
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sangamon County efficiency commissioners discuss task force work plans

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The Sangamon County Citizens' Efficiency Commission met Jan. 11 to discuss task force work plans.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the commission:

The Citizens’ Efficiency Commission (CEC) for Sangamon County is an independent, advisory body with the purpose of improving “local government effectiveness by identifying opportunities for improved cooperation, coordination and reduction of duplication of services among local governments in Sangamon County."

Minutes of Meeting



Citizens’ Efficiency Commissioners

Larry Bomke Jackie Newman Josh Collins Robert Plunk Kevin Dorsey J.D. Sudeth Karen Hasara Robert Wesley Mike Murphy


Marty Fairchild - Rochester Fire Protection District Ed Taft - Williamsville Fire Protection District Norm Sims - SSCRPC Molly Berns - SSCRPC Gail Weiskopf - SSCRPC I. CALL TO ORDER

Chair Mike Murphy called the meeting of the Citizens’ Efficiency Commission to order.


Chair Mike Murphy stated that Mr. Robert Wesley would not be in attendance.


Chair Murphy asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the December 14, 2016, regular meeting. Sen. Larry Bomke moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Robert Plunk seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved.


Chair Murphy welcomed Mr. Ed Taft from the Williamsville Fire Protection District, and Mr. Marty Fairchild from the Rochester Fire Protection District.


Chair Murphy stated he would like the commissioners to take action on the letter to the Governor that was discussed and then they had a rewrite by Mr. Norm Sims. Chair Murphy stated that Mr. Sims did an excellent job of bringing to light more of what the CEC was trying to accomplish.

A. Review and discussion of letter to Governor Rauner - Chair Mike Murphy

The commissioners took time to read the letter. Chair Murphy asked for discussion. After much discussion the Dr. Dorsey moved to approve the letter as edited by Ms. Berns (in paragraph 2 striking “state over-regulation. Many times this may be due to”) and forward it on to the Governor. Sen. Bomke seconded the motion. Chair Murphy asked for further discussion. The vote was taken and the motion carried five to one (Mr. Wesley).


Chair Murphy stated that Sen. Bomke needed to leave early so the order of the taskforce work plans would be changed so that Sen. Bomke could leave as need be.

A. Regional Policing Study - Hon. Karen Hasara & Sen. Larry Bomke

Hon. Hasara said that she had contacted the International Chiefs of Police Association (ICPA) in Washington, DC. She said that it has been exactly three years since the CEC presented the proposal to them; which was right before the election for both the mayor and the sheriff. Hon. Hasara said that she forwarded Sen. Bomke, Chair Murphy, and Mr. Sims the information from last time. She said that she had talked to different guy from ICPA and he said they would submit a proposal to us before the February CEC meeting. She said that she made it very clear that we were not talking about consolidation. We just want to see if we can better serve the citizens of the City of Springfield and the Sangamon County in a more efficient manner. She said the new guy does have access to the first guy, Richard Lisko, who was in charge three years ago when we talked about, so he will also be involved in the proposal and in some of the background that we went through together. She said that the Sangamon County has set aside money in their budget for it. She said that The Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce (GSCC) actually wanted both the City of Springfield and Sangamon County to chip in something and then they would probably, too. She said the last proposal was for $45,000 and the new guy could not say what it would be until they submit a proposal. Hon. Hasara asked for questions or comments. Chair Murphy asked what the time frame would be? She said that he said it would be at least six months before they would be able to do the study. She said we need time to get our funding together. She thought it would be six to nine months before the actual study could be done. Mr. Plunk asked who were the three entities? Hon. Hasara said the City of Springfield, the Sangamon County and the GSCC. Chair Murphy stated that he spoke with Chris Hembrough, President and CEO of the GSCC who took it to the Q5 people. He said that they would be willing to but they wanted all three to be a partnership Chair Murphy said once the CEC receives the proposal timeframe and amount of funding needed that they should make a presentation to the City of Springfield to see if they are interested being a partner in it. He said than we need to reconfirm that the GSCC still wants to be a partner.

