Sangamon County Building and Grounds Committee met April 24.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Members Present: Pam Deppe, Brad Miller, Jason Ratts, Vera Small, Jeff Thomas
Members Absent:
Others Present: Stephanie Butcher, Brian McFadden, Patty Meyer, Todd Smith, Denise E. McCrady
Chair Ratts called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Ratts requested a motion to approve the March 27, 2017 minutes. A motion to approve the minutes was made
by Deppe and seconded Miller. Motion carried (5-0).
Brian McFadden, County Administrator, addressed the Committee requesting to use the lobby of the Sangamon
County Courthouse and the lobby of the Public Health and Community Resources buildings as a designated
heating and cooling location for the general public. These spaces would only be available during normal office
hours. A motion to approve the request was made by Thomas and seconded by Miller. Motion carried (5-0).
Stephanie Butcher, Information Systems, addressed the Committee requesting approval to hire a replacement
PC/Network Specialist at an annual salary of $51,151 effective on or after June 5, 2017. A motion to amend
the effective date from June 1 to June 5 was made by Thomas and seconded by Small. Motion carried (5-0). A
motion to approve the request to hire a replacement PC/Network Specialist was made by Deppe and seconded
by Thomas. Motion carried (5-0).
Patty Meyer, Facilities Manager, presented to the Committee her monthly report. Items included the flower
beds and landscaping projects, bids for the cooling tower ladders, the completion of the piping installation, the
bids received on the insulation of the piping, and the cost savings achieved by completing a portion of the
cooling tower project in-house. Meyer also reported that more gates have been replaced at the Animal Control
Center, with more planned in the near future.
There was no old business or public comment.
Ratts requested a motion to approve the requisitions. A motion to approve the requisitions was made by Miller
and seconded by Small. Motion carried (5-0).
A motion to adjourn was made by Deppe and seconded by Thomas. Motion carried (5-0). Meeting adjourned.