
Sangamon Sun

Monday, March 10, 2025

Springfield Public Schools board approves personnel recommendations

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The Springfield Public Schools Board of Education met Jan. 17 to approve personnel recommendations.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:

CALL TO ORDER at 5:30 p.m1.1Roll CallInfoTHE BOARD WILL MEET IN EXECUTIVE SESSION at 5:30 p.m. to discussThe Appointment, Employment, or Dismissal of EmployeesContract NegotiationsPending and Imminent LitigationSecurity ProceduresStudent Discipline and Other Matters Concerning Individual StudentsPRESIDENT'S REPORT3.1President's CommentsInfo3.2Board SalutesInfoDISCUSSION ITEMS4.1Old BusinessInfo4.2New BusinessInfo4.3Student BusinessInfoPRESENTATIONS TO THE BOARD BUSINESS REPORTS6.1Treasurer's ReportInfoSUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT7.1Superintendent's ReportInfoCONSENT ACTION ITEMSAction8.1Approval of Consent Action ItemsAction8.2Approval of the Minutes of the Executive Session and the Regular Meeting of January 3, 2017Action8.3Approval of Payroll and Bills PayableActionROLL CALL ACTION ITEMS9.1Approval of Personnel RecommendationsAction9.2Approval of the Collective Bargaining Agreement with Service Employees International Union Local 15Action9.3Approval of the Decennial Health Life Safety SurveyAction9.4Approval of an Agreement with BLDD for Facilities Master PlanningAction9.5Approval of the Appointment of Policy Committee MembersActionANNOUNCEMENTS10.1Next Regular Meeting — February 6, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. — Board RoomInfo10.2Alliance Legislative Report – 99-59Info10.3Freedom of Information ReportInfoPUBLIC COMMENT ADJOURNMENT