B. Developing Government Linkages - Hon. Karen Hasara, Sen. Larry Bomke & Dr. Kevin Dorsey

Sen. Bomke reported on the tax collector legislation. He stated that he spoken with Mr. Matt Butcher, Representative Tim Butler’s chief of staff about legislation for the tax collectors. He said that Mr. Butcher indicated that they would file legislation to eliminate the tax collector in Sangamon County. Sen. Bomke said he doesn’t think there is any objection from the local legislators. Hon. Karen Hasara said that she is meeting with Sarah the following Tuesday. She said she would run that by her, too.

Hon. Karen Hasara reported on the Mid-Illinois Medical District (MIMD). She said that she contacted Brian Reardon who is Dr. Charles Lucore’s public relations guy for HSHS St. John's Hospital. She said that Dr. Lucore is now on the MIMD Board. Mr. Reardon told her that the next MIMD meeting will be February 9, 2017 at 4:00 P.M. He did say that the MIMD often cancels the meeting. Hon. Karen Hasara said that she has been real positive with him and told him that she wants the MIMD to know that the CEC really would like to help them get moving. She said that she really thinks that the CEC should start attending their meetings and offering support to kind of push them along. She said their meetings are always on Thursday when they have them. Mr. Josh Collins said that the DIDM website is http://midillinoismedicaldistrict.org and the commission information is under the Commission tab.

He said that Dr. Charlotte Warren from Lincoln Land College is the President. He said she was just reappointed last year. Mr. Jack Mazzotti who is a governor’s appointee is the Vice President. Ms. Ramona Metzger is the treasurer but she is not an actual commissioner. Mr. Mitch Johnson from Memorial Medical Center is the Secretary. Mr. Joe Hurwitz was just recently added by the Mayor. Mr. Rex Brown is past CEO of Hillsboro Area Hospital and is a gubernatorial appointment. Mr. Rob Cross is a gubernatorial appointment and is an attorney in town. Ms. Jennifer Lee is a gubernatorial appointment. Dr. Charles Lucore from HSHS St. John’s Hospital and is a mayor appointee. Mr. Guerry Suggs was a mayor appointment just last year. Dr. Elvin Zook is a county appointment. Sen. Bomke asked where the meetings were held. Mr. Collins said that the meeting is held at the Capital City Training Center located at 130 W Mason St, Springfield, IL 62702. He said the next meeting will be their annual meeting on the second Thursday of February. Mr. Plunk stated that Rob Cross was previously an attorney with the county. Hon. Hasara suggested that a couple of CEC members go to the February meeting. She just wants to offer them our support and try to help them.

