
Sangamon Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Williamsville School District 15 Board discusses tentative 2016-17 budget

Webp budget 07

At a recent meeting, the Williamsville Community Unified School District 15 Board discussed the tentative 2016-17 budget.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.

Williamsville Community Unit School District Number: 15


*Regular meeting taking place at the District Office on August 1, 2016

Position Present Absent

Presiding Officer | Matt Seman

Charlie Waugh

Pam Kovacevich

Corey Conklin

Tom Ray

Kurt Ratliff

Superintendent David Root Building Principals Board of Education Teresa Benner Secretary

The meeting was called to order by President, Matt Seman. Roll callwastaken by the Recording Secretary. Those in attendance stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

A motion was made by Tom Ray and seconded by Teresa Benner that the agenda be approved as amended.

Discussion: Consent Agenda Item c, added Jenna Wernsing, PE Teacher

Action stem c – added Pam Berryhill, Cook

Motion carried

None present

A motion was made by Tom Ray and seconded by Charlie Waugh to approve the consent agenda containing items a, b, and c; namely Approval of the following minutes as written and distributed: Approval of the Regular Meeting Minutes of July 18, 2016, Approval of the Policy Meeting Minutes of July 18, 2016, and Receipt of Resignations/Retirements:

o Heather Jenkins – Teacher o Beth Tanke – Elementary Secretary o Jenna Wernsing – PE/Health Teacher


• On roll call the following members answered aye:

Teresa Benner Charles Waugh Matt Seman Pam Kovacevich Tom Ray Kurt Ratliff

• On roll call the following members were absent:

Corey Conklin

Motion carried

A superintendent's Report

1. 2016-17 Tentative Budget

Mr. Root noted that all budget line item information is available and proceeded to share this information with the Board. Mr. Root showed both the revenue and expenditures for line item categories and discussed some specifics with the Board.

He noted that we cannot control the revenue, but we can control the expenditures. He stated that when reviewing the expenditures by category, it becomes evident that we are not spending anything 'out of the ordinary'. He also showed the history of the revenue and how it has fallen in the past several years causing the District's losses in Results of Operations.

He then proceeded to show expenditures, by line item, in various categories showing where spending had remained stagnant and/or changed. He explained line items that had an increase — for example, the District is buying a math series of text books this year, which is something that has not happened for several years. This shows as a cost increase in this category for each building.

After reviewing this information, Mr. Root informed the Board that the District should end the fiscal year, in operating funds, with a balanced budget provided what has been promised for funding from the State comes to fruition.

Below is a look at the District's final operating balance for each year from 2001-2017 (projected), and a chart of revenues vs. expenditures (final #'s) from 2006-07 to 2016-17 (projected)

Comparison by Year Operating Balance State Rating

2004 $795,561 #ATCH 2002 $428,465 *?ATCH 2003 ($134,238; *#ATCH 2004 $766.786 Early Warning ‘Early Tax Begins 2005 $806,433 Early Warning 2005 $1421,016 Reiew “Borrowed & IFL 2007 S1252,953 Early Warning “Borrowed & FL 2008 S1.938.274 Re?ew (Project; “TAW's $600,000 2009 S3,461.418 Recognition 2010 S4,573,461 Recognition 2011 $5.812.265. Recognition 2012 S6,007,576 Recognition 2013 $5,933.340 Recognition 2014 $5,763,088 Recognition 2015 $5,577.293 Recognition 2016 $4,339.987 Re?BY; 2017 $4,501,963 Reviot

Overail Funds Operating Funds

Revenues Expenditures Results of Operations Wl Early Tax $ Wl Early Tax $ 2ööß-2007 $11,247.248 $41,448,685 ($204,437) $2.695,968 $1,252,954 2007-2008 $14,032.569 $13,974,841 $57,728 $2,751,800 $2,014, 196 20{}3-2003 $12,832,819 $11,373.548 S1,459.271 $4,211,071 $3.464,418 2009-2010 $13,305,836 $12,168.245 $1,137,591 $5,348,662 $4,573.461 2010-2011 $14,104,346 $42,870,336 $1,234,010 $6,582,672 $5,812,265 2014-2012 $13,693.223 $13,478,996 $214,227 $6,796.899 $6,007,576 2012-2013 $13,894,679 $13,960,024 {$65.345; $6.748.677 $5,933,340 2013-2014 $15,223,338 $14,714,540 $509,293 $7,257,975 S5,763,088 2014-2015 $14,224.283 $14,999,342 (3775,059, $6,518.983 $5,577.293 2045-2016 $13,765.509 $14,856.934 (51 031425) $5,325,775 S4,399,987 2646-2017 $14,461,088 $14,365,432 $95,656 $5,421,431 $4,501,963

The budget will be posted for 30 days after the August 15, 2016 meeting and must be approved by September 30, 2016.

2. Ill Conference

All Board members plan to attend. Mr. Root will take care of getting that set up.

A motion was made by Pam Kovacevich and seconded by Kurt Ratliff to approve policy updates

Discussion: Policies were discussed at the Policy Committee meeting on July 18, 2016 and include the following policies: 6:130, 6:300, 7:150, 7.190, 7:200, 7:210, 7:220, 7:240 and 7:305

Motion carried

A motion was made by Teresa Benner and seconded by Charlie Waugh to renew yearly agreements with Salt Creek Academy Discussion. This is an alternative school and we currently have one student attending. It costs about $1200 per month to send them there

• On roll call the following members answered aye:

Teresa Benner Charles Waugh Matt Seman Pam Kovacevich Tom Ray Kurt Ratliff

• On roll call the following members were absent:

Corey Conklin

Motion carried

A motion was made by Matt Seman and seconded by Tom Ray to employ personnel

• Michael Kinkade, Special Ed Teacher and Football Assistant Coach

• Carlene Renner, Special Ed Teacher Fall Maternity Leave

• Kersten Moore, Special Ed Aide

• Pam Berryhill, Cook

Discussion: Mr. Root gave a short background on each of the hires

• On roll call the following members answered aye:

? Teresa Benner Charles Waugh

Matt Seman Pam Kovacevich Tom Ray Kurt Ratliff

• On roll call the following members were absent:

Corey Conklin

Motion carried

7\motion was made by Tom Ray and seconded by Pam Kovaceych to adjourn the meeting.

Discussion: None

Motion carried.

". Meeting adjourned at 7:28pm

Dated his 1st ?? 2016



*Submitted by Jenny Brennan, Recording Secretary