 8, 2024, the Village  Board approved Ordinance 0-24-09 which amended various sections of the Code of Ordinances in establishing an Administrative Hearing System. Through an intergovernmental agreement with La Grange Park, a shared Administrative Hearing System to address parking citations,  quasi-criminal violations, and other Village Code violations has been established. 

Trustee asked when the estimated start date is.  

Manager Knight noted that the anticipated start date is the beginning of 2025.  

A motion was made to approve the resolution authorizing the execution of an Independent Contractor Agreement with Simpson Dattilo LLC for Administrative Hearing Officer services. 

Moved by: Lou Gale 

Seconded by: Glenn Thompson 

Aye Beth Augustine, Glenn Thompson, Lou Gale, Peggy Peterson, and Tim O'Brien 

Approved by roll call vote. 5-0 

C. An Ordinance Granting a Zoning Variation from the Minimum  Front Yard Requirements at 201 Washington Avenue Trustee noted that the owner of the property at 201 Washington Avenue has applied for a variation to allow a patio and gazebo to encroach into the required front yard of the Subject Property. The patio and gazebo, which were previously constructed without permit, are one foot from the  front lot line. The Applicant is requesting a variation to allow  the patio to remain one foot from the front lot line and allow  the gazebo to be placed three feet and six inches from the front lot line. 

Trustee Gale noted that he is in agreement with the non approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals granting a variation to this unique property situation.  

Trustee Augustine noted that she also would not approve the ordinance variation presented.  

Trustee Thompson noted that he would approve the variation request given the unique situation of the property.  

Trustees Peterson and O'Brien noted that they would not approve the variation as presented.  

After discussion with President Kuchler, Ms. Jones, CD  Director and Mr. Schuster, Village Attorney, and the applicant options were provided to the applicant on how to procced  with the variation request process.  

Motion was made to grant a Zoning Variation from the Minimum Front Yard Requirements at 201 Washington Avenue. 

Moved by: Lou Gale 

Seconded by: Tim O'Brien 


A motion was made to continue the granting zoning variation  at 201 Washington Avenue to the next meeting.  

Moved by: Beth Augustine 

Seconded by: Glenn Thompson 

Approved by voice vote. 

D. A Resolution Authorizing a Purchase Order for Audio Visual  Production Equipment for Auditorium System Upgrades

Trustee Augustine noted that an upgrade of the audio-visual equipment in the Auditorium was included in this year’s budget. Objectives for the project include improving the display of presentations made before the Village Board and other meeting groups, which includes displays at the dais as well as for meeting attendees, cameras to better capture meeting proceedings, as well as related video capturing and production hardware and software. To develop a system design best suited for the Auditorium, which takes into account historical aspects of the room. 

A motion was made to authorize the execution of a purchase order for audio visual production equipment. 

Moved by: Beth Augustine 

Seconded by: Peggy Peterson 

Aye Beth Augustine, Glenn Thompson, Lou Gale, Peggy Peterson, and Tim O'Brien 

Approved by roll call vote. 5-0 

E. An Ordinance Adopting a Comprehensive Plan for the Village of La Grange -Referred to President Kuchler President Kuchler stated that over the past year, the Village  has worked with Teska Associates to update the Village’s Comprehensive Plan. A comprehensive plan is a tool to help  guide future decision making in matters of public policy, local regulation, development review, and allocation of resources  as they relate to land use and development. It is a policy  document, and while it may make recommendations for future changes to regulations, it is not itself does not establish regulations. The plan encapsulates a long-range perspective  for the next 10-15 years. It is also aspirational; some goals of  the plan are ongoing in nature, and my not be fully achieved  with the 15-year plan horizon. 

A motion was made to Adopt a Comprehensive Plan for the Village of La Grange. 

Moved by: Lou Gale 

Seconded by: Beth Augustine 

Aye Beth Augustine, Glenn Thompson, Lou Gale,  

Peggy Peterson, and Tim O'Brien 

Approved by roll call vote. 5-0 

7. Public Comments Regarding Non-Agenda Items 

Kya Washington, 43 Washington Ave. noted that the bushes at 201 Washington Ave. are too high blocking the view of oncoming traffic.  

John Pluto, 718 East Ave. noted that he has been in contact with Illinois Department of Transportation, Mr. Wolf regarding the traffic flow and  street closures near and around the current project at East Ave. and 47th  St.  

Graham Carlson, LTTV meeting cameraman. Thanked the Village for the AV upgrades for the auditorium. 

Al Foreman, 56 7th Ave. wanted confirmation if the tax levy has been  approved.  

Attorney Schuster noted that the levy was discussed, and input received, and the approval will be at the next Village Board Meeting.  

Dr. Bessie Boyd, 234 Sawyer Ave. wanted confirmation that a variance would not be allowed in the R-6 to build a new 3- or 4-unit dwelling.  

Attorney Schuster noted that a new building would need Zoning approval, and the current Zoning Code does not allow for 3- , 4-, or higher unit dwellings in the R-6 district.  

John Pluto, 718 East Ave. read an article from June 2009 regarding the death of a pedestrian on 47th Ave.  

Brian Suchan, 230 East Ave. noted that the companies of the semi-truck drivers should be notified about the street closures near and around 47th Ave and East Ave.  

8. Trustees' Report 

Trustee Augustine noted that Becky Spratford, Trustee of the La Grange Public Library was in attendance and was supportive of the percentage on  the levy. She thanked Mr. Colby on all his contributions to the Public Works Department and Village and wished him luck.  

Trustee Gale thanked the Board, Staff, and residents that came out and express their positions with respect to the Comprehensive Plan.  

Trustee O'Brien and Peterson thanked Mr. Colby and wished him the best.  

9. Closed Session 

Items to be discussed confidentially under the provisions of the Illinois Open Meetings Act will be considered in closed session. 

10. Adjournment 

A motion was made to adjourn at 10:15 p.m.  

Moved by: Peggy Peterson 

Seconded by: Tim O'Brien 

Aye Beth Augustine, Glenn Thompson, Lou Gale,  

Peggy Peterson, and Tim O'Brien 

Approved by voice vote. 5-0 




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