Sen. Bomke said initially when Mike Boer was chairman, Hon. Hasara and he talked about this that there was a great deal of interest all over the country. He said he didn’t know why it died out. Hon. Hasara agreed and said Mr. Sims knows more background than anybody. He said at the time that it was established we had ADM that wanted some R&D activity. Their interest was on the basis that they were getting into nutritional supplements and wanted to tie in to that. Mr. Sims said that Mr. Collins knows when he talked to the group, his question was in terms of not having money. He told them it is not even mentioned on your websites that the three major parties are even in the Mid- Illinois Medical District. It is not mentioned on any correspondence both of those have zero cost to it. He said he knows Mike Boer tried wanting some signage going in, but at that point the Mayor didn’t want to do that. Mr. Sims said he has talked to Mr. Mahoney and he said to put some up signs saying you are in the Medical District, you could use posts that are already there. Mr. Mahoney told him to tell him which posts he wanted them on and they would take that up. At one point Charlotte Warren wanted to meet to discuss marketing. Mr. Sims asked why don’t they implement the plan that is on the website? He said Ms. Warren didn’t know there was such a plan in existence. Mr. Wesley said that it was actually a pretty extensive study. Mr. Wesley said there was a proposal with 5 or 6 new facilitates. Mr. Sims said he didn’t know about that. He said that was nothing that we dealt with in terms of the Medical District. Mr. Wesley said what he is saying is that it was done, the School of Medicine had something to do with that, and he believes both of the hospitals did. Mr. Sims said the Land-Use Plan was done as required under the state law in large part to protect the neighborhoods not just to set a few facilities for the Medical Community. That had to be done and approved by a neighborhood council before they could even start doing anything and start to exercising authority. Mr. Wesley said he is just saying that it was very elaborate. Mr. Sims agreed. Mr. Wesley said that then there was never any money available. Mr. Sims said on the money side there were only two things that were originally requested: staffing and an incubator. He said the reason why he put them on the list was because was when he was at DCCA, what got the Chicago Medical District going staff to market and an incubator. He said those are the two things that made it go. At the time there was sufficient funding to move from Chicago here do to that. In the interim several years ago he worked with some folks to work out staffing with the two hospitals to share the cost of at least a part-time person. He said that he brought that up again when he met with the Medical District to which the answer was, “well, we talked about that and decided that everybody would do their own thing.” He told them then you don’t have any partners. You are not working as a district because what he was being told was the hospitals were willing cost share on a part-time staff person to do marketing to promote the district and pull it all together. But the commission didn’t want to do that. He thinks that is when Mike Boer was chairman. Mr. Wesley said that he applied for federal funds about $250,000 to do that. Mr. Sims said that he knew that and what he was proposing at that time would not have taken any federal funds and there was an agreement to do it but the commission didn’t want to do it. Mr. Wesley said that they did try to go their own route and it didn’t work. Mr. Collins said he wasn’t sure that the commission didn’t want to do it but that the agreement never really materialized. Mr. Sims said that he was told by two people involved at the hospitals that they were going to do it. It would have been about three years ago or more. Chair Murphy asked if the Metro East Medical District still viable. He said as far as he knows there are only three approved in the state right now. He said that Peoria is not. Mr. Collins said he thinks they are working on another in the northern Chicago area. Mr. Sims said there is one in Chicago, the one done in Springfield and another one was done. One of the reasons we acted when we did was because Peoria was setting something up and there was concern that Peoria would come in and get the finding that was otherwise going to Chicago. He said all that changed with the changing of administration going to Governor Blagojevich because it was Governor Blagojevich who sent the funding to Metro East (East St. Louis). Hon. Hasara said that she was thinking a couple of the commissioners go to some of their meetings and see if there is any way we can help. Chair Murphy said that he would commit to attend the meeting. Hon. Hasara said she wasn’t sure if she would be in town, but if she was able to attend she would. She said our next meeting in February 8th so we will have a meeting before theirs on the 9th.

C. Regional Leadership Council as Strategic Partner - Higher Ed Institutions as Strategic Partner

- Robert Plunk & Jackie Newman

No report.

D. Sewer Transfer Study - Dr. Kevin Dorsey & Chair Murphy

Chair Murphy reported that he called Gregg Humphrey from the Sangamon County Water Reclamation District to schedule a meeting to discuss what they are doing and their progress. He said Mr. Humphrey was out of the office and Chair Murphy said that he would follow up again.

E. Developing Linkages with Townships - J.D. Sudeth & Chair Murphy

No report.

F. Developing Linkages with Fire/EMS - Robert Plunk & Robert Wesley

No report.

Mr. Taft stated that the next meeting will Monday, March 7, 2017 Williamsville Fire House 7:00 P.M. Chair Murphy asked if the Fire Chief’s are still meeting. Mr. Taft said that they are still active.

G. Create Network of Business Leaders - J.D. Sudeth & Josh Collins

No report given.


