
Sangamon Sun

Monday, March 10, 2025

Springfield education board approves contract allowing select video access to law enforcement


The Springfield, Illinois Board of Education approved an intergovernmental agreement with the city, the police department and Sangamon County Central Dispatch System during its recent meeting.

Under this agreement the board of education will allow the cIty of Springfield and the county’s dispatch to have access to the camera systems at Springfield Public Schools. This motion is pending a final legal review and approval.

The contract states that it is believed by the Springfield Police Department and Sangamon County Dispatch that it is within the best interests of students, staff and parents that they are granted access to district security cameras in order to offer protection in an emergency situation


In the case of an emergency both the police department and dispatch officials would have limited access to security footage on an immediate basis. Emergency situations would be classified on individual circumstances based on the threat level. In cases of non-emergencies access to the video surveillance system of the district will be managed under the Illinois School Student Records Act.

Both departments will provide staff members that would have access to video surveillance under this contract.


This contract was approved by a unanimous vote.