Travis Duffy, Sheriff | Hancock County Website
Travis Duffy, Sheriff | Hancock County Website
Hancock County Reorganizational Committee Dec. 2
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The meeting was called to order by chairman Mark Menn at 6:00 p.m. The invocation was given by Mark Hanson. The county clerk led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Those present were: Mark Menn, Chairman
Holly A. Wilde-Tillman, County Clerk
Steve Lucie Steve Finney
Michelle Merritt Josh Turner
Lee Ann Lambert Wayne Bollin
Ryan Weeks Dennis Castlebury
Harry Douglas Alex Blythe
Mark Hanson
Absent was Mark Harrison and Tom Rodgers. Mr. Lucie made a motion to pay the unpaid bills, Ms. Merritt seconded. A roll call vote was taken with all members present voting “yes”. Motion carried.
Mr. Menn thanked Tom Bergmeier and Patsy Davis for the service they provided to the county.
Mr. Hanson motioned to recess, Mr. Finney seconded the motion. All members present voted aye. Meeting adjourned at 6:04 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by county clerk Holly Wilde-Tillman. Roll call was taken. Members in attendance included:
Steve Lucie Steve Finney
Michelle Merritt Josh Turner
Lee Ann Lambert Wayne Bollin
Ryan Weeks Dennis Castlebury
Harry Douglas Alex Blythe
Mark Hanson Mark Menn
Tom Rodgers Joe Boyles
Absent was Mark Harrison.
Oaths were administered by Ms. Wilde-Tillman to Mr. Blythe, Mr. Menn, Mr. Lucie, Mr. Boyles, and Mr. Turner.
Motion to approve the Rules of Order was given by Ms. Merritt, seconded by Ms. Lambert. A roll call vote was taken with all members present voting “yes”. Motion carried.
Ms. Tillman asked for a motion for a temporary chair. Mr. Douglas nominated Mr. Bollin. Mr. Castlebury seconded. A roll call vote was taken with all members present voting “yes”. Motion carried. Mr. Bollin took the chair seat.
Mr. Douglas made a nomination of Mr. Menn as chairman, Mr. Castlebury seconded the nomination. Mr. Boyles motioned to close the nominations, Mr. Hanson seconded. All members present voted aye. A roll call vote was taken with Mr. Menn abstaining and all other members present voting “yes”. Motion carried.
Mr. Douglas made a nomination of Mr. Bollin as vice chair, Mr. Blythe seconded. Mr. Hanson moved to close the nominations, Mr. Lucie seconded. All members present voted aye. A roll call vote was taken with all members present voting “yes”. Motion carried.
Committee lists were passed out. Mr. Rodgers entered the meeting at 6:16 p.m. The new members were welcomed. Motion to approve the committees was made by Mr. Blythe, Ms. Merritt seconded the motion. Mr. Finney stated he was only on 1 committee. Rearranging was done on the lists. Mr. Blythe and Ms. Merritt stated the motion stands with the corrections made. A roll call vote was taken with all members present voting “yes”. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the highway, health, finance, and building committee schedules was made by Mr. Weeks. This was seconded by Ms. Merritt. A roll call vote was taken with all members present voting “yes”. Motion carried.
Ms. Wilde-Tillman drew the names for roll call. This is the order drawn:
Mark Hanson
Alex Blythe
Harry Douglas
Michelle Merritt
Josh Turner
Mark Harrison
Joe Boyles
Tom Rodgers
Lee Ann Lambert
Dennis Castlebury
Ryan Weeks
Mark Menn
Steve Lucie
Steve Finney
Wayne Bollin.
Motion to recess was made by Mr. Finney, seconded by Mr. Turner. All members present voted aye. Meeting adjourned at 6:29 p.m.