Mr. Wesley stated he had two questions. The first one, Mr. Wesley said that he was not at the last meeting. He said he read in the minutes that the CEC is going to continue after April. He asked does that mean that the CEC will be on the ballot again, has the County Board said that they want to extend it, or is the CEC just saying we are going to do it. Chair Murphy stated no, the CEC is saying that were our going to do it. He said that the County has got a legal opinion that it doesn’t have to go on the ballot that they can extend it with action from the County Board. Chair Murphy asked if he was correct. Ms. Berns said that was correct. Chair Murphy stated that the Chairman of the County Board has said that he wants this to continue and he has the legal opinion that they can do it with through a vote the County Board to extend this current term. He said that he expressed some concerns that there might need to be some changes because some people have been on it a long time, so he is aware of that. He said that the Chair of the County Board would like to see the CEC move forward in the future. Chair Murphy said that he agreed with him if for no other reason but to be out there asking some questions.

The second thing, Mr. Wesley said that is on his mind that if there is any hope for continuing the CEC, the agenda has to change. Chair Murphy said that he kind of addressed it in December by asking what are we going to work on move forward and just have those actions items on the agenda. Mr. Wesley said that he thinks it should be a feature item on the next month’s agenda to talk about. Ms. Berns asked so that she would understand it specifically, would you like “restructuring the agenda” on the agenda? Mr. Wesley and Chair Murphy said that is what they want to talk about. Chair Murphy stated restructuring the action items and the CEC’s focus. Ms. Berns said that she has restructuring agenda for future meetings as one discussion point and discussion of future agenda items. Chair Murphy said what we are going to try to accomplish. Mr. Wesley stated it is specifically replacing item VI.

Mr. Sims said that he hopes the CEC takes it as good news because the Planning Commission did that the County did budget funds for someone to assist both the CEC and RLC, and if they have time, also do other things. Mr. Sims stated they got the go ahead from Mr. McFadden to go ahead and to start identifying a candidate for that job.

Ms. Berns said this would be to replace agenda item VI. Mr. Sims said what this body is doing. Ms. Berns said that these would refer back to other committee actions basically is what it would be. Chair Murphy stated and restructuring, he really thinks we need restructuring. Ms. Berns said she would put together a draft model agenda for everyone’s consideration for next month. She said she would email

Mr. Wesley to make sure that is representing what he was asking for, first. Then she will forward it with the January’s minutes.

Mr. Plunk said that he suggest that it would be appropriate for the County to share with the commissioners of the CEC their legal opinion. He said he personally would like to know his legal commitment is beyond April. Mr. Sims said if he could add two things. He said one, he doesn’t know if they ever had it in writing. He said part of the basis of this was the referendum did not establish this body where it was advisory action by the County Board established. Mr. Wesley said that we are not a creature of the County Board. Mr. Sims said that he understands, but on that basis they could pass an ordinance where for establishing anybody they want to. Chair Murphy said he was in the brief meeting that they got the legal opinion and he said he didn’t see anything in writing but they discussed it with him. Ms. Berns said she didn’t see a writing document either. She thinks it was the legal counsel looked at the nature the way the referendum was worded and substantially the way the resolution was passed by County Board appointment was worded and came to the conclusion that the County Board could extend it by passing another resolution extending the time frame. Mr. Sims said they can amend a resolution. Ms Berns said they can amend it to extend it out to the future. Chair Murphy said that the body would be whether the people are there.

Chair Murphy stated that he reached out to Christina Hibbert, Government Affairs Outreach Coordinator from the Illinois Policy Institute last week to let them know they have an open-ended invitation to the CEC to share what they are doing. He received an email wanting him to attend a rally about something and he responded that that was not really the CEC’s purpose necessarily to take sides on certain issues, but he did tell her that the CEC would like for them to attend a meeting and tell us what they are doing and if we have any common interests.


A. Next Meeting Date - February 8, 2016, at 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.


Mr. Taft said that he had commented earlier.


Chair Mike Murphy asked if there were any further comments. There being none, he said we stand in recess.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gail Weiskopf Acting as Recording Secretary