
Sangamon Sun

Friday, February 7, 2025

Sangamon County Finance Committee met December 23

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David Mendenhall, Sangamon County Board Member - District 3 | Sangamon County

David Mendenhall, Sangamon County Board Member - District 3 | Sangamon County

Sangamon County Finance Committee met December 23.

Here are the agenda provided by the committee:

Chair Call Meeting to Order 

Sign In 

 Approval of Minutes from December 10th 

New Business 

   Sheriff Paula Crouch/Tim Eggleston

      1. Approval to hire a replacement Deputy Sergeant at an annual salary range of $74,891.19-  116,556.08 effective 1/20/25; the previous employee left the position on 12/12/24 at an annual salary of $116,556.08 and will leave the payroll on 12/20/24. 

      2. Approval to hire a replacement Food Service Manager at an annual salary range of $48,815-66,210 effective 1/20/25; the previous employee left the position on 12/5/2024 at an annual salary of $66,210 and will leave the payroll on 12/20/24. 

      3. Approval to hire a replacement Correctional Officer at an annual salary of $41,573 effective 12/24/24; the previous employee left the position on 8/29/24 at an annual salary of $41,573 and left the payroll on 9/13/24. 

      4. Approval to hire a replacement Control Room Operator at an annual salary of $37,551 effective 12/24/24; the previous employee left the position on 10/4/24 at an annual salary of $37,551 and left the payroll on 10/11/24. 

   Public Health, John Ridley 

      1. Approval to hire a Community Health Worker at an annual salary of up to $62,833 effective  12/23/24. This is a new position. 

      2. Approval to hire a replacement Clerk Typist II at an annual salary of $42,698.54 effective 1/6/25; the previous employee left the position on 11/29/24 at an annual salary of $41,095.80 and left the payroll on 12/6/24. (Position was filled effective 12/16/24 in error of hiring policy.) 

      3. Approval to hire a replacement Dietician at an annual salary of $56,869.94 effective 12/22/24; the previous employee left the position on 11/15/24 at an annual salary of $54,735.26 and left the payroll on 11/22/24. 

   Regional Office of Education, Shannon Fehrholz 

      1. Approval to hire an AP Program Assistant at an annual salary of $42,983.31 effective 1/15/25; the previous employee left the position on 10/31/24 at an annual salary of $42,983.31 and left the payroll on 11/8/24. 

   Regional Planning, Molly Berns 

      1. Approval to adjust salary for Sean Roberts, Associate Planner effective 1/13/25; his salary would change from $42,746.02 to $45,000. 

   Auditor. Andy Goleman 

      1. Pre-Travel Approval for Deputy Auditor Brett Conner to attend the Connect25 Tyler Technologies Training from 5/11-5/14/25 in San Antonio, TX in the amount of $2,733.46. 

   Child Advocacy. Denise Johnson 

      1. Approval to hire a CASA Advocate Supervisor at an annual salary range of $46,800-48,672 effective 1/21/25; the previous employee was promoted on 12/18/24 at an annual salary of $54,578.16. 

      2. Approval to hire a Part Time Grant/Fiscal Manager at an hourly rate of $35.36 effective 1/6/25; the previous employee will leave the position on 12/27/24 at an hourly rate of $35.36 and will leave the payroll on 1/3/25. Requesting waiver of the 30 day lag due to being grant funded. 

   Acceptance of Purchase Reports 

   Old Business 

      1. -Procurement/Grant Notifications (Report Only) (TABLED 12/10/24) Resolution to approve the application and forward to the County Board for the acceptance of the Reimagine Public Safety Act Violence Prevention grant from the Illinois Department of Human Services in the amount of $639,500. No matching funds required. 

      2. Report from Dave MacDonna for forensic audit 

Public Comment 

Next Finance Meeting 

          January 13, 2025@ 5:00pm 

Next County Board Meeting 

          January 13, 2025@6:00pm 

